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Haala Waliigalaa


Kaizen Overview
Qabiyyee Leenjichaa
(Training Contents)

• Maalummaa Kaayizan
(About Kaizen)
• Kaayizan akka Falaasamaatti
(Kaizen as a Phylosophy)
• Maloota Kaayizan
(Kaizen Systems)
• Meeshaalee Kaayizan
(Kaizen Tools)
Kaayyoo Leenjichaa
• Falaasama Kaayizan ilaalchisee hubannaa
• Iddoo hojiitti, mana keenyatti akkasumas jiruu
keenya guyyaa guyyaa keessatti kaayizanii
hojiirra olchuun jijjiirama dhufuuf galtee akka
ta’u gochuu,
• Kaayizaniin walqabatee wantoota gaafii ta’an
irratti mariidhaan ifa gochuu.
Jijjiiramaaf Waadaa Seenu
Promise For Change
1.Goonkumaa hin dalagamu hin jedhin.
① Do not say it cannot be done.

2.Kufaatii hin sodaatin

② Do not fear a failure.

3. Yaada namoota biroo hin tuffatin

③ Do not deny opinions of others.


“ A never
Kaayizan Maali?
What is kaizen?
Jechoota jaappaan lama irraa kan ijaaramee dha.
Zan=Waan gaariidhaaf
Zen=For the better
Kaayizan=Jijjiirama ittii fufiinsa qabu
Kaizen=Continuous improvement
• Jijjiirama guyyaa hundaa (Everyday improvement)
• Jijjiirama nama hundaa(Everybody’s improvement)
• Jijjiirama iddoo hundaa(Everywhere improvement)
• Jijjiirama wanta hundaa(Everything improvement)
Jijjiiramnii Maali?
• Jijjiiramni hojimaata baratamaa ta’e
tokko irraa gara hojimaata haaraatti
ce’uun dura kan moofaa ta’e
dhiisuudhaan haarawicha barachuu jidduu
haala jiruu dha.
• Jijjiiramni Namootni haalota jijjiramoo
keessoo fi alaa wajjiin adeemsa itti
waliigalanii dha.
Jijjiiramni Maaliif Barbaachise?
• Akka Mana hojiitti
– Adeemsa hojii fooyya’aa fiduuf,
– Galii fooyya’aa argachuuf,
– Haala jiruu fooyya’aa uumuuf,
– Dorgomtoota caalanii argamuuf.
• Akka Biyyaatti
– Hawaasa sadarkaa jireenyaa fooyya’aa qabu
– Diinagdee biyyaa adeemmsa hojii omishaa fo
kenna tajaajilaa fooyya’aa irratti hundaa’e ijaaruuf,
– Gabaa addunyaa irratti dorgomaa ta’uuf
Gufuuwwan Jijiiramaa
• Humnoota Gurguddoo lama (2)
1) Humnoota Kakaasoo: Jijiiramni akka dhufu kan
kakaasanii fi deeggaran yoo ta’u,
2) Humnoota Ittisoo: Jijjiiramni akka hin dhufne
kan dhoorkanii fi kan gufachiisan.
Ilaalcha Dhiphummaa/narrow attitude/[Qormaata
guddaa jijjiiramni akka hin dhufne taasisu]
– Jijjiirama sodaachuu,
– Ilaalcha faallaa ta’eef dursa kennuu
– Hojimaata laafaa raawwachuu.
Qaamota gurguddoo KAAYIZAN
Three main elements of KAIZEN
• Qulqullina /Quality (Customer)
• Gatii/Cost (Company)
• Dhiyeessii/Delivery(Customer)
Dhimmoota 7’n xiyyeeffannoon itti kennamuu
1. Qulqullina
2. Gatii
3. Oomisha
4. Yeroo Dhiyeessii
5. Nageenya iddoo hojii
6. Kaka’umsa hojii
7. Haala Naannoo keenya
Kaayizan ilaalchisee wantoota hayyootaan dubataman keess muraasa
“Amantiiwwan gurguddoo lama Jaappaan
qabdi jedheen yaada: Budihizimii fi
Shiintooyizimii dha. Amma garuu amantaa
sadaffaas isaan qaban irra gaheera, innis
Kaayizanii dha!”
Wiiliyaam Maanlii

“I thought they had two major religions in

Japan: Buddhism and Shintoism. Now I find
they have a third: KAIZEN!”
William Manly
“Falaasamni Kaayizan jijjiirama itti fufaa jiruu
keenyaa iddoo hojii,jiruu hawaasummaa fi
mana keenya keessatti kan fayyaduu dha.”

“The KAIZEN philosophy assumes that our

way of life –be it our working life, our social
life, our home life-deserves to be constantly
Maaski Imai
“Kaayizan Jaappaan keessatti Waggoottan 30 darbaniif
falaasama malootaa fi meeshaalee rakkoo furan fi
yaadrimee hooggansa gaarii ta’ee kan tajaajilee dha.”
Maaskii Imaay

“kaizen is the overriding concepts behind good

management. It is a unifying thread running through
the philosophy, the systems, and problem solving
tools developed in Japan over the last 30 years”
Maaski Imai
Utubaawwan Kaayizan sadan
(The three Kaizen Pillars)

