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What !s Leadership?
'he ability to influence a group toward the achievement of goals.
&'LE& OF
ln 1939 a group of researchers led by psychologlsL kurL
Lewln seL ouL Lo ldenLlfy dlfferenL sLyles of leadershlp
Whlle furLher research has ldenLlfled more speclflc Lypes of
leadershlp Lhls early sLudy was very lnfluenLlal and
esLabllshed Lhree ma[or leadershlp sLyles
ln Lhe sLudy groups of schoolchlldren were asslgned Lo one
of Lhree groups wlLh an auLhorlLarlan democraLlc or lalssez
falr leader
1he chlldren were Lhen led ln an arLs and crafLs pro[ecL
8esearchers Lhen observed Lhe behavlor of chlldren ln
response Lo Lhe dlfferenL sLyles of leadershlp
uLocraLlc leadershlp also known as auLhorlLarlan leadershlp ls
a leadershlp sLyle characLerlzed by lndlvldual conLrol over all declslons and
llLLle lnpuL from group members uLocraLlc leaders Lyplcally make cholces
based on Lhelr own ldeas and [udgmenLs and rarely accepL advlce from
followers uLocraLlc leadershlp lnvolves absoluLe auLhorlLarlan conLrol
over a group
Character|st|cs of Autocrat|c Leadersh|p
LlLLle or no lnpuL from group members
Leaders make Lhe declslons
Croup leaders dlcLaLe all Lhe work meLhods and processes
Croup members are rarely LrusLed wlLh declslons or lmporLanL Lasks
Benefits of Autocratic Leadership
Autocratic leadership can be beneIicial in some instances, such as when decisions
need to be made quickly without consulting with a large group oI people. Some
projects require strong leadership in order to get things accomplished quickly and
Have you ever worked with a group oI students or co-workers on a project that got
derailed by poor organization, a lack oI leadership and an inability to set deadlines?
II so, chances are that your grade or job perIormance suIIered as a result. In such
situations, a strong leader who utilizes an autocratic style can take charge oI the
group, assign tasks to diIIerent members and establish solid deadlines Ior projects
to be Iinished.
In situations that are particularly stressIul, such as during military conIlicts, group
members may actually preIer an autocratic style. It allows members oI the group to
Iocus on perIorming speciIic tasks without worrying about making complex
decisions. This also allows group members to become highly skilled at perIorming
certain duties, which can be beneIicial to the group.
Democratic leadership, also known as participative leadership, is a type
oI leadership style in which members oI the group take a more
participative role in the decision-making process. Researchers have Iound
that this learning style is usually one oI the most eIIective and leaders to
higher productivity, better contributions Irom group members and increased
group morale.
haracteristics of Democratic Leadership
Some oI the primary characteristics oI democratic leadership include:
Group members are encouraged to share ideas and opinions, even though
the leader retains the Iinal say over decisions.
Members oI the group Ieel more engaged in the process.
Creativity is encouraged and rewarded.
Benefits of Democratic Leadership
ecause group members are encouraged to share their thoughts, democratic
leadership can leader to better ideas and more creative solutions to
problems. Group members also Ieel more involved and committed to
projects, making them more likely to care about the end results. Research
on leadership styles has also show that democratic leadership leads to
higher productivity among group members.
Democratic leadership works best in situations where group members are
skilled and eager to share their knowledge. It is also important to have
plenty oI time to allow people to contribute, develop a plan and then vote
on the best course oI action.
Laissez-Iaire leadership, also known as delegative leadership, is a type
oI leadership style in which leaders are hands-oII and allow group
members to make the decisions. Researchers have Iound that this is
generally the leadership style that leads to the lowest productivity among
group members.
haracteristics of Laissez-Faire Leadership
Very little guidance Irom leaders
Complete Ireedom Ior Iollowers to make decisions
Leaders provide the tools and resources needed
Group members are expected to solve problems on their own
Benefits of Laissez-Faire Leadership
Laissez-Iaire leadership can be eIIective in situations
where group members are highly skilled, motivated
and capable oI working on their own. While the
conventional term Ior this style is 'laissez-Iaire' and
implies a completely hands-oII approach, many
leaders still remain open and available to group
members Ior consultation and Ieedback.
