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Word Bank Grp 2

Alysha, Matthew and Sehar

Diction Diction is the careful selection of words to communicate a
message or establish a particular voice or writing style.

Example - Achebe uses many words that are from the Igbo
language such as chi, egwugwu, isa-ifi, and obi. Each of
these words show the readers the connection the the Igbo

Kambili's father, Eugene, speaks in a formal and educated

manner, while her grandfather, Papa-Nnukwu, speaks in a
more traditional and colloquial style.
Character A character is a person, animal or creature in a story.
Writers use characters to perform the actions and speak
dialogue moving along a plot line. There are major
characters (protagonist, antagonist) and minor characters
(foil etc.)

Example- okonkwo in things fall apart- an influential clan

leader in umuofia. His embarrassment about his lazy father,
unoka, has driven him to succeed.

Kambili Achike is portrayed as a timid, withdrawn, and

quiet girl from a wealthy family. She is the daughter of a
devout catholic with an extremely conservative view of
moral behaviour.
Protagonist - The protagonist is the leading character (the
Protagonist & good guy or hero)

Antagonist Antagonist - The antagonist is the primary opponent of the

hero (the villain who actively opposes the hero)


Protagonist - Okonkwo is the novel's protagonist. He's a gifted

athlete and a well-respected warrior, and he possesses a drive
to achieve personal distinction among his peers

Antagonist - Unoka is the antagonist of Okonkwo - The

memory of Unoka's debt and shame haunts Okonkwo
throughout the novel.
Foil A character who is presented as a contrast to a second
character so as to point to or show to advantage some aspect
of the second character

Example - Kambili is the obedient and timid daughter of

Eugene, a wealthy and tyrannical businessman. She is
constantly trying to please her father and is afraid to speak
her mind. On the other hand, Jaja is rebellious and
independent. He refuses to conform to his father's strict
rules and is willing to face the consequences of his actions.

Okonkwo is rash and impulsive, Obierika is thoughtful and

reflective. Okonkwo is quick to anger and resort to
violence, while Obierika is more measured. E.g., when
Okonkwo kills Ikemefuna, a young boy who had been
living with Okonkwo's family, Obierika is appalled by the
act and questions the tribe's customs.
Characterisation Meaning - Characterization is a name for the methods a
writer uses to reveal a character's values, feelings, goals,
character traits etc. to readers that displayed throughout the

Example - Direct Characterization - (At Nwoye's age

Okonkwo had already become famous throughout Umuofia
for his wrestling and his fearlessness)

Kambili is a timid, introverted and obedient girl, who is

raised in a strict and oppressive household by her father,
Reported Speech Reported speech is when we tell someone what another
person said. To do this, we can use direct speech or indirect

Example - “They are always so quiet,' he said, turning to

Papa. 'So quiet'.

"That man was one of the greatest men in Umuofia. You

drove him to kill himself; and now he will be buried like a
Direct Speech Direct speech is a sentence in which the exact words spoken
are reproduced in speech marks

Example - Jaja, have you not shared a drink with us, gbo?
Have you no words in your mouth?”

“You have all see the great abomination of your brother.

Now he is no longer my son or your brother. I will only
have a son who is a man, who will hold his head up among
my people” okonkwo
Setting It is a time or place

Example - Igboland, Nigeria

Atmosphere A story's atmosphere, as they help us visualize settings,
characters, moods, and other attributes.

Example - the emotional atmosphere is very controlled and

restricted for mom, jaja, and kambili due to how extremely
controlling the father is.

Tension- as the arrival of white missionaries threatens to

disrupt the traditional way of life in Umuofia.

Tragedy- tension, as the arrival of white missionaries

threatens to disrupt the traditional way of life in Umuofia.
Alienation Alienation occurs when a person withdraws or becomes
isolated from their environment or from other people

Example - Okonkwo is constantly alienating himself at

public social gatherings which foreshadows a fall from
grace because alienation and loneliness is looked down
upon as a punishment in the Igbo society.

Nwoye estrangement when he found out that his father had

participated in the murder of Ikemefuna (who was his close

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