Chapter 10 - External Storage - Part 2

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External Storage

Chapter 10 Plus Considerable Instructor Notes from Other Sources.

Introduction External Storage

One of the most important topics we will discuss. We know about multi-way trees, such as 2-3-4 Trees, and these concepts generalize. But when it comes to external storage, there are additional major considerations we must consider.

Introduction External Storage

External Storage organization and access (not the same!!!) Largely dependent upon the operating system and its data management utilities / packages, etc. and the organization of its external storage devices. External Storage organization and retrieval are much different than those techniques applied to primary memory data structures and techniques!!!

Accessing External Data A Very Different Ballgame!

The data structures so far: entirely in RAM (or primary memory) RAM random access memory is many orders of magnitude quicker than random access disk access. MANY ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE!! .

RAM is very limiting indeed! Data is NOT persistent!

Amount of data limited by size of primary memory typically shared with many other concurrent users; Data, of course, is volatile.

Advantage of Data Structures in RAM::

For data structures, the Speed of RAM is very enticing. But for real IS / IT applications, many applications require external storage in the form of a database system or a file system. Advantages of RAM for in-memory data structures are gone! Persistence, number of data items (records) etc. Amount of memory available to your process (program)


Significant IS applications in real world very often require lots of data to process External disk files - only practical way. Disk processing is really the mainstay of information processing whether the files are legacy type, database files, etc!

Accessing External Data Very Slow Access

RAM Access: any location (byte addressable) in memory accessed equally fast: hence RAM. Disks:
Data is organized along circular (concentric) circles
Tracks 000 to track 2999 for example (outer to inner) Disks come in various architectures Some have different storage capacities in different tracks.
Called constant angular velocity and constant linear velocity disks! LOOK UP!

Traditional disks (CAV) have same number of bits/track; different densities! (Velocity of outer tracks is much greater than inner tracks)

Disk organization:
Concentric platters, access arm(s), rotational speeds, seek time, data transfer times, etc. Disk Controllers small computers executing disk commands; shift registers, etc, etc. 5

Disk Access Four Key Components

1. Seek time
Movement of access arm to correct cylinder The most significant factor in access May take 20 msec

2. Head Select electronic speeds; negligible 3. Rotational Delay half speed of rotation; maybe 5-10 msec 4. Data Transfer pretty quick too;
Tracks divided into fixed-sized sectors. Sector size predetermined at factory.

Disk access times of 10 or more msec are common. Important to note: disk access times are being reduced all the time, but so are main memory access time and at a faster rate. Book points out that the disparity continues to grow!

Data Transfer Characteristics

Transfer is always a minimum of a single block or sector.
Of course, like everything in computers, we like the blockSize to be some integral power of 2. Blocksize of 8192 is 213 . 4096 is 212, etc. Convenient.

Your book does NOT say (for reasons I cannot fathom) that a block is a physical record. (interchangeable) Another vitally important term too: (missing from book)
Blocking Factor = number of logical records physical record = one block

Blocking Factor = number of logical records physical record/block Physically, disk access retrieves a block Blocksize is the number of bytes, say 4K, 8K, or 64K A block contains a number of logical records. The blocking factor is the number of logical records / physical record; equivalently, number of logical records in a block. Sometimes we use sectors.
So we say, file is blocked at 100 or some such words.

So, what is meant by logical and physical records?


Logical / Physical Records 1/3

Physical record is physical the block the amount of data read into memory. Can be described as
number of characters or number of records.

Logical record is what you process each time you do a Read, Write, Get, Put, br1.nextLine(), scan.nextLine(), etc. Every time you get a logical input, you read the next logical record into your process area

Logical / Physical Records 2/3

But, if your data file were organized properly (not done in our programming courses here!) your likely (first Read or sometimes an Open) reads first block (unbeknown to you).
This assumes your file is blocked and it definitely should be!

