Innovative Business Solutions RM

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Innovative Business Solutions

Risk Management

Environmental Enterprise Factors

IBS Stake holders (SANI) is very flexible and supportive in dealing with Risk at any level or phase of project. SANI always show participative behavior with maximum involvement in the issues or problems. Each and every possible help is carried out by defined IBS SOPs The tolerance of the execution depend upon the nature of the problem and its proposed solution

IBS Process Assets

IBS defined strategic planning tools Creative, innovative thinking Group people of defined project team Collaboration and integration take place between different departments Previous similar projects outcomes, obstacles are reviewed and taken in special consideration IBS defined standard and Policies in dealing with risks and issues are covered under IBS SOP documents and IBS standard code of implementation

Methods & Approach in Managing Risk

IBS Risk Management standards are based on ISO31000.

IBS focused on coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events
IBS has defined method of managing risk i.e. contingency planning, making use of existing assets, PM metrics (STCQ),PM risk analysis software etc IBS work on approaches like incorporating stake holder perceptions of risk into corporate risk management strategies IBS is currently working on Catastrophe Approach of managing risk

IBS Risk Identification in Budgeting

Exceeding allocated Capital Real Estate value rise Negotiation to Owner Fail Rise in Contractor fees Rise in Construction Material pricing Machine failure Transportation expense Rise in Labor Hour rate Shortage of Material Air conditioning failure

High High Moderate High High High Moderate High High Moderate

5 5 3 5 5 4 3.5 5 5 3

Risk Rain will affect badly the Walls Improper drainage system Rise in installation expense Less Experienced labor recruited

Significance Moderate Moderate-High High Moderate

Level 3 4.5 5 5

Rise in demand of labor Delay of working Un favorable situation Labor Strike Safety Measures Making parallel Application Undefined methods of procedures

High Moderate Moderate High High High High

5 4 4 5 4.5 4.7 5

Risk Extra involvement of Government Misunderstanding b/w team Different style of working Risk in selection criteria

Significance Low Moderate-High Moderate High

Level 1 4.5 5 5

Diverse knowledge level Autocratic decision Making Highly Complex approach Improper defined Scope Un revised HR policies Untimely resource allocation System N/W failure

Moderate to High High High High Moderate Moderate to High High

5 4.7 5 5 3.8 4.6 4.5

Risk Power Failure Cable Cutting faults DB installation Random Error Arrival

Significance High Moderate-High Moderate Moderate

Level 5 4.6 3.8 4.5

Complex design & Development Methods Sudden Telecom N/W down S/W Compatibility issue Increase demand of customer Competitor Position Crashing project activities Scheduling and Budgeting Inefficiency

Moderate to High Low-Moderate Moderate High Moderate to High Moderate to High High

5 3.5 4.6 5 4.5 4.6 5

Risk Consideration
Risk Exceeding allocated Capital Real Estate value rise Negotiation to Owner Fail Rise in Contractor fees Rise in Construction Material pricing Machine failure Transportation expense Rise in Labor Hour rate Shortage of Material Air conditioning failure Area/Activity Finance Construction Purchasing Flats Purchasing Flats Construction Construction Construction renovation Construction Services, Construction Renovation Effect on SCTQ Cost , Scope Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost, Time Cost Cost , Time Cost Time Cost

Risk Rain will affect badly the Walls Improper drainage system Rise in installation expense Less Experienced labor recruited Rise in demand of labor Delay of working

Area/Activity Renovation Renovation Safety Measures Construction Construction Renovation, Construction, Services All Construction Production, Construction Deliverables IBS Plan

Effect on SCTQ Cost Quality Cost Quality Cost Time Quality Scope Cost Cost Time Scope

Un favorable situation Labor Strike Safety Measures Making parallel Application Undefined methods of procedures

Time Scope Time Cost Cost SCTQ SCTQ

Risk Extra involvement of Government Misunderstanding b/w team Different style of working Risk in selection criteria Diverse knowledge level Autocratic decision Making Highly Complex approach Improper defined Scope Un revised HR policies Untimely resource allocation System N/W failure

Area/ Activity IBS Charter Project Life Cycle Project Life HR Project Execution Project Life Cycle Production Project Life HR Execution Deployment

Effect on SCTQ --SCTQ SCTQ Time Quality Cost Time Quality Scope Time Scope Quality SCTQ SCTQ Quality Time Cost Time Quality

Risk Power Failure Cable Cutting faults DB installation Random Error Arrival Complex design & Development Methods Sudden Telecom N/W down S/W Compatibility issue Increase demand of customer Competitor Position Crashing project activities Scheduling and Budgeting Inefficiency

Area/ Activity Development, maintenance Maintenance Deployment Development Testing Project Life Deployment Deployment Acceptance General Execution, Planning IBS MP

Effect on SCTQ Time quality Time Cost Time quality Time Quality SCTQ Time Quality Quality Time SCTQ SCTQ Time quality Cost SCTQ