'rait 'heories
1ra|ts 1heor|es of Leadersh|p
1h|s theory d|fferent|ates |eaders
from non|eaders by focus|ng on
persona| qua||t|es and character|st|cs
Character|st|cs such as soc|a|
|nte||ectua| persona||ty phys|ca|
d|fferent|ates |eaders from nonleaders
Char|es 8|rd exam|ned twenty ||sts of
tra|ts attr|buted to |eaders |n var|ous
surveys and found that none of th|s
tra|ts appeared |n the ||sts
Leaders are character|zed by a w|de
var|ety of tra|ts rang|ng from neatness
to nob|||ty
Leadership Traits Leadership Traits: :
W W Ambition and energy Ambition and energy
W W The desire to lead The desire to lead
W W Honest and integrity Honest and integrity
W W Self Self- -confidence confidence
W W Intelligence Intelligence
W W High self High self- -monitoring monitoring
W W 1ob 1ob- -relevant knowledge relevant knowledge
Trait Theories
CCCu L8SCnLl1? lL lncludes all physlcal characLerlsLlcs and
level of maLurlLy deLermlne personallLy of
an lndlvldual
lnLellecLual blllLy lL lncludes hlgh level of lnLelllgence and
lnlLlaLlve ll lncludes lnlLlaLlng sulLable acLlvlLles aL a
proper Llme
lmaglnaLlon lL lncludes leader's ablllLy Lo lmaglnaLlvely
vlsuallze Lrends and devlce hls pollcles
and programmes
Selfconfldence lL lncludes ablllLy Lo moLlvaLe Lhe
followers and boosL Lhelr confldence
'rait 'heories
Limitations: Limitations:
W W o universal traits Iound that predict leadership in all o universal traits Iound that predict leadership in all
situations. situations.
W W Traits predict behavior better in 'weak than 'strong Traits predict behavior better in 'weak than 'strong
situations. situations.
W W &nclear evidence oI the cause and eIIect oI relationship oI &nclear evidence oI the cause and eIIect oI relationship oI
leadership and traits. leadership and traits.
W W etter predictor oI the appearance oI leadership than etter predictor oI the appearance oI leadership than
distinguishing eIIective and ineIIective leaders. distinguishing eIIective and ineIIective leaders.
ehavloral 1heorles of Leadershlp
'heories proposing that specific behaviors differentiate leaders from
W W Trait theory: Trait theory:
Leaders are born, not made. Leaders are born, not made.
W W Behavioral theory: Behavioral theory:
Leadership traits can be taught. Leadership traits can be taught.
Ohio &tate &tudies
lnlLlaLlng SLrucLure
'he extent to which a leader
is likely to define and
structure his or her role and
those of subordinates in the
search for goal attainment.
'he extent to which a leader
is likely to have job
relationships characterized
by mutual trust, respect for
subordinate's ideas, and
regard for their feelings.
&niversity oI Michigan Studies
LmployeeCrlenLed Leader
Emphasizing interpersonal relations,
taking a personal interest in the
needs of employees and accepting
individual differences among
roducLlonCrlenLed Leader
One who emphasizes technical or
task aspects of the job.
