I'm Not Scared - Chapter Four Analysis - JPD para 1 and Plan STD WORK

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I’m Not Scared

Close Analysis
Chapter Four
▪ Reread Chapter Four
▪ Identify the key moments of plot development
▪ Identify what has changed during the course of the chapter
▪ Identify which characters are involved and list their actions

“Chapter Four is the most important chapter in
the novel”
“Chapter Four is the most important chapter in
the novel”
▪ What is my response?
– The statement is valid
– The statement is invalid
– The statement is partly valid.

▪ What are the key arguments or ideas I am going to put forward to support my
▪ What evidence from the text am I going to use to back it up?
Plan your response – Key Ideas

First Reason
• Arrival of Sergio ▪ These key arguments or ideas
• Mastermind of Filippo’s Abduction
• Personification of cultural evil
form the BASIS of each of your
body paragraphs
Second Reason
• We see the dehumanizing effects of Filippo’s ▪ The opening sentence, or TOPIC
imprisonment sentence of each body
• Seen from Michele’s perspective paragraph, MUST address each
Third Reason of these key arguments or ideas.
• Michele discovers that his father is responsible for ▪ What are they?
Filippo’s abduction
– An event? A character? A growth in
knowledge? A change in awareness?
Fourth Reason – optional extra para
* Michele’s fears and imagination collide
Plan your response – Introduction

Opening Sentence Fourth Sentence

“Chapter four is pivotal to the narrative of I’m However, the most significant development for
Not Scared for several reasons” the reader in chapter four is Michele’s
discovery of who Filippo really is and why he is
Second sentence chained up in the hole.
Firstly, Chapter four heralds the arrival of
Sergio, the mastermind behind Filippo’s
Fifth Sentence
It is these developments that force Michele
Third Sentence to confront reality and the fact that he will
Secondly, we witness through Michele’s eyes the no longer see the world in the same way.
dehumanising effects of Filippo’s imprisonment. His innocence has been irrevocably lost.
Plan your response – Body Paragraph 1

The first example where Michele’s perspective ▪ The opening sentence, or TOPIC sentence,
addresses a key argument or idea.
is irrevocably changed is with the arrival of
Sergio. At this point, Michele believes his ▪ It MUST then be supported by evidence from
father to be the most important man in Acqua the text. Show how your key argument or
Traverse. He overhears a conversation idea is valid by showing where the
between Sergio and his father where Sergio information resides in the text. – A quote or,
at the very least a detailed reference to the
admonishes Pino, saying “you’re an imbecile.” text. It should avoid summarizing the plot.
Michele’s reaction is profound; “I felt as if I’d
been stabbed in the heart. Nobody ever talked ▪ A discussion should then address the effect
to papa like that. Papa was the boss of Acqua upon us (the reader). What reaction do we
Traverse.” The reader is now very much aware have? What judgement do we make? What
are we encouraged (or positioned) to think/to
that Michele’s perspective has shifted. He refers feel/to believe/to know or to do in relation to
to Sergio as “the emperor”. a particular character, or their actions?
Plan your response Body Para 2 - STD
Plan Your Response Body Para 3
Plan your response Body Para 4
Plan your response – A conclusion

Opening Sentence – Revisit the topic: What is learned/discovered? What has changed?
Chapter four is the most important part of the narrative of I’m Not Scared because
Michele’s imaginary world of monsters suddenly becomes real.

Second sentence - Address how our understanding, as the reader, has been changed
The narrative focus for us as readers shifts, from Michele’s childlike inquisitiveness
and fertile imagination, to a darker realisation that there is evil in Acqua Traverse.

Third Sentence - Ultimately what has been achieved in relation to the novel as a
whole? What do we now know or anticipate?
We begin to contemplate (and anticipate) what Michele can do to save Filippo from

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