Aula 10 - Maciel

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Present Perfect

Present Perfect
O Present Perfect é um tempo verbal que expressa ações influenciadas pelo presente, ou seja,
essas ações ainda estão acontecendo ou foram concluídas recentemente. podemos usá-lo para
indicar ações que começaram no passado e se prolongam até o presente. Não temos tempo
verbal equivalente ao Present Perfect na língua portuguesa.

I have never been to Italy.

She has always wanted to study English.

Affirmative Form
- Usamos HAVE + verbo PAST PARTICIPLE.

My parents have visited China many times.

She has tried sushi before.

OBS.: o auxiliar have deve ser alterado para sua forma has
na 3ª pessoa do singular.
I have visited
YOU have visited
Affirmative form

HE has visited
SHE has visited
IT has visited
WE have visited
YOU have visited
THEY have visited
Formas Contractas
- o verbo auxiliar have tem a forma contracta ’ve e has
assume a forma ’s.
They’ve visited China many times.

She’s tried sushi before.

- cuidado para não confundir She’s (she has) com She’s
(she is), o mesmo serve para He e It.
Negative Form
- Usamos HAVE + NOT + verbo PAST PARTICIPLE.

My parents haven’t visited China many times.

She hasn’t tried sushi before.

OBS.: o auxiliar have deve ser alterado para sua forma has
na 3ª pessoa do singular.
I have not visited
YOU have not visited
Negative form

HE has not visited

SHE has not visited
IT has not visited
WE have not visited
YOU have not visited
THEY have not visited
Interrogative Form
- Usamos HAVE + sujeito + verbo PAST PARTICIPLE.

Have your parents visited China many times?

Has she tried sushi before?

OBS.: o auxiliar have deve ser alterado para sua forma has
na 3ª pessoa do singular.
Have I visited?
Have YOU visited?
Interrogative form

Has HE visited?
Has SHE visited?
Has IT visited?
Have WE visited?
Have YOU visited?
Have THEY visited?
Have Been vs Have Gone
- É empregado em contextos em que alguém já
esteve em certo lugar em algum tempo.
I have been to London once.
- É empregado em contextos em que alguém foi a
algum lugar e ainda não voltou de lá.
She has gone to France.
Time Expressions - Present Perfect
- already (já)
- yet (já; ainda)
- ever (já; alguma vez)
- just (há pouco; agora mesmo)
- never (nunca)
- always (sempre)
- lately (ultimamente)
- often (normalmente)
- recently (recentemente)
- frequently (frequentemente)
Questão 1
CS-UFG - 2023 - Prefeitura de Cidade Ocidental - GO - Professor Nível III - Inglês Conversação

The sentence “Have you ever visited Paris?” employs the Present Perfect
tense to discuss

a. a recent action that is still ongoing.

b. a specific event that occurred in the past.
c. an action with a timeless relevance.
d. an experience that may have happened at any point in a person’s life.
Questão 2
IVIN - 2023 - Prefeitura de Santana do Piauí - PI - Professor de Inglês

Analyze the sentences of text 1:

I. “Oprah has joined forces with Steven Spielberg, Quincy Jones, and Scott Sanders to bring The Color Purple musical”
II. "In 1985, Oprah made her acting debut as Sofia in Spielberg’s adaptation of Alice Walker’s novel—and earned an Academy
Award nomination. "
III. “Celie, the protagonist of The Color Purple, endures the unimaginable while growing up in rural Georgia—and triumphs,
thanks in part to the support of the book’s other women protagonists, Sofia and Shug Avery.”

a. The first sentence is in the Present Perfect, the second sentence is in the Simple Past and the third is in the Present
b. The first sentence is in the Present Perfect, the second sentence is in the Simple Past and the third is Simple Present.
c. The first sentence is in the Present Perfect, the second sentence is in the Simple Past and the third is Present Perfect.
d. The first sentence is in the Present Perfect, the second sentence is in the Past Perfect and the third is Simple Past.
e. The first sentence is in the infinitive, the second sentence is in the Simple Past and the third is in the Simple Present.
Questão 3
JVL Concursos - 2023 - Prefeitura de São José do Piauí - PI - Professor de Anos Finais - Língua Inglesa

Complete the sentence below with the correct verb. Choose the CORRECT answer.

