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The speech bubbles from the main

image shows how society can be the

beast wondering how someone can
The use of blue can symbolise
love it as its both positive and negative
masculine of traits by being powerful
refusing how society can become
and dominant colour.
The use of yellow symbolises
happiness, positivity and optimism
focusing on the positive things in life The speech bubble from Emma Watson
but also helping the homeless getting playing the princess shows that she is
back on their feet by helping them out. willing to learn how to love the both
positive and negative form of society of
the rich and the wealthy.

The use of having celebrities on the

front cover brings more popularity , This subverts mainstream magazines as
and more people want to view it based its focusing on one thing which is
on whose / what's on the front cover helping the homeless/ less unfortunate
and they don’t sell magazines to make
profit but to help the people selling
them on the street.

The flash/ puff at the bottom corner of

the front page shows what's going to The main image of beauty and the
be inside the magazine to give an idea beast which is a Disney fairytale which
to the viewer. shows that The Big Issue wants to make
life like a fairy tale where everyone is
qual and happy.
The use of the fists shows how people The fact that there is no strap lines or
need to work together in order for puffs show how its main focus is for the
change to work. need of change of wanting to help out
different parts of communities

This isn’t like mainstream magazine as

they don’t sell magazines to gain profits The use of the main image of being the
but to help people who are in less big ben reinforcing its time for a change
fortunate position to help them get to help people who are less fortunate.
back on their feet.

The use of “we” show the collective of The use the blue red and off white can
people working within a team and if symbolise the community of the British
they want the change to go ahead, we community on wanting to improve the
have to work as a collective in order for life of others.
it to work.
The use of direct address in the straplines shows The fact she is a part of the masthead
how they are aimed at the viewers who are shows that vogue isn’t vogue without
focused on the vogue making them want to buy it her , however as she is behind the
even more, she is looking directly at the camera masthead shows that she isn’t that
shows she is dominant and powerful reinforcing important but is still needed.
the direct address as she is starring right at the

She is conforming to westernised beauty by having

a full face of makeup and hair done up making her
The neckless looking like a chain can conform to society which is typical of the 1960s as
symbolise how she is trapped in a at the end of the 1960s it’s the uprising of
patriarchal society which is oppressing feminism.
women , and that she is tied down by
the stereotypical views of women.
The use of red symbolises anger,
determination, blood

The gold jewellery shows wealth and

The white symbolises purity , innocence

The blue on the masthead can

symbolise masculine traits , but the
magazine is mostly for women but the
blue reflects the blue in her eyes. The use of the main image of the
woman shows she is the main focus

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