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Be Strong In

Grace That is
in Christ
2 Timothy
2 Timothy 2:1
You then, my son, be
strong in the grace that is in
Christ Jesus.
Word “Strong” in this verse is the Greek
word endunamoo a verb (not an
Adjective!) which means to strengthen in..
To acquire strength or to be strong. This
word use eight times in the new testament.
The word “In” – it is the Greek
word “en” which according to
Bullinger’s Lexicon and
concordance carries the idea of
being or remaining with in.
Timothy’s strength was not
found in or by his own abilities ,
but rather by abiding and
resting in the grace that is in
You then, my son, be strong in the grace
that is in Christ Jesus. 2 And the things you
have heard me say in the presence of many
witnesses entrust to reliable people who
will also be qualified to teach others. Join

with me in suffering, like a good soldier of

Christ Jesus.
No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in
civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his
commanding officer. 5 Similarly, anyone who
competes as an athlete does not receive the
victor’s crown except by competing according to
the rules. 6 The hardworking farmer should be the
first to receive a share of the crops. 7 Reflect on
what I am saying, for the Lord will give you
insight into all this.
Being strong in the grace of Christ is like the life of
a soldier
 The soldier is a dedicated man. He is willing to suffer.
We are called to be good soldiers of Jesus Christ. We
are enlisted as His soldiers. We are dedicated to His
cause. The flag we wave is the flag of Heaven. Those
around us should have no questions about our loyalty
as His soldiers.
endured that hardship as a good soldier
We Must Be Durable

 Paul told Timothy to endure hardness.

 Enduring hardness means we should not allow
ourselves to become easily discouraged.
 It means we are prepared for conflict at all times
of the day.
 It means we should not back down from
the threats of the enemy. It means we
will not allow the casualties around us to
make us quit. A good soldier does not
think about quitting!
We Must Be Deliberate
 Paul said, “No man that warreth entangleth
himself with the affairs of this life.” A good
soldier is not distracted by all the things
going on in this life. His focus is to represent
the Lord Jesus well in the conflict and to
make sure He wins.
Distractions could result in being hit by a
fiery dart of the wicked one.
Distractions could make us the target of a
spiritual assassin.
Distractions could cause us to turn our
backs and become vulnerable to satanic
We Must Be Delightful

 Our number one priority as soldiers is to please

the Lord! God is most pleased with us when we
follow our orders, we are diligent at our post, we
are vigilant as watchmen, we are loyal to our
cause, we fight to win, and we are steadfast at all
Being a good soldier requires effort. We
must realize that we are not called to be part
time soldiers. We do not wrestle with, “Flesh
and blood, but against principalities, against
powers, against the rulers of darkness of this
world, against spiritual wickedness in high
places” (Ephesians 6:12).
C h rista n sa rein a sp irtu a lw a rfa re.T h ed ev il,th ew o rld ,a n d th eflsh a rea len em ies.T h esp irtu a len em iesa reo u to d estro y th etsim o n y a n d efctiv en eso fth eb eliv er.T h en em y w ilsek to ta k ey o u o u to rm a k ey o u a p riso n ero fw a r.T h u s,w ea reca led u p o n to b eg o o d so ld iersfo rth ew a r.
Being strong in the grace of Christ is like
the life of an athlete
 (v.5). “Similarly, if anyone competes as an athlete, he does
not receive the victor’s crown unless he competes
according to the rules.”
 The Christian is to be strong in keeping the grace of law.
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize?

We Christian will get a crown that will last forever” 1 Corinthians 9:24-25

our motivation in serving Christ is much higher; we “run” not for a temporary crown, but for an eternal one.
“Lay aside every weight, and the sin
which so easily ensnares us, and let us
run with endurance the race that is set
before us, looking unto Jesus, the
author and finisher of our faith” (
Hebrews 12:1-2).
Being strong in the grace of Christ is like
the life of a farmer
 Before that farmer gets any yield from his fields he’s got to
break up the soil. He’s got to prepare the land, he’s got to
clear it of stones, he’s got to fertilize it, he’s got to plant it,
he’s got to endure all the threats of weather, he’s got to
harvest it and separate the ears of the crop from the stalks;
and finally it goes to market and is sold so that finally the
farmer receives his reward.
In our work and in our weariness, let us
look to the farmer. Let us keep the deep-
root, big picture in mind. If we don’t
give up, one day we will enjoy the final
harvest and its bountiful rewards.
Galatian 6:9
Fight the good fight of faith.
Take hold of eternal life to
which you were called when you
made for your confession in the
presence of many. 1 Timothy

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