Each Read after the first Read would NOT cause a physical read, but rather the movement of a pointer within a buffer in primary memory (RAM) that contains your block to point to the next logical record. You get the illusion that a physical read took place. In the real world, we block to avoid the incredible degraded performance that would have happened if each logical read in your program really corresponded to a physical read from disk (sometimes called unblocked or Blocking Factor 1) This, however, is what we have done in our programs.

Logical / Physical Records 3/3

Your book cites: thus a disk access to read or write a block is not very dependent on the size of the block. It follows that the larger the block, the more efficiently you can read or write a single record (assuming you use all the records in the block.) This does NOT tell the whole story. The block must be stored in your address space, making your address space quite large IF your block size is large. (Theres no free lunch). This buffer is part of the system resources that you are requesting when your program is to be run.
(Then too, theres double buffering). Explain.

Explain how they work for input and output. 11

Sequential Files
So records (logical) are organized into blocks. Fine. Sequential Files are normally ordered, but need not be. Sequential Files are normally best used for batch processing. (not mentioned in your book!) or processing when the entire file or much of the entire file is used/needed for processing, like when running a payroll. In this modus operandi, transactions are often built up (batched up) during the day, then, in the evening, edited, sorted, and updated into the master file. Transaction File; Old Master File; New Master File Great for generating reports, listings, etc. 12

Sequential Files
Looking for a specific record in a sequential file:
While one can search for a specific record in a sequential file, for a large file, this is very painful. Individual record searches are NOT practical, but can be done. Entire file might need to be searched! Time to access and read in the block the record may be in is much more time consuming than the search of the block for the record, once the block is in primary memory. If your blocking factor is 16 (may be MUCH higher) you are getting 16 records / block okay, but the disk accesses (the Input / 13 Output) may kill you!

More on Sequential Files

Sequential files are great for reporting, printing / displaying information, etc., but not for on-line retrieval of records!!

Insertions? Book does a poor job here.

While it is true that conceptually inserting a record into an existing file would require all records to be moved forward (assuming the blocks are full), in practice this is often NOT done because the file would not be available for online access during this physical update! Transactions are batched up during the day and the file is typically updated one time and offline (no one can access the file during updating) prior to generating end-of-day reports, exception reporting, summary reports, inventory reports, sales reports, statistical reports, listings. etc, if required...

Still More on Sequential Files

Need quick retrieval? Sequential Files wont cut it. If we have a need for near immediate response time
we need a different kind of file organization!

Sequential Files are super for the right purposes.

Payroll, budgets, listings, rosters, accounts receivable, payables, inventories, hosts and hosts of items but NOT on-line rapid retrieval and NOT online rapid updating!!

B-Trees and Indexing

VERY important Sections on Indexing coming up. But first: lets talk about B-trees.
Overall objective of B-Trees and similar indexing schemes is to support:
Fast search Fast insertion Fast deletion External Files

Need a different kind of tree than 2-3-4 trees. 2-3-4 trees:
Fine for in-memory operations, but volume and persistency needs limit the applicability to large files.

For large files we need more data items (records) per node so when we retrieve them from disk, we retrieve into RAM (and store to disk) more records / block. Idea is to have few disk retrievals (much time) and then do sequential searches of retrieved blocks (nodes) in RAM for the desired record very quick. Know, once in RAM, we can search for records in the block.
Equivalently, we want to minimize the File I/Os!!!

B-Trees are designed to have many children per node.

Remember: 2-3-4 trees are B-trees of order 4. This structure will not support corporate file needs in the industrial sector for a nanosecond.


B-Trees One Block per Node

B-Tree - much like the 2-3-4 tree but has many more nodes and many more links to children, which keeps the tree height small hence few disk retrievals
(Nomenclature: If a node has (book example) 17 child pointers, the tree is said to be an order 17 B-tree.)


B-Trees Searching
The number of levels in a B-Tree is relatively small and the number of records in a node is relatively large
Implies searching is fast once we have retrieved the node (block).

