T 1707739604a Esl Curriculum Level 7 Lesson 1 Powerpoint - Ver - 6

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Think about the following:

1 How does your daily routine look like?

2 What are some of your own hobbies?

Hello, I am Sally! Join
me as I tell you a bit
about my day.
Listen to the following:

Play audio Reveal text

Welcome to my day! My career is being a model. This evening, I will be

attending an event and modelling at it – I feel a little bit anxious, but I
know it will be fun because I get to model new jeans. I also have hobbies.
I am a photographer, I play volleyball, and bake delicious cakes. Recently,
I've been trying to bring up my volleyball skills by practicing more
frequently at the local gym. Also, I've been baking new cake recipes to
bring down the stress levels after a long day. I really do love to take up
new hobbies and I want to get better at baking! Before my event this
evening, I need to see my assistant because she will be doing my make-up.
Whilst at the fashion show, I was able to look at the beautiful venue and
take in all the decorations - I do not think I will ever get over how
amazing this job is!

Volleyball Assistant Make-up

Photographer Jeans

Apartment Anxious Model

Evening Career
Check Your Understanding

What are Sally’s Hobbies?

Swimming Running Photography


Volleyball Painting Cycling


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Check Your Understanding

What is Sally’s career?

A photographer A baker A model

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Check Your Understanding

Unscramble the words to say where did

Sally went.

onihsfa ohws

Fashion Show

Click to reveal the answer

Check Your Understanding

What did Sally model?

A dress Jeans
Jeans A shirt

Click to reveal the answer

Match the Words to the Pictures

Photographer Volleyball Jeans

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Match the Words to the Pictures

Make-up Evening Anxious Model

Click to reveal the answer

Match the Words to the Pictures

Assistant Career Apartment

Click to reveal the answer

In the monologue you just heard, there were some special phrases
called "phrasal verbs." These are made by putting a verb together
with an adverb or preposition, sometimes both, to make a new
meaning. Here are the ones mentioned:

… look at the beautiful

I really do love to ... itit will
... will be
be fun
fun because
because I
venue and
and take in
in all
all the
take up
up new
new hobbies
hobbies …… Iget

… baking new cake recipes

I've been
been trying
trying to
to bring up
bring up I will ever get over how
to bring down the
bring down the stress
my volleyball skills. amazing this job is!
levels …

… want
want to
to get
get better at
better at

Click to reveal the answer

Phrasal verbs can mean different things when used in different
contexts. Let’s see how these common phrasal verbs can be
used in other sentences.

Take in Take up Get to

Bring down Bring up

Get over Get up

Take In

The phrasal verb "take in" means to understand or absorb information,

or it can mean to provide shelter for someone.

For example:

She watched the documentary twice to

1 take in all the important facts.

The hotel can take in guests until all the

2 rooms are filled.

How could you

use “take in” in
a sentence?
Take Up

"Take up" means to start or begin doing something new or to use up

space or time.

Here are two examples:

Sally decided to take up painting as

1 a hobby as well.

2 He wants to take up guitar in his free time.

Have you ever

decided to
take up a
new hobby?
Get To

"Get to" means to have the opportunity to do something or to arrive at

a place.

Here are two examples:

1 I can’t wait to get to the beach and relax.

2 We'll get to the park in about ten minutes.

Think about your future

self – what can’t you wait
to get to do during the
Bring Down

"Bring down" means to lower or reduce something.

For example:

They decided to bring down the price of the product to

1 attract more customers.

The team worked together to bring down the

2 undefeated champions in the final game.

How else could

you use “bring
down” in a
Bring Up

"Bring up" means to mention or introduce a topic in conversation.

For example:

She decided to bring up the idea of going on a

1 vacation during the summer break.

He didn't want to bring up the issue during

2 the meeting.

Think about something

you think you could
bring up around the
dinner table!
Get Over

"Get over" means to successfully deal with or overcome a problem or

difficulty, or to move past something.

Here are two examples:

1 She needed to get over the big wall.

It's important to get over past mistakes and focus on

2 moving forward.

