Lesson 7

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Writing the Research Title

Research Title

Is the first thing that is read on a research

paper that outlines the purpose of the
research, the methods used and the overall
tone of the paper.
Working Research Title
 Contains few possible words that could not adequately
describe the contents of your research paper
 differentiates the paper from other papers of the same
subject area
 Predicts content
 Contains keywords that will make it easy to access by
a computer search
 summarizes the main idea/s of your study
 it is the part of the paper that is read the most and is
usually read first
 captures reader’s attention and draws his attention at
the research problem being investigated
differentiates the paper from other papers of the same
subject area
 Predicts content
 Contains keywords that will make it easy to access by
a computer search
Here are basic reminders to keep in mind while writing a
research title:
1. Keep it simple, brief, and attractive. The primary function of a title is
to provide a precise summary of the paper’s content. So, keep the title
brief and clear. Moreover, a good tile for a research is typically around
10-15 substantive words long. A lengthy title may seem unfocused and
take the reader’s attention away from an important point.
 Avoid: Drug X has an effect of muscular contraction for an hour in
 Better: Drug X induces muscular contraction in snails
Here are basic reminders to keep in mind while writing a
research title:
2. Use appropriate descriptive words. A good research title should
contain key words used in the manuscript and should define the nature of
the study. Think about terms people would use to search for the study
and include them in the title.
 Avoid: Effects of Drug A on schizophrenia patients
 Better: Psychosocial effects of Drug A on schizophrenia patients
Here are basic reminders to keep in mind while writing a
research title:
3. Avoid abbreviations and jargon. Known abbreviations such as AIDS,
HIV, and so on can be used in the title. However, lesser-known or
specific abbreviations and jargon that would not be immediately familiar
to the readers should be left out.
 Avoid: MMP expression profiles cannot distinguish between normal
and early osteoarthritic synovial fluid
 Better: Matrix metalloproteinase protein expression profiles cannot
distinguish between normal and early osteoarthritic synovial fluid
Here are basic reminders to keep in mind while writing a
research title:
4. It is a good idea to create a ‘working’ research title first. This title helps
focus the research and writing but can be changed if needed. The final title
should be a phrase or a question that indicates the subject and scope of the
research while generating the reader’s interest and enthusiasm for the topic.
 Avoid: MMP expression profiles cannot distinguish between normal and
early osteoarthritic synovial fluid
 Better: Matrix metalloproteinase protein expression profiles cannot
distinguish between normal and early osteoarthritic synovial fluid
(Follow the steps)
Step One
Ask yourself these questions and make note of the answers:
1. What is my paper about?
2. What techniques/designs will be used?
3. Who/What will be studied?
4. Where is the setting of the study?
5. When is the period or duration of the study?
Step Two
Use your answers to list key words.
(Follow the steps)
Step Two
Use your answers to list key words.
Step Three
Create a sentence that indicates the key words you listed.
Step Four
Delete all unnecessary/repetitive words and link the remaining.
Step Five
Delete non-essential information and reword the title.
Let us take this sample title:

“A Phenomenological Study on the Behavior of

Senior High School
Students with Absentee Parents of Tabaco
National High School in the
School Year 2017-2018”
From this title, you can find out a lot about the research before reading
the actual proposal or actual research report.
1. What are we looking at? The behavior of Senior High School students with
absentee parents
2. Who are the subjects? Senior High School students with absentee parents
3. Where is the setting/place of the study? Tabaco National High School
4. What type of study is it going to be? It is going to be a qualitative study, and
phenomenology will be used.
5. What is the period covered of the study? School Year 2017-2018 6. What size is
the sample? We will just be using a small sample 7. What data-collection
methods will be used? Information from the participants will be obtained through
interviews, observation, open-ended questionnaires, etc.
From this title, you can find out a lot about the research before reading
the actual proposal or actual research report.
1. What are we looking at? The behavior of Senior High School students with
absentee parents
2. Who are the subjects? Senior High School students with absentee parents
3. Where is the setting/place of the study? Tabaco National High School
4. What type of study is it going to be? It is going to be a qualitative study, and
phenomenology will be used.
5. What is the period covered of the study? School Year 2017-2018 6. What size is
the sample? We will just be using a small sample 7. What data-collection
methods will be used? Information from the participants will be obtained through
interviews, observation, open-ended questionnaires, etc.
Let’s sum it up!

1. The title of the research should summarize the main idea, and include the
2. major variables and the participants of the study.
3. A research title is a product of real-world observations, dilemmas, wide reading,
4. selective viewing (television programs, films, documentaries, videos, etc.)
5. meaningful interactions and deep reflection.
6. A research title is original, clear, concise or specific.

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