A block (node) is randomly accessed and read into memory and searched sequentially for the right record. If record found, we are done. If the search for the desired record gets a high result, then the record is not in this node, and the access method retrieves the next block / node using a child pointer just prior to the record in the block that gave us the high. Record is found or leaf is reached without finding desired record. Search is top-down. B Trees have data at many levels.

B-Trees Insertions - 1
Want nodes reasonably full
Facilitates likelihood of finding correct record increased once we retrieve the node (block)

To Insert:
A node split divides the data items equally:
half go to a newly created node and half remain in the old node.

Node splits performed bottom up, unlike 2-34 trees where they were split going top down. Middle item in the sequence (including the new item) is promoted upward.

B-Trees Insertions 2
Book goes into a good example to show how a new record is inserted. Do go through this. You may see this again. Approach is pretty simple, though. Starting with a leaf node, we will fill it up
20 40 60 80

If we now add a 70 to this order-five B-Tree:

This causes a node split, and the record numbers (only keys are shown) indicates that 60 is the middle number and is thus promoted

B-Tree Insertion Example (Book)

So, we simply have the following B-Tree.






Pretty straightforward. Adding a 10 and 30 causes no problems They are added to the lower left leaf node. Note the records are maintained in an ascending (ordered) order.
10 20 30 40

B-Tree Insertion Example (Book)

But when we want to now add a 15 to this leaf (remember, we insert from the bottom up), we will have a node split again.
The record keys are 10, 15, 20, 30, and 40 such that 20 is the middle and is promoted up to its parent, and the arrangement now looks like:

B-Trees Insertion Algorithm continued

The 20 is the middle record; the node is split evenly with the middle record promoted up. Records in the node (block) are kept sequential.
20 60







The process continues. Ultimately, the root node above will also become full, and, using the exact same algorithm, the tree grows by one level upwards! Clearly, the larger the node, the fewer the levels needed; the more records within a node, This is both good and bad. Larger blocks are retrieved from disk but more RAM (buffer space) is needed to hold the larger node. But can search more items per node 24 Note too: no node except the root will ever be less than half full.

B-Tree Efficiency
Very fast organization and access for retrievals. Because there are so many records / node, the number of levels is relatively small.
If we have a B-Tree of order 9, the height of tree is somewhat less than log9n; (log base 9 of n) that is 9 raised to what power equals n. That number is going to be one more than the max height of the tree. Example: Let n = 500,000 records. 96= 531,441. So tree will have six levels. This means that as a max, only six accesses are necessary to find the correct node in the file of 500,000 records.
Book: at 10 msec /access, 60 msec to get the right block (node) (internal comparisons and searches are quite negligible re the disk accesses). Cannot even compare this to those figures of retrieval of a record in a sequential file.

B-Tree Efficiency 2
Remember: no free lunch. Book hedges on the size of the node, and it is NOT free! Biggest advantage of B-Trees is for adding and deleting records. This is very significant!
Of course we need to search to find the correct node into which we insert or from which we delete.

Remember too, the vast majority of the time, in a BTree a node will not have to be split!
Splitting the node requires timeand disk accesses.


Variations of B-Trees Implementation

Important to note that in some implementations of B-Trees, only the leaf nodes contain records We will see a very important one shortly!! This is a B+ Tree. Extremely important. In this scenario, non-leaf nodes only contain keys and block numbers (indices, if you will)
Higher level nodes only contain keys / block numbers and thus contain many more keys / block! This is what is done in VSAM! (not mentioned in your book).

Supplementary Information
A B-tree is a tree data structure that keeps data sorted and allows searches, sequential access, insertions, and deletions in logarithmic amortized time. The B-tree is a generalization of a binary search tree in that a node can have more than two children.

