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Anatomy of Phonation Chapter 4

Perry C. Hanavan

Phonation or voicing
Vibrating the vocal folds in the larynx
Video Stroboscopy of the Vocal Cords


Voiced Unvoiced Subglottal

Bernoulli effect
Inverse relationship Increase in air flow results in air pressure decrease YouTube YouTube

Summary of Phonation
Phonation is the act of voicing Vocal fold vibrates Bernoulli effect Interaction between subglottal pressure, elasticity of vocal folds, and Bernoulli

Musculocartilaginous structure located at upper end of trachea Valve Size varies with age and gender

Which of the following cartilages of the larynx consist of pairs (2)? A. Cricoid B. Thyroid C. Arytenoid D. Corniculate Senteo Question E. Epiglottis F. Hyoid

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Which of the following is an osseous structure? A. Cricoid B. Thyroid C. Arytenoid D. Corniculate Senteo Question E. Epiglottis F. Hyoid

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Tour of Larynx
Cartilaginous structures
Cricoid Thyroid Arytenoid Corniculate Epiglottis

Osseous Structure

How many pairs of vocal folds do we have? A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four E. Five Senteo Question
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Inside the Larynx

True vocal folds False vocal folds Laryngeal ventricle
Zemlin: Tour of the Larynx

Draw or bring together? A. Duct B. Abduct C. Adduct D. Induct E. Subduct

Senteo Question
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Vocal Folds

Vocal folds in action

Muscles that connect to the same structure are referred to as ________ muscles. A. Trinsic B. Intrinsic C. Extrinsic D. Cotrinsic Senteo Question E. Subtrinsic

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Intrinsic Laryngeal Muscles

Cricothyroid Muscle
Pulls the thyroid cartilage forward, increasing the distance between the thyroid and arytenoid cartilages Tenses the vocal cord Innervated by external laryngeal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve (X)

Lateral Cricoarytenoid Muscle

Draws the muscular process of the arytenoid cartilage anteriorly, which pivots the arytenoid cartilage and adducts the vocal folds

Intrinsic Muscles
Aryepiglottic Muscle
Draws the epiglottis posteriorly and downward during swallowing

Oblique Arytenoid
Draws arytenoid cartilages together adducting vocal folds

Transverse Arytenoideus Muscle

Draws arytenoid cartilages together, adducting vocal folds

Posterior Cricoarytenoid Muscles

Opens space between the vocal cords (abduct) by rotating the arytenoids laterally (abduct), causing the vocal cords to separate opening the rima glottidis

Draws arytenoid cartilage forward forward relaxing and adducting the vocal folds

Vocalis muscle
relaxes segments of the vocal ligament thereby adjusting voice pitch

Muscles of Approximation

Muscle Review
Intrinsic Muscles of the Larynx Adductors
Lateral cricoarytenoid Transverse arytenoid Oblique arytenoid

Posterior cricoarytenoid

Thyrovocalis (medial thyroarytenoid) Cricothyroid, pars recta, and pars oblique

Thyromuscularis (lateral thyroarytenoid)

Auxiliary Musculature Thyroepiglotticus*

Superior thyroarytenoid Thyroarytenoid Aryepiglotticus

Suprahyoid and Intrahyhoid Muscles Hyoid and laryngeal Elevators Stylohyoid Mylohyoid Geniohyoid
Genioglossus Hyoglossus Inferior pharyngeal constrictor Digastricus anterior and posterior

Hyoid and laryngeal Depressors

Sternothyroid Sternohyoid Omohyoid Thyrohyoid

Intrinsic Muscles
Intrinsic Muscle Name thyroarytenoid Comments or vocalis muscle

posterior cricoarytenoid
lateral cricoarytenoid arytenoid (oblique & transverse) move the arytenoids with reference to one another (check


Extrinsic Muscles
Extrinsic Muscle Name Joining these structures


(sternum, thyroid cartilage)

inferior pharyngeal constrictor

(thyroid cartilage, hyoid bone)

(bottom of the "throat", the pharynx)

Laryngeal Elevators

Elevator Muscle Name

Joining these structures


(hyoid bone, styloid process)


(both sides of the jaw [forming the floor of the mouth], hyoid bone)


Intrinsic Muscles
Instant Anatomy UAMS Anatomy Intrinsic Muscles Intrinsic Muscles Disorders of Voice

Extrinsic Muscles
Larynx Anatomy Made Easy Extrinsic & Intrinsic Muscles Discover the Larynx

Discover the Larynx Zemlin Slides

Discover the Larynx

Common Disorders
University of Pittsburgh Vocal Surgery Pre-vocal surgery Cancer ENT Surgery

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