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Introduction to Intelligent Systems

Mrs Chipo Mavetera

Flash Back
• Formulate and solve a traditional IS problem and
design knowledge representation methods
• Use knowledge representation techniques
• Application of different systematic and heuristic
search techniques
• Practice in expressing problems in terms of state-
space search
Flash Back
• Gain broad knowledge of the subfields and
applications of AI, e.g computer vision, machine
learning and expert systems.
• Detailed knowledge of one subfield of AI (e.g.
natural language processing, planning) and ability
to apply its formalisms and representations to
small problems
• Detailed understanding of different approaches to
autonomous agent and robot architectures, and
the ability to critically evaluate their advantages
and disadvantages in different contexts.
• Practice in the implementation of simple AI
systems using a suitable language
• What are Intelligent systems?

• History of Artificial Intelligence

• From GOFAI to Nouvelle AI

• Applications of Artificial Intelligence

• Challenges for AI

What is Artificial Intelligence?
• The attempt to make computers more intelligent.
• The attempt to understand human intelligence better.
• Four approaches:
– are we interested in reasoning,
– or acting,
– do we take humans as models for building systems,
– do we want to establish new guidelines of how should a
rational entity think/act/behave?

Artificial Intelligence
• Computational models of human behaviour
– programs that behave externally like humans.

• Computational model of human thought process

– programs that operate internally the way humans do.

• Computational systems that behave intelligently

• Computational systems that behave rationally

History of AI
• Term ”artificial intelligence” (1956)
• Early enthusiasm (1952-69)
- Claims: computers can do X
- General Problem Solver, Newell and Simon
Intentionally solved puzzles in a similar way as humans do
(order of sub-goals)
- Geometry Theorem Prover, Herbert Gelernter, 1959
- Blocks world: vision, learning, NLP, planning
• Confronting reality (1966-74)
- current approach did not scale
- intractability

Early Artificial Intelligence
• Alan Turing, early 1950s
– The Turing Test

• Simon and Newell, late 1950s

– General Problem Solver – GPS

• Shakey - Stanford 1966-72

– First autonomous robot

– Today??
Different approaches
• Philosophical
– Definition of ‘intelligence’
• Cognitive
– Plausible models of human abilities
• To better understand humans
• Engineering
– Behaviour which is ‘intelligent’ for humans
• Chess? Recognising a pencil?
• Why humans?
• Be able to do the right thing!

• Examples
Good Old Fashioned AI (GOFAI)
Three major components:
1. Explicit representation of knowledge
– Usually symbolic
– Supports explanation

2. Inferencing Mechanisms
– Application of knowledge
– Production of new knowledge

3. Current conclusions
– Working memory
Changing aims...from GOFAI to '
Nouvelle AI
From: Powerful, general mechanisms
– ‘General’ Problem Solver (1950s-60s)

Via: Knowledge-rich, domain specific mechanisms

– Expert Systems; Cognitive modelling; Connectionist
approach (1970s-80s)

To: Situated intelligence

– Integrating sensing and acting (1990s-00s)
What do we work towards?
• Systems that act like humans
• Modelling human behaviour:
– The Turing Test
– The Loebner Prize
– The Chinese Room

Home work

The Turing Test
• Proposed by Alan Turing in 1950
– Attempts to answer the question whether machines can think
– Assesses the machine’s ability to imitate a human being, i.e.
can machines communicate in natural language in a manner
indistinguishable from that of a human being?
* argument of senses.
* argument of continuity of the nervous system.
* argument of informality of behaviour.
– Based on the idea that we know intelligence when we see it,
not on an agreed definition.
* Total Turing Test: Requires physical interaction and needs
perception and actuation.

How can a computer pass
a Turing Test?
• Natural language processing: to communicate with examiner.
• Knowledge representation: to store and retrieve information
provided before or during interrogation.
• Automated reasoning: to use the stored information to answer
questions and to draw new conclusions.
• Machine learning: to adapt to new circumstances and to detect
and extrapolate patterns.
• Vision (for Total Turing test): to recognize the examiner’s
actions and various objects presented by the examiner.
• Motor control (total test): to act upon objects as requested.
• Other senses (total test): such as audition, smell, touch.
The Chinese Room

• It’s possible to pass TT, but how about?

Human who
Native story and cannot
Chinese questions in understand
speaker Chinese Chinese

responses in English
Fluent program for
Chinese manipulating
Strong AI and the Chinese Room
• A ’thought’ experiment
– John Searle, a philosopher

• A room, a person with some rules for translating inputs to

– Inputs are some Chinese characters
– Rules used to produce output Chinese characters

• But does anyone ‘understand’ Chinese?
An example

• The towers of Hanoi

– three towers: one tower with
n disks, each one smaller than
the one beneath it, and two other
towers with none

• Aim: to move a set of n disks from one tower to

another using a third tower for temporary storage
– Constraint 1: disks can be moved one at a time
– Constraint 2: a larger disk can not rest on a smaller one
AI Applications
• Financial services: Quantifying Operational Risk with Bayesian
Networks; Software To Aid Traders in Decision Making, Software
Curbs Fraudulent Transactions.
• Machine learning: Genetic Algorithms Form Backbone for Efficient
Data Mining.
• Fuzzy logic: Fuzzy Logic For Navigating Robots; Fuzzy Logic Aids in
Production Planning.
• Neural networks: Neural Net Detectors for Spotting Radioactive
Material in Fast Moving Vehicles.
• Agent-based systems: Agents To Bring Planning into Business
Applications; Intelligent Agents To Protect Nation's Security .

Challenges for AI today
• Exponential growth of unstructured data: data mining powered by
AI algorithms have defined new ways to exploration of data.
• Artificial Intelligence-based filtering technology works need to
adapt faster than the spammers change their methodology of
• Rapid development incites a need for manufacturing applications
with inbuilt reasoning capabilities.
• Software defined new ways to management of knowledge assets.

Related Videos
• The birth of AI and the GOFAI
• Rule based Systems
• The Chinese room
• The birth of Nouvelle AI and Revival of Connectionism
• Shakey the autonomous robot from Stanford University
Reading List
• History of AI

• Part 1 - Chapter 1: Introduction - from the book:

“Artificial Intelligence - a modern approach”, 3 rd Ed.
• Russell & Norvig (Prentice Hall)

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