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Gender inequalities in

the labor market


01 the percentage of women in Morocco

02 Obstacles encountered by women in the job market

03 How to Reduce Gender Inequalities

The aim of this presentation is to discuss the economic
empowerment of women in the financial sector, with particular
emphasis on their access to management positions. Despite progress
in gender equality, women still face many obstacles in accessing
these positions, particularly in banking and financial institutions. We
will explore the challenges faced by women, such as social norms,
and discuss ways of making progress towards gender equality.
the percentage of women in Morocco
the percentage of women in Morocco

57% 43%

Women Men
According to HCP data, women will account for more than half of the
Moroccan population, with a figure set at 18,406,000 in 2022, compared with
18,263,000 for men.
Obstacles encountered by women in the
job market
women face many challenges when seeking to advance to leadership positions in the
financial sector.
1- Gender stereotypes : is a generalized opinion or prejudice regarding
characteristics that women and men possess or are expected to possess, and the roles
they play or are expected to play. (“women are irrational") ("women are maternal”)
2- Sociocultural pressures: Sociocultural pressures refer to the social and
cultural expectations that influence the behavior of individuals.
3- Institutional barriers: Institutional barriers refer to policies, practices and
organizational structures that can hinder the professional advancement of women For
example: women cannot be a judge
4- Gender pay gap : between men and women is a persistent reality in many
sectors, including finance. Women tend to be paid less than their male counterparts
for equivalent work, which diminishes their motivation to pursue leadership
positions and contributes to perpetuating economic inequalities.

5- Work-life balance issues : Family responsibilities and social expectations

can make it difficult for women to juggle between their career and personal life,
which can hinder their professional advancement.
How to Reduce Gender
Despite numerous legislative advances, gender inequality in the workplace persists.

Flexible work policies:

Implement flexible work policies, such as telecommuting and flexible schedules,
to allow women to more easily balance their professional and personal lives.

Promotion of diversity in leadership positions:

Encourage the appointment of women to executive and board positions
within financial institutions, to reflect the diversity of the workforce and

Promotion of pay equity:

Implement policies and practices aimed at ensuring
fair compensation for women and men in similar
In summary, despite progress in gender equality, women still
encounter barriers to leadership roles in finance, including
stereotypes, sociocultural pressures, and institutional obstacles.
However, strategies such as pay equity, flexible work policies, and
diversity promotion can address these challenges. By investing in
these approaches, financial institutions can create a more inclusive
workplace and drive economic growth, turning obstacles into
opportunities for gender equality.
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