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Service Level 2
Lesson 1

1 2 3 4 5
Communicate in Follow Manage References
the workplace Work effectively
Occupational customer
Health and Safety in a business
environment relationships

20XX 2
Communicate in the workplace
Communication in the workplace is the exchange of information,
ideas, thoughts, and feelings among employees, managers, and other
stakeholders within an organization. Effective workplace
communication is essential for the smooth functioning of the
organization and also to achieve its goals. It involves both verbal and
non-verbal communication methods and includes various channels
such as face-to-face conversations, meetings, emails, phone calls, and
written documents.
Establishing Contact with Clients

Requests and Inquiries

Requests and inquiries from clients should always be received in a polite and courteous manner.

This sets a positive tone for the interaction and demonstrates respect for the client.

Creating an Effective Service Environment

An effective service environment is created through both verbal and non-verbal communication.

Smiling, maintaining eye contact, and using open body language contribute to creating a welcoming atmosphere.

Questioning and Active Listening

Questioning and active listening techniques are essential for understanding and addressing client support needs.

Asking relevant questions and attentively listening to responses, we can provide personalized assistance.
Processing Information
Answering Inquiries Promptly
Inquiries should be addressed promptly to demonstrate responsiveness and dedication to client satisfaction.
Timely responses help build trust and confidence in the organization.
Referring Requests Appropriately
Requests should be directed to the appropriate personnel or department for resolution.
Effective delegation ensures that clients receive accurate and efficient assistance.
Recording and Passing on Information
Messages or information should be documented accurately and passed on to the relevant parties promptly.
Proper documentation ensures that important details are not overlooked and facilitates seamless communication within
the organization.
Processing Information Cont’s
Informing Clients of Process and Progress
Clients should be kept informed of the process and progress of their requests or
Regular updates help manage client expectations and demonstrate transparency.
Taking Follow-Up Action
Follow-up action should be taken according to organizational policy if required.
Proactive follow-up ensures that client needs are fully addressed and enhances
client satisfaction.
1. You work in a call centre for a telecommunications company. A customer calls in with a billing

2. You work at the customer service desk of a retail store. A customer approaches you with a question
about a product they are interested in purchasing.

3. You are an administrative assistant at a law firm. A client emails you with a request for an update on

their legal case.

What is OHS
OHS means Occupational Health and Safety. This encompasses the
policies, procedures, and practices that help to promote and protect
the health, safety, and well-being of workers in the workplace. OHS
focuses on identifying and mitigating workplace hazards, preventing
work-related injuries and illnesses, and ensuring that employees can
perform their jobs in a safe and healthy environment.
Key Components of OHS
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment:
◦ Conducting regular inspections, risk assessments, and implementing engineering controls,
administrative controls, or personal protective equipment (PPE) to mitigate risks.
Safety Management Systems:
◦ Policies, procedures, and processes for hazard identification, risk assessment, incident
reporting and investigation, training and education, and ongoing monitoring and review of
safety performance.
Health Promotion and Wellness Programs:
◦ Providing access to health screenings, promoting healthy lifestyle behaviours, offering
wellness programs, and addressing factors that may contribute to work-related stress or
mental health issues.
Key Components of OHS
Compliance with Regulations and Standards:
◦ Adhering to occupational safety and health legislation, industry-specific
regulations, and international standards for occupational health and safety
management systems.
Employee Participation and Training:
◦ Providing training and education on workplace hazards and safe work
practices, establishing safety committees or worker representatives, and
empowering employees to report safety concerns or participate in decision-
making processes related to safety and health.
Recognizing and Reporting Hazards

Employees must be able to recognize hazards in the work area.

Hazards should be reported promptly to designated personnel according to workplace procedures.

This ensures timely action to control risks and maintain a safe work environment.

Following Procedures for Risk Control

Workplace procedures and work instructions for controlling risks must be followed accurately.

This involves implementing measures to eliminate or reduce hazards, such as engineering controls,
administrative controls, or personal protective equipment (PPE).

Following procedures ensures the effectiveness of risk control measures.

Raising Occupational Health and Safety Issues

Occupational health and safety issues should be raised with designated personnel in accordance
with workplace procedures and relevant legislation.
Employees play a crucial role in identifying and addressing health and safety concerns to
prevent workplace hazards and risks.
Participative Arrangements for OHS Management
Employees should contribute to participative arrangements for occupational health and safety
(OHS) management in the workplace.
This involves actively participating in OHS meetings, committees, or discussions within
organizational procedures and their scope of responsibilities and competencies.
Collaboration promotes a proactive approach to OHS management.
Group Activity


You are a team of employees working in a manufacturing facility. Your task is to identify
hazards in the workplace, following the procedures of OHS management, answer the
questions below:
1. Identify potential hazards in the workplace environment.
2. Discuss and propose appropriate risk control measures for each identified hazard.
3. Determine how you can contribute to OHS management within the organization.
Work effectively in a business
This is the ability to perform tasks and responsibilities efficiently and
productively within the context of a business or organizational setting. This
capability involves a range of skills, behaviours, and attitudes that enable
individuals to contribute positively to the success and effectiveness of the
Work within organisational
Locating and Clarifying Documents

Documents outlining organisational requirements should be located and read thoroughly.

Any uncertainties should be clarified with appropriate persons to ensure understanding and compliance.

