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• Using the clues given below, arrange the scrambled
letters to form a word associated with literature
review. Write your answers on your notebook.
•A U C A C Y R C
•1. The reliability and correctness of
•C Y C U N R E R
•2. The state of being commonly
known or accepted
•A I R U H T O Y
•3. The qualifications of the author
to write on the topic
•R E E E L N V C A
•4. The degree to which the information is
useful or related to another
•S T H E Y N I S S
•5. Putting together materials from
different sources into an integrated whole
•C L I I Y T I D E R B
•6. The extent to which a research
account is believable and appropriate
•L K I N E G A
•7. Forming of connections between the
prior and the existing body of knowledge
•G P A
•8. A topic or area for which missing or
insufficient information limits the ability to
reach a conclusion for a question
•O C J I V I Y T E B T
•9. The fact of being based on facts and not
influenced by personal beliefs or feelings
•C A V O R E E G
•10. The extent to which literature meets
the needs and depth of the research topic
• Draw a happy face ☺ if the statement describes
the goal of literature review and a sad face ): if
otherwise. Write your answers on your notebook.
•1. Stimulates new ideas
•2. Suggests hypotheses for
• 3. Establishes the credibility of research
•4. Generalizes the context of the
•5. Delinks the current to the
prior research
•6. Integrates what is
known in an area or field
•7. Summarizes what is
known in an area or field
•8. Makes a connection between
the research and the existing
body of knowledge
•9. Decreases a reader’s
confidence in the researcher’s
professional competence
•10. Points out areas where prior
studies agree, disagree and
where major questions remain

• In the context of research, Literature refers to a

collection of published information or materials on a
particular area of research or topic, such as books
and journal articles of academic value.

• A literature review is a process of studying what has already been

written on a particular topic. The process involves identifying,
locating, and analyzing documents that contain information related to
a researcher’s research topic (Avilla, 2016). Likewise, Aveyard (2010)
defined it as a "comprehensive study and interpretation of literature
that addresses a specific topic."

• 1. To demonstrate a familiarity with a body of

knowledge and establish credibility.
• A good review increases a reader’s confidence in the
researcher’s professional competence, ability and

• 2. To show the path of prior research and how a current project is

linked to it.
• A good review places a research project in a context and
demonstrates its relevance by making connections to a body of

• 3. To integrate and summarize what is known in an area.

• A good review points out areas where prior studies agree,
where they disagree and where major questions remain. It
also indicates the directions for future research.

• 4. To learn from others and stimulate new ideas.

• A good review identifies blind alleys and suggests
hypotheses for replication and gain new insights.

•I. Identify the following statements.

•1. The reliability and correctness of
•2. The state of being commonly
known or accepted
•3. The qualifications of the author
to write on the topic
•4. The degree to which the information is
useful or related to another
•5. Putting together materials from
different sources into an integrated whole
•6. The extent to which a research
account is believable and appropriate
•7. Forming of connections between
the prior and the existing body of
•8. A topic or area for which missing or
insufficient information limits the ability
to reach a conclusion for a question
•9. The fact of being based on facts and
not influenced by personal beliefs or
•10. The extent to which literature
meets the needs and depth of the
research topic
• II. Give the criteria in evaluating literature
employed in the following statements.
• Choose you answers from the box below.
Write your answers on your notebook.
Accuracy , Authority , Objectivity

Currency, Coverage,
•1. “This paper is a little too
outdated. This won’t do.”
Accuracy Authority Objectivity

Currency Coverage ,
•2. “This does not go along with
my research topic. I won’t need
Accuracy Authority Objectivity

Currency Coverage
•3. “This paper has just been
conducted last year. This suits my
Accuracy Authority Objectivity

Currency Coverage
•4. “This paper went through a peer
evaluation. This must be a thorough
Accuracy Authority Objectivity

Currency Coverage
•5. “Upon reading the title, I thought
it is relevant to my study, but as I
read on, it is not.”
Accuracy Authority Objectivity

Currency Coverage
•6. “I have read the qualifications of
this author and he is a doctor. I will
include this.”
Accuracy Authority Objectivity

Currency Coverage
• 7. “The results of this research were also
proven in the previous research I read. I
will include this.”
Accuracy Authority Objectivity

Currency Coverage
• 8. “I wonder why the conclusion of this
research was not congruent to his
results. I will discard this.”
Accuracy Authority Objectivity

Currency Coverage
• 9. “This study was conducted in the late 90s.
This does no longer apply in today’s world. I
will look for another.”
Accuracy Authority Objectivity

Currency Coverage
• 10. “Oh, this education-related research was
conducted by a professor emeritus from
Harvard University. This shall go on my list.”

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