IBS Risk Responsibilities

Risk Exceeding allocated Capital Real Estate value rise Negotiation to Owner Fail Rise in Contractor fees Rise in Construction Material pricing Machine failure Transportation expense Rise in Labor Hour rate Shortage of Material Air conditioning failure Area/Activity Finance Construction Purchasing Flats Purchasing Flats Construction Construction Construction renovation Construction Services, Construction Renovation Prioritization 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 4 Responsibility Sr. Finance Manager Sr. Secretary of IBS Sr. Secretary of IBS Sr. Finance Manager Sr. HR and Finance Manager HR Manager HR and Finance Manager HR Manager HR and Finance Manager HR Manager

Risk Rain will affect badly the Walls Improper drainage system Rise in installation expense Less Experienced labor recruited Rise in demand of labor

Area/Activity Renovation Renovation Safety Measures Construction Construction

Responsibility Maintenance staff Maintenance Finance and IT HR HR

Priority 4 2 2 1 1

Delay of working
Un favorable situation Labor Strike Safety Measures Making parallel Application Undefined methods of procedures

Renovation, Construction, Services

All Construction Production, Construction Deliverables IBS Plan

All HR IT, Development PM Project Manager

1 2 3 2 1

Extra involvement of Government Misunderstanding b/w team Different style of working Risk in selection criteria Diverse knowledge level Autocratic decision Making Highly Complex approach Improper defined Scope Un revised HR policies Untimely resource allocation System N/W failure

Area/ Activity
IBS Charter Project Life Cycle Project Life HR Project Execution Project Life Cycle Production Project Life HR Execution Deployment

Stake Holders Project manager, Team Lead Project Manager Sr. Hr Manager Project Manager Project Manager Project Team Project Team Sr. HR Manager HR Manager Maintenance Support

5 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 2 3

Power Failure Cable Cutting faults DB installation Random Error Arrival Complex design & Development Methods Sudden Telecom N/W down S/W Compatibility issue

Area/ Activity
Development, maintenance Maintenance Deployment Development Testing Project Life Deployment Deployment

Support Maintenance Support Maintenance Deplorer Tester Project Manager Support Deployment

1 2 3 2 1 2 1

Increase demand of customer Competitor Position Crashing project activities

Scheduling and Budgeting Inefficiency

Acceptance General Execution, Planning


S &M Manager S&M Manager Project Manager

Project Team

1 1 1

IBS Risks Strategy

Exceeding allocated Capital Real Estate value rise Negotiation to Owner Fail Rise in Contractor fees Rise in Construction Material pricing Machine failure Transportation expense Rise in Labor Hour rate Shortage of Material

Finance Construction Purchasing Flats Purchasing Flats Construction

Decrease demand , Increase revenues Stick to reasonable possible Value Try another Owner Negotiate on reasonable fee Un handled

Construction Construction renovation Construction Services, Construction

Make backup machinery work Un handled Proper channeled Negotiations Keep stock of material

Air conditioning failure


Make use of Guarantee card or reasonable servicing

Rain will affect badly the Walls and blinds Improper drainage system Rise in installation expense Less Experienced labor recruited Rise in demand of labor Delay of working

Renovation Renovation Safety Measures Construction Construction Renovation, Construction, Services All Construction Production, Construction Deliverables IBS Plan

Use Plastic blinds and water proof Paint Reconsider the architect design and immediate action Bargaining, reduce unnecessary services charges Carefully hired labor Calming down with acceptance of reasonable demand Keep strong check

Un favorable situation Labor Strike Safety Measures Making parallel Application Undefined methods of procedures

Take extra time to face Negotiate and accept some points Acquire and ensure safety measures Make 1 obj. with multiple deliverables Work on IBS defined method history learned

Extra involvement of Government Misunderstanding b/w team Different style of working Risk in selection criteria Diverse knowledge level Autocratic decision Making Highly Complex approach Improper defined Scope Un revised HR policies Untimely resource allocation

Area/ Activity
IBS Charter Project Life Cycle Project Life HR Project Execution Project Life Cycle Production Project Life HR Execution

-----Do conflict Management Align each and every styled o/p Make tough selection criteria Organize training workshops Make participative DM Apply and encourage simple approach Try to clear objective and level of working Revised the old HR policies Make use of Pert chart

System N/W failure


Make backup N/W Plan

Power Failure Cable Cutting faults DB installation Random Error Arrival

Area/ Activity
Development, maintenance Maintenance Deployment Development Testing

Use stand by generator or batteries Keep spare cable during deployment Use Licensed S/W and Suite Keep on testing the code at every stage

Complex design & Development Methods

Sudden Telecom N/W down S/W Compatibility issue Increase demand of customer Competitor Position Crashing project activities Scheduling and Budgeting Inefficiency

Project Life
Deployment Deployment Acceptance General Execution, Planning IBS MP

Use simple approach and Agile Method

Wait complain then shift Check compatibility of systems before deployment Do customer surveys, analysis Look at their steps and strategies Do proper planning and consider each parameter Apply Pert chart and PDM properly

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