Have you ever made a

mistake that you needed
to get over?
Get Better

"Get better" means to improve in health or skill.

Here are two examples:

With proper rest and medication,

1 her cold started to get better.

2 With practice, his tennis game began to get better.

What is something you

could get better at?
Read the Monologue Again and Find
the Phrasal Verbs

Welcome to to my
my day!
day! MyMy career
career isis being
being aa model.
model.This This evening,
evening, II will
will be
attending an an event
event and
and modelling
modelling at at itit -- II feel
feel aa little
little bit
bit anxious,
anxious, but
but II know
know itit
will be
be fun
fun because
because II get
get toto model new jeans. I also have hobbies. I am a
photographer, II playplay volleyball,
volleyball, andand bakebake delicious
delicious cakes.
cakes. Recently,
Recently, I've
I've been
trying to
to bring
bring upup my
my volleyball
volleyball skills
skills by by practicing
practicing moremore frequently
frequently at at the
local gym.
Also, I've
I've been
been baking
baking new new cake cake recipes
recipes to to bring
bring down
down thethe stress
levels after
after aa long
long day.
day. II really
really do
do lovelove to to take
take up new hobbies and I want to
get better
better atat baking!
baking! Before my my event
event this evening,evening, I need need to see my assistant
because sheshe will
will be
be doing
doing my my make-up.
make-up.Whilst Whilst at at the
the fashion
fashion show,
show, II was
was able
to look
look at
at the
the beautiful
beautiful venue
venue andand taketake in all the decorations - I do not think I
will ever
ever get
get over
over how amazing this job is!

Click to reveal the answer

Match the Sentence Halves

the park in about ten

The hotel can take in

the undefeated champions in

He wants to take up
the final game.

guests until all the rooms

We'll get to
are filled.

The team worked together

guitar in his free time.
to bring down

Click to reveal the answer

Match the Sentence Halves

He didn't want
he issue during the meeting.
to bring up

She needed to get over began to get better.

With practice, his

the big wall.
tennis game

Click to reveal the answer

Which is Correct?

"Bring up" means to have

"Bring up"
"Bring up" means
the opportunity to do
mentionor or
introduce a topic
introduce a
something or to arrive at a
in in
topic conversation.

Click to reveal the answer

Which is Correct?

"Bring down" means to "Bring

"Bring down"
down" means
mention or introduce a topic to
to lower
lower or reduce
in conversation. something.

Click to reveal the answer

Which is Correct?

"Take in" means to "Take

"Take in"
in" means
successfully deal with or understand
understand or or absorb
overcome a problem or information,
information,or itorcan
it can
difficulty, or to move past mean
to provide
to provide
something. forsomeone.

Click to reveal the answer

Which is Correct?

"Get better" means to means

"Get better" means to
"Get better" means to to have the opportunity to
improve in health
improve in health or skill. do something or to arrive
or skill.
at a place.

Click to reveal the answer

Choose the Correct Option

1 When I am on holiday, I can take

the beautiful views.
take in

2 My sister loves to get over / bring


3 I love baking but I think I need to

get better
better/ /bring

4 On Saturday, I take up / get to

to go
go to
to the
the beach.

5 I made a cake that did not taste very good – I think I need to take up/
get over
over my
my failed
failed attempt
attempt and
and try
try again.

Click to reveal the answer

Spinning Wheel

Spin the Wheel and Make Your Own Sentences

g up
t a ke

t a ke i n bring
ove e tt
r er
get to
It’s Time to Get Creative!

Sally has a few other places to go to

today. Use what you have learned today
about phrasal verbs and create your own
sentences that relate to the given pictures.
It’s Time to Get Creative!

Try make sentences

using the following:

1. Take in
2. Take up
It’s Time to Get Creative!

Try make sentences using

the following:

1. Get to
2. Bring down
It’s Time to Get Creative!

Try make sentences using

the following:

1. Bring up
2. Get over
It’s Time to Get Creative!

Try make sentences using

the following:

1. Get better
Thank you!

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