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Dent 5805 Operative Dentistry III

Course Director Dr. Ignatius Lee Office: 8-376b Moos Email: Telephone: 612-625-3240

Course Purpose
To facilitate the transition of students from preclinic laboratory to the clinic setting. To demonstrate competency in the surgical treatment of dental caries prior to being certified for patient treatment. Discuss treatment planning in Operative Dentistry; includes the diagnosis of dental caries and other dental abnormalities; and the understanding of different treatment options relating to the diagnosis.

3 Components
Competencies - Simulation Lab 8S Clinic: Clinical field isolation, tissue retraction Lectures

Required Competencies
Class II amalgam preparation Class II amalgam condensation and carving Class IV composite restoration Class II composite restoration Class II cast gold onlay preparation DAILY ASSIGNMENT Clinical field isolation; tissue retraction

Daily Assignment
ALL daily assignments have to be finished to clinically acceptable level (4 of 5 amalgam preparation/polish) All amalgam preparations have to be evaluated under rubber dam isolation. Replace adjacent teeth prior to starting any preparation.

A passing grade will be assigned for Oper III following the satisfactory completion of all competencies. A passing grade for Oper III is a prerequisite for any patient contact in the clinic. One retake opportunity (without remediation) for any of the five testing competencies. Failed retake will need remediation before you are allowed to take it again.

Five testing competencies (based on score from the first competency exam; retake competency score will not be counted towards the final grade) - 70% Score will be calculated based on:
N (ideal) - 2 points S (deviation form ideal, clinically acceptable) - 1 point M/E (mod/extensive deviation from ideal, clinically unacceptable - 0 point

Lecture: written exam - 30%

Daily Assignments
Please come prepared!!!!!! - review all criteria before session (Oper I and II manual) UNACCEPTABLE to ask your instructor How does it look like??????>>>>\\\ Self evaluate before presenting for faculty evaluation. Attendance is mandatory; unexcused absence will result in loss of retake privilege. Performance on daily work will not affect your grade.

Past Results
YEAR Total # of Students Class II Amalgam Prep Class II Amalgam Finish Class III Composite Prep Class IV Composite Finish Cast Gold Onlay Prep
# of students failed at least one competency

1 86 21 11 12 7 37 61

2 81 25 4 15 5 28 53

3 80 19 22 11 25 46 67

4 87 23 33 10 28 50 75

5 86 21 10 5 19 36 55

6 98 17 3 9 14 37 51

7 98 32 7
21 17 55

Competency Grading
Grading format and criteria - similar to the clinical competency exam. Evaluated by one instructor; use of the same grading sheet. N grade - ideal S grade - deviate from ideal but clinically acceptable M/E grade - moderate/extensive deviations from ideal; clinically unacceptable

Students who fail any competencies will be required to complete a remediation program as prescribed by the course director. Successful completion of the prescribed program is a prerequisite for retaking the competency. All competencies will have to be completed by 5/18/09.

Clinical Procedures
Common clinical procedures that cannot be simulated in the pre-clinic settings. Procedures will be performed on your classmates. Isolation procedures - e.g. rubber dam, cotton rolls etc. Tissue retraction Various matrix systems - contour matrix for composite, copper band.

Competencies review; assigned pages from Op I and II manual. Part of final exam. Matching tooth color (Dr. T. Larson) Histopathology of dental caries (Dr. Hildebrandt) The stratification technique for direct anterior composite (Dr. Perdigao) Clinic protocol; Fifty years of care (Dr. Ziegler) Diagnosis and treatment planning
Treatment planning in dentistry Diagnosis of dental caries and treatment options - pits and fissures, smooth surface, proximal surface, root surface, secondary caries Evaluation of existing restoration

Status of Treatment Planning in Private Practice

An article published in Readers Digest (Feb., 1997) summarized the current status of treatment planning in dentistry
The article described how a patient who went to 50 different dental offices in 28 states; came back with treatment plans ranging from no treatment needed to a quote of $30,000

Next Lecture
Amalgam restoration review Oper I (Dr. Hildebrandt) manual page 3.C.3 to 3.C.7 - Class II amaglam cavity preparation features. Included in final written exam.

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