“Me: I need to tell you something! Italy is my next holiday destination!

My best friend: Really! I'm so excited for you. I _________ to Italy. Can I come with you? Me:

a. have never went

b. have never been
c. have never gone
d. had never been
e. had never gone
Questão 4

Use the simple past tense, the present perfect tense or the past perfect tense to complete the sentences.

I. The educators ______ (to teach) through the Paulo Freire Method.
II. Previously the students ______ (to learn) through an old and non-dynamic method, then the educators searched
and found Freire’s method.
III. Firstly they had had long hours of boring studies when a group of educators ______ (to get) in touch with The
Method Paulo Freire, everything changed.

a. I. have taught – II. had learned – III. got

b. I. taught – II. learned – III. get
c. I. have teached – II. had learnt – III. gottan
Questão 5
UniRV - GO - 2023 - Prefeitura de Rio Verde - GO - Professor de Educação Básica II (PEB II) - Inglês

Leia as orações abaixo e depois assinale a alternativa incorreta:

I – Julia goes to the gym three times a week, but she hates it. II – The baby slept very
well last night, after he was breastfed. III – I am going to move to another town after I
retire. IV – I have already seen this movie. Let’s choose another one.

a. Em I, os verbos estão no “simple present” e denotam ações habituais.

b. Em II, os verbos estão no “simple past” e denotam ação concluída no passado.
c. Em III, a primeira estrutura verbal está no futuro e revela uma intenção.
d. Em IV, a estrutura verbal da primeira oração está no “present perfect” e denota
uma ação que começou no passado e se prolonga até o presente.
Questão 6
IMPARH - 2015 - Prefeitura de Fortaleza - CE - Professor Substituto - Língua Inglesa

Choose the option where the present perfect is used incorrectly.

a. I’ve never questioned my boss.

b. That old band has had a number one hit in 1995.
c. My favorite actor has won 2 academy awards so far.
d. Charles has managed his father’s company for three years.
Questão 7
Avança SP - 2021 - Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP - Professor de Educação Básica II - Inglês

Em qual desses trechos do texto é possível encontrar uma estrutura verbal no Present Perfect

a. All countries should increase public expenditures in their health systems to the recommended
6% [...].
b. But these increases cannot be a short-term trend, the Director said.
c. “Primary care, as you have heard us say over and over again, is the backbone of our health
d. Few countries invest as much public spending in their health services as they should [...].
e. [...] Dr. Etienne said that in the past week countries reported 700,000 new COVID infections and
13,000 deaths.
Questão 8
MS CONCURSOS - 2023 - Prefeitura de Patrocínio - MG - Professor P2 (Inglês)

She __________ never _________ a car before.

a. have - drove
b. has - drived
c. has - driven
d. have - droven
Questão 9
Quadrix - 2022 - CRA-SC - Técnico em Informática

Choose the alternative that presents extracts from the text in the simple past and in the present
perfect tenses, respectively.

a. “Chess is called the game of kings.” (line 1); “It has been around for a long time.” (lines 1 and
b. “Each player has one.” (line 7); “You hit the time clock after your move.” (lines 19 and 20)
c. “They made mistakes.” (line 24); “Chess sure has come a long way.” (lines 28 and 29)
d. “People have been playing it for over 500 years.” (lines 2 and 3); “Good chess players use
their brains.” (lines 12 and 13)
e. “They think about what will happen next.” (lines 13 and 14); “Deep Blue was big.” (line 27)
Questão 10
IMPARH - 2021 - Prefeitura de Fortaleza - CE - Professor Substituto - Língua Inglesa

For question, choose the correct answer.

