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The Causes of World
War I
The outbreak of World War I in 1914 was the result of a complex web of political,
economic, and social factors that had been building up for decades. Tensions between
the major European powers, the rise of nationalism, and the system of alliances all
contributed to the escalation of tensions that ultimately led to the war.
The Assassination of Archduke Franz
Outbreak of War
June 28, 1914
Serbia rejects the ultimatum, and Austria-Hungary
Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro- declares war on Serbia, setting off a chain reaction of
Hungarian throne, is assassinated in Sarajevo by declarations of war among the major European
Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip. powers.

1 2 3

Austria-Hungary Blames Serbia

Austria-Hungary holds Serbia responsible for the
assassination and issues an ultimatum with harsh
The Outbreak of War in Europe
Alliances Escalate Trench Warfare Begins Global Conflict Emerges

Germany and Austria-Hungary The war on the Western Front The war also spreads to other
form the Central Powers, while quickly descends into a stalemate, fronts, including the Eastern Front,
Russia, France, and Britain form with both sides digging elaborate the Middle East, and the seas, as
the Allied Powers. As the powers trench systems and engaging in the major powers mobilize their
mobilize, the war quickly spreads brutal battles of attrition. global resources and colonies.
across Europe.
The Major Alliances and Powers Involved

1 The Allied Powers 2 The Central Powers

Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Japan, and later the Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, and
United States Bulgaria

3 Shifting Alliances 4 Superpower Rivalry

Italy initially joins the Central Powers but later The war was also fueled by the growing rivalry
switches sides to the Allies between the great powers of Europe
The Trench Warfare and Stalemate on the
Western Front
Digging In
Both sides quickly established extensive trench systems, creating a static front that stretched
across much of Western Europe.

Bloody Battles
Attempts to break the stalemate resulted in massive casualties, as new technologies like
machine guns and artillery inflicted heavy losses on both sides.

After years of brutal fighting, the Western Front remained largely unchanged, with neither side
able to achieve a decisive victory.
The Entry of the United States into the War

Unrestricted Submarine Warfare Turning the Tide

Germany's decision to resume unrestricted The arrival of over 2 million American troops helped
submarine warfare, sinking American merchant to shift the balance of power and contributed to the
ships, prompted the U.S. to declare war on Germany eventual Allied victory.
in 1917.

Transforming the War Global Reach

The U.S. entry into the war marked a significant The war also marked the emergence of the United
turning point, both in terms of resources and States as a global superpower, setting the stage for
influence on the outcome. its later role in shaping the post-war world.
The Armistice and the Treaty of Versailles

Armistice Treaty of Versailles League of Nations

On November 11, 1918, an The Paris Peace Conference The treaty also established the
armistice was signed, ending the resulted in the Treaty of Versailles, League of Nations, an early attempt
fighting on the Western Front. which imposed harsh terms on at an international organization to
Germany, laying the groundwork prevent future wars.
for future conflicts.
The Legacy and Impact of World War I
Casualties Over 9 million military deaths and 7 million civilian

Territorial Changes The collapse of the Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian, and

Russian empires led to the creation of new nation-
states in Europe and the Middle East

Political Shifts The war marked the decline of Europe's powers and
the rise of the United States and Soviet Union as
global superpowers

Cultural Impact The war had a profound impact on art, literature, and
popular culture, reflecting the trauma and
disillusionment of the conflict

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