2022 Metal 期末報告範本 簡報檔 final report template

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Final report template

報告人 (presenter(s)) :傅尹坤 ( 範例 ) Please form a group of max.
3 students. It is highly suggested that PhD student form a group of their
own since the independent study requirement.
報告日期 (presentation date) : 2022/12/07 、 2022/12/14 、
2022/12/21 、 2022/12/28
每周約報告; 5-7 groups per week
報告完畢,請依據附件 word 檔案格式,繳交兩份期末報告 (word,
ppt) ;並請依據 9. 附件 -- word 相似度報告一併繳交。
2022/12/07 2022/12/14 2022/12/21 2022/12/28

瑪迪農 楊上賢 ?? ??
賴宏霖 ?? ??
陳致嘉 王永群
• 第一部分:論文研讀報告 (Part 1: paper presentation) 30%
 報告論文題目 (paper title) : The effect of addition of hBN nanoparticles
to nanofluid-MQL on tool wear patterns, tool life, roughness and
temperature in turning of Ni-based Inconel 625
 報告論文出處 (journal citation) : Tribology International 134 (2019)
 論文研讀主要成果 (paper main results)
 SCI journal papers are preferred
 Itemize outline and key findings
 Paper presentation completeness will decide your score
• 第二部分:模擬報告( Part 2: Your experimental reports ) 70%
• Schematic of your design and structure ( 3D CAD model )( 35
• Comparison with the published papers and your
numerical/analytical calculations ( 30% )
• Measurement results ( 35% )
• 本文關鍵字有……… ..keywords
• 本文主要說明………… main contribution
• 五頁以內 within 5 pages
• 可採條列式 itemized
• 挑你有興趣、看得懂 ( 或想看懂 ) 的論文 SCI journal
papers are preferred
• 利用 ~50 個中文字來解釋每個圖,至少需完成
五個圖的解釋 examples as above, one picture is
worth a thousand words
• 例如上圖是解釋實驗流程,包含添加奈米顆粒於切削液及實驗裝置,
與切削中 / 後工件的溫度 / 粗糙度及刀具壽命關係,主要目的
是………………… above showed the experimental procedure …
小結論 summary
• 本文主要結論如下………… main conclusion
• 一頁即可 0ne-page
• 可採條列式 itemized
• 挑你有興趣、看得懂 ( 或想看懂 ) 的論文 SCI journal
papers are preferred
究為例), Your experimental reports
• Schematic of your design and structure ( 3D CAD
model )( 35% )
• Comparison with the published papers and your
numerical/analytical calculations ( 30% )
• Measurement results ( 35% )
• 仿照論文圖表,呈現你曾經 ( 或其他 ) 接觸過的實
務 please follow the paper you read and present
your results accordingly
• 請加入至少一頁結論及一頁心得 one page
abstract and one page of your feedback
Flow stress [??]
Preform & Process design
Preform design
Forming simulation

Conclusion ( 範例 )
• The designed product is ????
• The designed process steps is
• The evaluated forging load is ???
• More can be referred to your reading paper
References ( 範例 )
[1] A. Rakhit, Heat treatment of gears: a practical guide for engineers. ASM international, 2000.
[2] R. E. Haimbaugh, Practical induction heat treating. ASM international, 2015.
[3] V. Rudnev, D. Loveless, and R. L. Cook, Handbook of induction heating. CRC press, 2017.
[4] V. Rudnev, D. Loveless, B. Marshall, N. Dyer, M. Black, and K. Shepeljakovskii, "Gear heat
treating by induction," Gear Technology, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 57-63, 2000.
[5] V. Rudnev, D. Loveless, K. Schwiegert, E. Rylicki, and M. Rugg, "FURNACE TECHNOLOGY-
Achieving uniform temperature through induction heating," Metallurgia, vol. 67, no. 12, pp. 11-12, 2000.
[6] Y. Misaka, Y. Kiyosawa, K. Kawasaki, T. Yamazaki, and W. O. Silverthorne, "Gear Contour
Hardening by Micropulse® Induction Heating System," SAE Technical Paper, 0148-7191, 1997.
[7] H. W. Zoch, "Distortion engineering: vision or ready to application?," Materialwissenschaft
und Werkstofftechnik: Entwicklung, Fertigung, Prüfung, Eigenschaften und Anwendungen technischer
Werkstoffe, vol. 40, no. 5‐6, pp. 342-348, 2009

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