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Unit 14: Describing frequency

6. Listen to a conversation between a doctor and

a nurse. Choose the correct answers.
1.When should the patient have his antivi-
ral pills?

A. Before meals
B. After meals
C. At bedtime
D. In the morning
2. How often can the patient
take ibuprofen?
A. Twice per day
B. Three times per day
C. Before any meal
D. As often as needed
7. Listen again and complete the conversation.

Doctor: Sharon, Mr. Walker is a new patient . Let’s review his

Nurse: Okay, Doctor. ______
What ______
does ______
he ______
need ?
Doctor: He needs a 150 mg dosage of these ______ antiviral______
pills .
how ______
Nurse: Sure. And ______ often should he get those?
Doctor: They should
______ ______be ______
taken TID. Preferably ac,
before they bring his food.
Nurse: I understand. Anything else ?
______ ______
Doctor: He can, also have two tablets of ibuprofen PRN for his
pain, but ______not______more ______
than800 mg per day.
Nurse: Got it. I’ll add it to his chart.
Thank you

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