Understanding Rights and Responsibilities

All work should reflect a current working knowledge and understanding of employees' and employers' rights and

This knowledge is essential for maintaining a productive and harmonious work environment.

Compliance with Duty of Care and Legal Responsibilities

All work undertaken should demonstrate understanding and compliance with relevant duty of care, legal responsibilities,
and organisational goals and objectives.
Work within organisational
requirements Cont’s
This ensures the safety of employees and stakeholders and protects the organisation from legal liabilities.

Questioning Detrimental Standards and Values

Standards and values considered detrimental to the organisation should be identified and questioned through
established communication channels.

This promotes a culture of accountability and continuous improvement within the organisation.

Practising Behaviour for a Safe Work Environment

Behaviour that contributes to a safe work environment should be identified and practised by all employees.

This includes following safety protocols, reporting hazards, and promoting a culture of safety among
Determining Future Work/Career Directions
Identifying Personal Work Goals

Personal work goals should be identified and prioritised in accordance with organisational requirements and future career plans.

Setting clear goals helps individuals focus their efforts and progress in their careers.

Considering Personal Values and Attitudes

Personal values and attitudes regarding work and business should be taken into account when planning future work/career directions.

Aligning personal values with career choices leads to greater job satisfaction and fulfilment.

Addressing Additional Skills Required

Additional skills required for future work/career directions should be identified and addressed through training and development

Continuous learning and skill development are essential for career advancement and staying competitive in the job market.

Sarah works as a project manager in a construction company. She has been assigned to oversee a major infrastructure
project. Sarah must ensure that her work aligns with organisational requirements while also planning her future career
direction within the company.


1. How can Sarah locate and clarify documents outlining organisational requirements for the project?

2. What steps can Sarah take to ensure her work reflects a current understanding of employees' and employers' rights and

3. How can Sarah demonstrate compliance with duty of care and legal responsibilities in her role as project manager?

4. If Sarah identifies standards and values detrimental to the organisation during the project, how should she address them?
Who is a customer

Definition of a Customer

This can either be an individual, group, or organization that purchases goods or

services from a business entity in exchange for monetary payment.

Customers play a critical role in the functioning of businesses as they drive

revenue and make available feedback that guides product development and overall
business operations.

Therefore, understanding and meeting the needs of customers is vital for

businesses to prosper and maintain a fruitful relationship with their
What is Customer Service

Definition of Customer Service
Customer service is providing assistance,
support, and solutions to customers before,
during, and after the buying of a product or
Group Activity
Group 1: Role play bad Customer Service.
Group 2: Role-play good Customer Service.
Contribute to meeting
customer needs
Analyzing and understanding customer needs are serious aspects of effective customer
relationship management. This process involves continuous examination of various
factors that influence customers' needs, preferences, and expectations.

Adhering to enterprise policies will protect the company's reputation and brand image
while ensuring good customer service interactions which will maintain consistency,
compliance, and efficiency, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Aligning actions with company priorities when dealing with customers can influence
every interaction by advancing the institution’s strategic objectives by improving
customer satisfaction while sustaining the company’s growth. This alignment will
strengthens the company's competitive position and fosters long-term relationships with
Contribute to meeting customer
needs Cont’d
Promoting open communication within teams and implementing problem-solving
strategies, that can effectively address challenges encountered in meeting customer
needs. This approach will improve team dynamics and morale. This will contribute to
improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Implementing a structured process for referring/escalating customer inquiries, can

ensure that all inquiries are handled promptly and efficiently, eventually enhancing
customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Recognizing and addressing discrepancies between enterprise policy and customer needs,
organizations can improve their service delivery processes, improve customer
satisfaction, and maintain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
Contribute to meeting customer
needs cont’d
Seeking feedback from customers and applying actionable
recommendations for improvement, businesses can improve service
delivery, initiative customer satisfaction, and distinguish themselves in
the marketplace. Constant improvement is critical for maintaining a
competitive advantage and promoting or nurturing long-term
relationships with customers.
Group Activity
1. Explain what good service listing elements that should be displayed.

2. What should be done if someone experiences bad customer service?

Obtain Feedback from
Actively seeking and encouraging feedback from customers through various channels
and implementing strategies to create an open and supportive feedback environment.

Designing an effective survey in which questions are tailored to gather relevant feedback
and utilizing a wide range of customers, to obtain valuable insights into customer
satisfaction levels and drive constant improvement in the customer experience.

Thoroughly gathering and organizing customer feedback data using efficient methods,
tools and software for managing and analyzing feedback data, businesses can gain
valuable insights, drive constant improvement, and enhance the overall customer

Establishing clear channels for communicating feedback within the organization and
reporting customer feedback to relevant staff members promptly.
Use Customer Feedback to
Enhance Customer Relationships
Steadily measuring customer satisfaction data against previous results
and analyzing it alongside enterprise performance data, businesses can
gain actionable insights to enhance customer relationships effectively.
This will facilitate data-driven decision-making, nurture continuous
improvement, and ultimately strengthen customer loyalty and
Implementing these measures to improve customer relationships, can
cultivate stronger connections, drive customer loyalty, and ultimately
achieve sustainable business growth
Group Activity
•Discuss in your groups the different types of methods and strategies that
can be used to get customers’ feedback.
•Give examples of your experiences on comparing customer feedback on
company’s product and services.
Home Work
In your current job role what can you do to
ensure you give good customer service?

The End

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