The Indians _______________ on the continent for about twenty-five thousand


a. has been.
b. had been.
c. was.
d. have been.
Questão 11
GSA CONCURSOS - 2020 - Prefeitura de Romelândia - SC - Professor de Inglês

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in parenthesis:

1.She ____ the text frequently.(to forget)

2.I_______a new bicycle two months ago. (to buy)

a. has forget / bought

b. has forgotten / bought
c. have forgotten / has bought
d. forgot / bought
e. has forgotten / have bought
Questão 12
IDHTEC - 2019 - Prefeitura de Macaparana - PE - Professor de Língua Inglesa

Which is the correct sentence about present perfect tense:

a. I have workt in 6 different countries.

b. Have you ever been to Australia?
c. She had won many awards for her books
d. I visited Russia for the first time in 1992.
e. I have been to Spain in 2002.
Questão 13
AMEOSC - 2018 - Prefeitura de Guaraciaba - SC - Professor II N1 Inglês

Read the sentence below.

The widow who spent her life focused on cooking for her children _____ her lesson and
suspended all cooking.

Choose the best option that completes the context.

a. […] have learned.

b. […] has learnt.
c. […] have learnt.
d. […] had been.
Questão 14
AMEOSC - 2018 - Prefeitura de Tunápolis - SC - Professor de Língua Estrangeira - Inglês

Analyze the sentence below.

“We have seen in the past how research that initially set out to tackle diseases in animals
_____________________, for example, to prevent cancer in people.”

Choose the best option that completes the context.

a. […] has helped.

b. […] have helped.
c. […] had helped.
d. […] have prevented.
Questão 15
AMEOSC - 2019 - Prefeitura de Santa Helena - SC - Professor com Licenciatura em Língua Portuguesa e Estrangeira -

Read the news below.

While in Pakistan the good news is that the killing of journalists _________________ a
merciful reduction, intimidation of the media continues to grow. Identify the best alternative
that completes the context.

a. Have saw.
b. Have seen.
c. Has seen.
d. Has saw.
Questão 16
AMEOSC - 2018 - Prefeitura de Iporã do Oeste - SC - Professor de Inglês

Analyze the following sentence.

Students access to books ___ not been dramatically limited.

Choose the best option that completes the context.

a. […] have.
b. […] might.
c. […] has.
d. […] may.
Questão 17
FUNDATEC - 2020 - Prefeitura de Estância Velha - RS - Professor de Inglês

The verb tense in the sentence “an artist who has helped redefine
contemporary painting (…)”, in lines 01 and 02, is the same as in:

a. They have thought about different options.

b. She had worked with shapes before.
c. The artist has her own collection.
d. They had planned the virtual exhibition.
Questão 18
AMEOSC - 2020 - Prefeitura de Itapiranga - SC - Professor de Língua Estrangeira - Inglês

O negativo da frase “Scientists have long suspected” é:

a. Scientists does not have long suspected.

b. Scientists have not long suspected.
c. Scientists won’t have long suspected.
d. Scientists didn’t have long suspected.
Questão 19
NBS - 2021 - Prefeitura de Irati - PR - Professor - Inglês

Which alternative is wrong as the use of the Present Perfect:

a. I´m not hungry. I´ve eaten some biscuits.

b. I have seen the President on TV several times.
c. He has been arriving early lately.
d. Sarah has visited her friends last week.
e. The children have read all the books of the box.
Questão 20
GUALIMP - 2019 - Prefeitura de Areal - RJ - Professor Ensino Fundamental 6º a 9º Ano - Língua Inglesa

Complete the sentence below with the correct verb. Choose the CORRECT

“Interviewer: Tell something about you that many people don’t know. Me: That
is easy! I _________ Lego since I was a little kid.”

a. Collect.
b. Collected.
c. Have collected.
Questão 21
Complete with Present Perfect.

a. Where _________________ (be) this week?

b. They ________________ (walk) for a long time.
c. Paul ______________ (have) an accident.
d. I _______________ (lose) my keys.
e. Why _______________ (call/not) me?
f. She _____________ (read) that book yet.

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