Unlike self-balancing binary search trees, the B-tree is optimized for systems that read and write large blocks of data. It is commonly used in databases and filesystems. ============ In B-trees, internal (non-leaf) nodes can have a variable number of child nodes within some pre-defined range.
When data is inserted or removed from a node, number of child nodes changes. In order to maintain the pre-defined range, internal nodes may be joined/split. Because a range of child nodes is permitted, B-trees do not need re-balancing as frequently as other self-balancing search trees, such as RB trees, but 28 may waste some space, since nodes are not entirely full

Supplementary Information

A B-tree is kept balanced by requiring that all leaf nodes are at the same depth. This depth will increase slowly as elements are added to the tree, but an increase in the overall depth is infrequent, and results in all leaf nodes being one more node further away from the root. B-trees have substantial advantages over alternative implementations when node access times far exceed access times within nodes. This usually occurs when nodes are in secondary storage like disk drives.

By maximizing the number of child nodes within each internal node, the height of the tree decreases and the number of expensive node accesses is reduced. ---------------------------------In addition, rebalancing the tree occurs less often.
The maximum number of child nodes depends on the information that must be stored for each child node and the size of a full disk block or an analogous size in secondary storage.

Supplementary Information: B+ and B* Trees

The term B-tree may refer to a specific design or it may refer to a general class of designs.

In the narrow sense, a B-tree stores keys in its internal nodes but need not store those keys in the records at the leaves.
The general class includes variations such as the B+-tree and the B*-tree.

In the B+-tree, copies of the keys are stored in the internal nodes; the keys and records are stored in leaves; in addition, This is IBMs VSAM KSDS.
A leaf node may include a pointer to the next leaf node to speed sequential access

------------------------------The B*-tree balances more neighboring internal nodes to keep the internal nodes more densely packed.
For example, a non-root node of a B-tree must be only half full, but a non-root node of a B*-tree must be two-thirds full. 30

Supplementary Information: B+ and B* Trees

A B+ tree or B plus tree is a type of tree which represents sorted data in a way that allows for efficient insertion, retrieval and removal of records, each of which is identified by a key. It is a dynamic, multilevel index, with maximum and minimum bounds on the number of keys in each index segment (usually called a "block" or "node"). In a B+ tree, in contrast to a B-tree, all records are stored at the leaf level of the tree; only keys are stored in interior nodes.

The primary value of a B+ tree is in storing data for efficient retrieval in a blockoriented storage contextin particular, filesystems. This is primarily because unlike binary search trees, B+ trees have very high fanout (typically on the order of 100 or more), which reduces the number of I/O operations required to find an element in the tree.

Supplementary Information: B+ and B* Trees

The leaves (the bottom-most index blocks) of the B+ tree are often linked to one another in a linked list; this makes range queries or an (ordered) iteration through the blocks simpler and more efficieny.
This does not substantially increase space consumption or maintenance on the tree. This illustrates one of the significant advantages of a B+-tree over a B-tree; in a Btree, since not all keys are present in the leaves, such an ordered linked list cannot be constructed. A B+-tree is thus particularly useful as a database system index, where the data typically resides on disk, as it allows the B+-tree to actually provide an efficient structure for housing the data itself. -----------------If nodes of the B+ tree are organized as arrays of elements, then it may take a considerable time to insert or delete an element as half of the array will need to be shifted on average. To overcome this problem, elements inside a node can be organized in a binary tree or a B+ tree instead of an array. 32

Different Kinds of Trees

Binary trees: Binary search tree (BST) Van Emde Boas tree Cartesian tree Top Tree T-tree

Self-balancing binary search trees: Red-black tree AVL tree AA tree Splay tree Scapegoat tree Treap
B-trees: B+ tree B*-tree UB-tree 2-3 tree 2-3-4 tree (a,b)-tree Dancing tree Htree Bx-tree Tries: Suffix tree Radix tree Ternary search tree Binary space partitioning (BSP) trees: Quadtree Octree kd-tree (implicit) VP-tree Non-binary trees: Exponential tree Fusion tree Interval tree PQ tree Range tree SPQR tree Spatial data partitioning trees: R-tree R+ tree R* tree X-tree M-tree Segment tree Fenwick tree Hilbert R-tree Other trees: Heap Hash tree Finger tree Metric tree Cover tree BK-tree Doubly-chained tree


A Database is a collection of data organized in a fashion that facilitates updating, retrieving, and managing the data.
Can consist of anything, including, but not limited to names, addresses, pictures, and numbers. Databases are commonplace and are used everyday.