'he Nanagerial Crid
8oberL lake and !ane MoulLon have deslgned an
organlzaLlon developmenL programme emphaslzlng
Lhe lmporLance of Lhe Lwo baslc leader behavlours
concern for producLlon and concern for people
Lach Lype of concern ls ranked on a scale from 19
resulLlng ln flve ma[or comblnaLlons of leadershlp
ased on LhaL Lhere are flve dlfferenL Lypes of
leadershlp sLyle
'he Nanagerial Crid
1 lmpoverlshed MgmL(11) Mlnlmal concern for producLlon as well as people 1hls sLyle of managemenL
resulLs ln employee conLrlbuLlng Lhe bare mlnlmum requlremenL lmpoverlshed Leader uses a delegaLe
and dlsappear(vanlsh) managemenL sLyle Slnce Lhey are noL commlLLed Lo elLher Lask accompllshmenL
or malnLenance Lhey essenLlally allow Lhe Leam Lo proceed accordlng Lo Lhelr wlsh and Lhus prefer Lo
deLach Lhemselves from Lhe Leam process by allowlng Lhe Leam members Lo suffers from power
2 1ask MgmL(19) 1hls Lype of leader possess low concern for Lhelr workers buL force Lhem Lo dellver hlgh
level of producLlon 1he leaders are known as auLocraLlc 1here ls llLLle or low allowance for cooperaLlon
or collaboraLlon and resulLs ln efflclenL operaLlons
3 MlddleofLhe 8oad MgmL(33) 1hls Lype of leader has moderaLe levels of concern for boLh people and
producLlon 1hls Lype of mgmL balances Lhelr need Lhrough compromlse wlLh workers and resulLs ln
adequaLe performance
4 CounLry Club MgmL(19) 1hls Lype of Leader holds hlgh level of relaLlonshlp wlLh workers buL pay low
concern for Lask accompllshmenL Leaders glve maxlmum beneflLs Lo Lhelr workers and never Lake any
punlLlve acLlons agalnsL Lhelr workers 1hls sLyle of mgmL creaLes worklng envlronmenL where employees
feel comporLable and relaxed
3 1eam MgmL(99)1hls Lype of leader holds hlgh concern for Lhelr workers as well as hlgh concern for
producLlon 1hls mgmL sLyle creaLes poslLlve examples by fosLerlng Leam developmenL and Lhus helplng
employee Lo achleve lndlvldual developmenL as well as organlzaLlonal developmenL
'he Nanagerial Crid
The Managerial
(Blake and Mouton)
Contingency 'heories
ledler's ConLlngency Model
'he theory that effective groups
depend on a proper match
between a leader's style of
interacting with subordinates and
the degree to which the situation
gives control and influence to the
LeasL referred CoWorker (LC)
An instrument that purports to
measure whether a person is task
or relationshiporiented
Fiedler's Nodel: Defining the &ituation
LeaderMember 8elaLlons
'he degree of confidence, trust, and respect subordinates have in
their leader.
1ask SLrucLure
'he degree to which the job assignments are procedurized.
oslLlon ower
!nfluence derived from one's formal structural position in the
organization, includes power to hire, fire, discipline, promote, and
give salary increases.
The Situational Leadership Theory, is a leadership theory developed by !aul
Hersey, proIessor and author oI the book Situational Leader, and Ken lanchard,
leadership guru.
1he underlylng concepL of Lhe slLuaLlonal leadershlp Lheory ls Lhere ls no slngle
besL sLyle of leadershlp
LffecLlve leadershlp ls LaskrelevanL and LhaL Lhe mosL successful leaders are Lhose
LhaL adapL Lhelr leadershlp sLyle Lo Lhe maLurlLy (Lhe capaclLy Lo seL hlgh buL
aLLalnable goals wllllngness and ablllLy Lo Lake responslblllLy for Lhe Lask and
relevanL educaLlon and/or experlence of an lndlvldual or a group for Lhe Lask) of
Lhe lndlvldual or group Lhey are aLLempLlng Lo lead/lnfluence
