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History of the

theatrical forms
and their
The three well-known
greek tragedy playwrights

travel- these are
as education in

The three well-known
greek tragedy playwrights
"Always desire
to learn

The three well-known
greek tragedy playwrights
"Memory is
the mother of
sll wisdom".

The theater of these ancient Greece consisted of three types
of drama:

- it is a compound of two Greek
words, "tragos" or "goat" and "ode"
meaning song, referring to goats
sacrificed to Dionysus before
performances, or to goat-skins worn
bt the performers.
The theater of these ancient Greece consisted of three types
of drama:

- were derived from imitation; there
were no traces of origin.
- Aristophanes wrote most of the
comedy plays.
The theater of these ancient Greece consisted of three types
of drama:

satyr play
- contains comic elements to lighten
the overall mood or a section play with
a happy ending.
- this play was s short, light-
hearted tallpieceperformed.
Project Overview
Project Overview
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reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse ci llum dolore eu fugiat nulla
pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat n o n proident, sunt in
culpa qui officia deserunt mollit a n i m id est laborum.
William Shakespeare
the famous actor and poet
who emerged in this period.
baptized on April 26, 1564 and
dies on april 23, 1616.
he was an English poet,
playwright and actor and
regarded as the greatest
writer and dramatist in the
whole world.
as often called as the
England's national poet and
the "Bard of avon"
the famous actor and poet
who emerged in this period.
baptized on April 26, 1564 and
dies on april 23, 1616.
he was an English poet,
playwright and actor and
regarded as the greatest
writer and dramatist in the
whole world.
as often called as the
England's national poet and
the "Bard of avon"
Other Contemporary Playwrights

Christopher Marlowe
Greatest works:
- Dr Faustus
- The Jew of Malta
Thomas Kyd
- was an English
playwright, the author
of the Spanish Tragedy,
and one of the most
important figures in the
development of
Elizabethan drama.

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Wri te yo ur Wri te yo u r Wri te yo u r
topic here topic here topic here
- was first performed in public.
-is a formalized form of
dance which originated from
tha Italian Renaissance
-it developed from Italy to
France with the help of
Catherine de' Medici (Queen of
-it is a piece of work
presented at her daughter's

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Wri te yo ur Wri te yo u r Wri te yo u r
topic here topic here topic here

L o r e m i p s u m dolor sit amet ,

consectetur adipiscing elit.
Item 5 Item 1
10 10

Item 4 Item 2
10 10

Item 3
Three Playwrights:
Pierre Cornielle (1606- 1684)

-was often called the Father

of the French tragedy,
writing scripts for more than
four decades.

Major works:
- The Cid
Jean- Baptiste Poquelin
(better known as Moliere),

-known for his

comedies Major works:

- Tartuffe
- Missanthrope
Jean Racine (1639-

- was a tragedian
beloved for his
simple approach
to action and
Romantic playwrights
Victor Marie Hugo
(1802- 1885)
- considered as one of
greatest and best known
French writter.
- He was a poet, novelist
and dramatist of the
Romantic movement.

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