Databases are often maintained electronically using a database management system. Database management systems are essential components of many everyday business operations.

Very common for a database to contain millions of records requiring many gigabytes of storage. And, because databases cannot typically be maintained entirely in memory, B-trees are often used to index data and provide fast access.

Searching an unindexed and unsorted database containing n key values will have a worst case running time of O(n); if the same data is indexed with a B-tree, the same search operation will run in O(log n).

To perform a search for a single key in one million keys (1,000,000), a linear 34 search will require at most 1,000,000 comparisons; with data indexed with a B-

Indexed Sequential File Organization

This type of file arrangement is called indexed sequential because it contains an index file for random access (searching, inserting, deleting, etc. etc.) as well as an ordering of indices with pointers to support sequential access, for reports and a host of standard business operations. In VSAM (Virtual Storage Access Method) there are levels of indices, that is indexes for the indexes (called index sets/ sequence sets) Indexed Sequential Files in VSAM are called Key Sequenced Data Sets and the structure of the files are B+ Trees (that is, data records are at the leafs) Data records are stored in what IBM calls Control Areas and Control Intervals. In IBM parlance, a node split is a control interval split. Same idea! Records are inserted bottom up as in a B-Tree.

Indexed File
The index file consists of small records consisting of keys and pointers;
Blocks of Records (control intervals) are indexed by the keys; Pointers point to a control interval (block) where the record with a desired value (key) may be located.

Theoretically, a random access requires two accesses at least: one for the index and one for the node of records!
In truth, the indexed file is usually brought into memory during these operations and maintained in a cache store until we are done doing what we are doing.

Here is what the VSAM organization looks like for Key Sequenced Data Sets (KSDSs):


Pointers have values and block numbers










Key values plus pointers to blocks Note the points to support sequential I1 operations.



36 62 D3 D4 FREE


D1 1 3 FREE

D2 5 9 FREE

D3 36 35 FREE

D4 42 43 62 FREE





Index Sequential more =- VSAM!!

So, an indexed sequential is organized Indexed Sequentially and can be accessed both sequentially and randomly.
Organized by a record key (unique)

Random Access of Records: Records can be accessed randomly (via the indices (record key)) and sequentially via the nodes and pointers. Sequential Access: Only the leaf nodes contain records, but in turn, they point to the next node that contains the next group of sequential records in order to support sequential processing. Random processing does not need those pointers to the next node; search proceeds as previously described using index sets and sequence sets and pointers to control intervals.

OK. Nice, but wheres the catch. Well there is one or two Indexed Sequential File, there is No 1-1 correspondence between indices and actual records. IS a correspondence between indices and nodes. Sometimes we need a directory. So, if there is a one-to-one correspondence between an index record and a data record, we call the index file a directory.
Directories are VERY fast, but incur a lot of overhead to maintain this 1-1 correspondence between indices and data records...

In practice (not in book), most index files are not organized as directories and contain the largest key of a control interval (node). Then, in looking for a record, we search <= index record which will point us to a node where the desired record may/may not be.
This reduces maintenance on the index file, which would slow down insertions / deletions dramatically. 40

Indexed File Alternate Keys

Now, in indexed sequential operations, we may have indexes of more than one key. Perhaps we wish to have random access based on ssan (record key?) as well as, perhaps, a secondary key, such as an account number (unique), and, perhaps we also need to be able to retrieve on last name (non-unique). We can do it all with additional indices! However, each index must be maintained and updated whenever we add / delete records. Thus there is significant overhead. But if it is needed, it is needed. Thus there are decisions practitioners must make: Yes, we can support a clients being able to retrieve on any number of keys, but the price may be high, and the complexity may also 41 be high.

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