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Chapter 3: Social

Science Theories & their

implication to education
The 3 Social
Science Theories
Functional Theory

Conflict Theory

Symbolic Interactionalist
A system of system of
Interconnected Parts
with unique function
The message of the song
There is peace,
stability, equilibrium,
and harmony in
society if…
Families do their part in
bring forth children
nurturing and socializing
Education or Schools
effectively transmit
knowledge, shills and
Politics govern citizens
Economics takes care of
food production,
distribution of goods and
Religion strengthens the
moral fiber of the members
of society.
Failure of one social
institution to do its
part means disruption
of stability in society
In the high tech world,
educational institution must
teach adults to relate the
tech- savvy and the world
and to be more effective in
the workplace.
Focuses on how education serves
the need of society through the
development of skills
encouraging social cohesion.
Is to prepare the students for
participation in the institution
of society.
Education is concerned with the
transmission of core values for social

Education is concerned with

socializing people by bringing
together from different backgrounds.

Concern of
theory is focused
on social stability
and solidarity
theory view
education as a
contribution to an
ordered society.
1. Intellectual purposes- acquisition of
cognitive skills and inquiry skills.

The purpose of schooling according to

functionalist theory
2. Political purposes- educate future citizens;
promote patriotism, assimilation of
immigrants; ensure order, public activity and
conformity to laws.

The purpose of schooling according to

functionalist theory
3. Economic Purposes- prepare students for
later work roles, select and train the labor
force needed by society.

The purpose of schooling according to

functionalist theory
4. Social purposes- promote a
sense of social and moral

The purpose of schooling according to

functionalist theory
The Conflict

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