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First Aid and CPR

Know how to get help

Let us help you
When to Call 8911
• Any life threatening or injury situation
• If you are light headed and think you may
lose consciousness
• Alone in the facility and seriously injured
• When someone is injured
When to call a Posted
First Aider
• Any time there is an injury or when someone
may need First Aid or CPR
• Any time someone is feeling ill or needs to
use the First Aid room
• If you notice any type of irregular
behavior in your coworker
• If any non Trane employee
changes behavior dramatically
Get help as quickly as possible
Be aware of your own condition
• Are you dizzy ?
• Light headed?
• Chilled and sweating?
• Shortness of breath ?
• Pain in center of chest spreading to neck, shoulder or arms?
• Something gets caught in your throat
• Sudden weakness/numbness of the face
• Loss of speech / trouble talking or understanding speech
• Sudden severe headache
• Are you diabetic? eating or checking you blood sugar?
• Are you allergic to certain things / been stung by a bee before?
How to Summon Your
Posted First Aider
• We are trained to help
• Pick up the nearest phone
• Dial 960 - company wide page
• Red Sticker below phone display states
location of emergency
• Call Operator - ‘0’
• Yell - “Help”
Know who your
Posted First Aiders are
• Anastasia Adorable • Tony Lee
• Jay Behnken • Mark Martin
• Chad Bjorklund • Bill McNaughton
• Angie Blaser • Sue Rasmusson
• Clare Deming • Tracy Scobba
• Terry Dragich • Gray Seever
• Steve Gonzalez • Dane Taival
• Doug Jost • Bonnie Tenner
• Brad Klatt • Carl Wittkowske
• Bob La Casse • Jim Wroblewski
Time is critical -
do what you can before the
unexpected happens
• Complete a Med card so First Aiders know your
condition ahead of time and can prepare
(See HR for the Med card)
• Taking medications? - keep a list in your pocket
• Let us know any special needs for your
• Update information and the emergency contact
info in Human Resources 2 times per year
Help your Posted First
• If a posted First Aider asks for your help -
listen, and do what is asked
• Call 8911 - it is OK to call more than once
• If you aren’t needed - stay out of the way
• Keep others away - keep area clear
• Help direct emergency personnel
• Respect the privacy of others

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