1haL effecLlve leadershlp varles noL only wlLh Lhe person or group LhaL ls belng
lnfluenced buL lL wlll also depend on Lhe Lask [ob or funcLlon LhaL needs Lo be
1he Perseylanchard SlLuaLlonal Leadershlp Model resLs on Lwo fundamenLal
concepLs |eadersh|p sty|e and Lhe lndlvldual or groups matur|ty |eve|
1 Leadershlp sLyles
Persey and lanchard characLerlzed leadershlp sLyle ln Lerms of Lhe amounL of 1ask ehavlor
and 8elaLlonshlp ehavlor LhaL Lhe leader provldes Lo Lhelr followers 1hey caLegorlzed all
leadershlp sLyles lnLo four behavlor Lypes whlch Lhey named S1 Lo S4
S1 1e|||ng ls characLerlzed by oneway communlcaLlon ln whlch Lhe leader deflnes Lhe roles
of Lhe lndlvldual or group and provldes Lhe whaL how whywhen and where Lo do Lhe Lask
S2 Se|||ng whlle Lhe leader ls sLlll provldlng Lhe dlrecLlon he or she ls now uslng Lwoway
communlcaLlon and provldlng Lhe socloemoLlonal supporL LhaL wlll allow Lhe lndlvldual or
group belng lnfluenced Lo buy lnLo Lhe process
S3 art|c|pat|ng Lhls ls now shared declslon maklng abouL aspecLs of how Lhe Lask ls
accompllshed and Lhe leader ls provldlng less Lask behavlors whlle malnLalnlng hlgh
relaLlonshlp behavlor
S4 De|egat|ng Lhe leader ls sLlll lnvolved ln declslons however Lhe process and
responslblllLy has been passed Lo Lhe lndlvldual or group 1he leader sLays lnvolved Lo
monlLor progress
Cf Lhese no one sLyle ls consldered opLlmal for all leaders Lo use all Lhe Llme LffecLlve
leaders need Lo be flexlble and musL adapL Lhemselves accordlng Lo Lhe slLuaLlon
MaLurlLy Levels
1he rlghL leadershlp sLyle wlll depend on Lhe person or group belng led Lhe
follower 1he Perseylanchard SlLuaLlonal Leadershlp 1heory ldenLlfled four levels
of MaLurlLy M1 Lhrough M4
,1 1hey generally lack Lhe speclflc skllls requlred for Lhe [ob ln hand and are
unable and unwllllng Lo do or Lo Lake responslblllLy for Lhls [ob or Lask
,2 1hey are sLlll unable Lo Lake on responslblllLy for Lhe Lask belng done
however Lhey are wllllng Lo work aL Lhe Lask
,3 1hey are experlenced and able Lo do Lhe Lask buL lack Lhe confldence Lo Lake
on responslblllLy
,4 1hey are experlenced aL Lhe Lask and comforLable wlLh Lhelr own ablllLy Lo
do lL well 1hey are able and wllllng Lo noL only do Lhe Lask buL Lo Lake
responslblllLy for Lhe Lask
MaLurlLy Levels are also Lask speclflc person mlghL be generally skllled
confldenL and moLlvaLed ln Lhelr [ob buL would sLlll have a MaLurlLy level M2
when asked Lo perform a Lask requlrlng skllls Lhey donL possess
ueveloplng people and selfmoLlvaLlon
good leader develops Lhe compeLence and commlLmenL of Lhelr people
so Lhey're selfmoLlvaLed raLher Lhan dependenL on oLhers for dlrecLlon
and guldance" (Persey 91)
ccordlng Lo Perseys Lhe slLuaLlonal
Lhe leader's hlgh reallsLlc expecLaLlon causes hlgh performance
of followers Lhe leader's low expecLaLlons lead low performance of
followers ccordlng Lo ken lanchard our comblnaLlons of compeLence
and commlLmenL make up whaL we call developmenL level
D1 Low compeLence and hlgh commlLmenL
D2 Low compeLence and low commlLmenL
D3 Plgh compeLence and low/varlable commlLmenL
D4 Plgh compeLence and hlgh commlLmenL


n|gh 1ask n|gh 1ask
and and ke|at|onsh|p ke|at|onsh|p
Cr|entat|ons Cr|entat|ons
SupporLlve SupporLlve
arLlclpaLlve arLlclpaLlve
MonlLorlng MonlLorlng
ulrecLlve ulrecLlve
Unwilling Willing
Leadership Leadership
Styles Styles

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