1. Kaayzan Akka Falaasamaatti

(Kaizen as a Phylosophy)
2. Maloota Kaayizan
(Kaizen Systems)
3. Meeshaalee Kaayizan
(Kaizen Tools)
• Philosophy(thinking,beliefs,values,attitudes,w
ayof life);
Philo=refers to ‘love’ and sophy= stands for ‘to
think’ as a result philosophy is defines as ‘love
to think’
* Falaasama jechuun= “Jaalala yaada
gadifageenya qabuu ” dha.
• KAAYIZAN mala jaarmiyaan tokko hojii fi
adeemsota hojii fooyyeessudhaaf itti fufiinsaan
raawwachuudhaan galma qulqullina
tajaajilootaa fi oomishaatiin itti quufiinsa
maamilaa guutuu fiduu dha.
• KAIZEN is a system of continual undertaking
by an organisation to improve its business
activities and processes with the goal to
always improve quality of products and
services so that the organisation can meet full
customer satisfaction.
• KAAYIZAN kan raawwatamu akka guutuu
jaarmiyaatti yoo ta’u qindoomina qaamoolee
sadarkaadhaan jiraniini;- kunis hoogganaa
olaanaa, hoogganaa giddu galeessaa fi
raawwattoota (hojjatoota) ni.
• KAIZEN can be built in and run with an integrated
and company-wide approach through the
collaboration of all the levels of the organisation that
are top management, middle managers and
front-line employees.
• Kutannoo, hirmaannaa hoo’aa fi kaka’umsi
qaamota sadanii iddoo ol’aanaa kan qabuu dha.
• Commitment, genuine participation and motivation of all
the three actors are critical factors.
• KAAYIZAN xiyyeeffannoodhaan jijjiirama
raawwattootaa (hojjattootaa) irratti kan
xiyyeeffatuu fi utubaa humna jijjiiramaa jedamee
• KAIZEN normally places the foremost importance in
improvements at the front-line workplaces as the
foundation of all the improvement efforts.
• Kaayizan iddoowwan Qulqullina,
Oomishtummaa, gatii fi Dhiyeessii (QOGD)
kan hammatu yoo ta’u jijjiiramni qindaa’aan
kanneenii itti quufiinsa maamilaa fi milkaa’ina
jaarmiyaa kan fiduu dha.
• KAIZEN encompasses all the areas that are related to
quality, productivity, cost, and delivery, (QPCD)
whose simultaneous improvements are essential in
achieving customer satisfaction and success of the
• KAAYIZAN Jaarmiyaa keessatti gochaa itti
fufiinsa qabu, jijjiiramaa kan ta’ee fi adeemsa
ofii kan qabu yoo ta’u qulqullina ol’aanaa fi
oomishtummaa fooyya’aa kan fidud dha.

• KAIZEN, as undertaken by an organisation,

involves continual, dynamic and self-
disciplined practice in the quest of
improvement towards ever higher quality and
• Dabalataanis, humna guutuu
miseensa jaarmiyaa hundaa
fayyadamuudhaan kan raawwatuu
• It also promotes the realisation of
human potentials of all members of
the organisation.
Qajeeltoowwan KAAYIZAN
KAIZEN’s Guiding Principles

• Qindoomina qaamolee sadarkaan jiraniin jaarmiyaa

keessatti hoonaa ol’aanaa, hooggantoota giddugaleesssa fi
raawwattoota(hojjattoota)’n galma kan gahuu dha.
• Integrated total company approach: Genuine participation of top
management, middle managers and front-line employees throughout the
company organisations

• Hirmaannaa hoo’aa fi adeemsa raawwattootaa(hojjatootaa)

kaka’umsa waliin jiru barbaachisaa dha.
• Proactive and spontaneous participation of employees of
front-line workplaces with their own initiatives
• Galma gahiinsa jaarmiyaatiif
jijjiirama baasii gadi aanaa fi
gahuumsa irratti kan xiyyeeffatee dha.
• Focus on the workplace that encourages
improvements of efficiency in existing
resources allowing low cost improvements
to accumulate for a significant contribution
to the company goals
Gochaa fi Bu’uura beekuumsaa KAAYIZAN
KAIZEN in action and
KAIZEN’s knowledge bases
• Garaagarummaan gidduu KAAYIZAN fi adeemsota hojii biroo
jiru, KAAYIZAN jijjiirama itti fufiinsa qabuu fi kan wal irraa hin
cinnee dha.
• The most significant difference between KAIZEN and other business
improvement methods is that KAIZEN is continual undertaking.
• KAAYIZAN adeemsa hojii jijjiiramaa fi marsaawwan KGMT(Karoora,
Gocha, Mirkaneessaa fi Tarkaanfii) irratti kan raawwatamuu dha.
• KAIZEN is a dynamic activity in revolving cycles of PDCA, (Plan,
Do, Check and Action).
• Tokkoon tokkoo marsaawwan KAAYIZAN jalqabaa
hanga dhumaatti tartiiba adeemsa KGMT keessatti ni
• Each one of the KAIZEN cycles has its steps from the start
to the end in the PDCA process.
• Al tokko jijiiramni haaraan sadarkaa haaraa erga ta’ee booda
marsaa itti aanus dabalataan jijjiirama ni fida
• Once a new improvement becomes a new standard, the next
cycle is set up to seek further improvement.
• KAAYIZAN adeemsa hojii itti fufiinssa jijiirama ol’aanaa ta’e
marsaa marsaadhaan dhuma malee kan fiduu dha.
• KAIZEN is a continual challenge towards ever higher-
level improvement, cycle by cycle, without an end.
Characteristics of KAIZEN
1. Hojimaata Itti fufiinsa kan qabu
(Participatory approach)
3.Kuufama jijjiiramoota xixiqqoo
(Accumulation of small improvements)
4. Jijjiirama baasii ol’aanaan ala ta’e
(Improvement without a large amount of
1. “Continuity”

2. “Participatory approach”

Promotion organization

Division Division Division organization
1 2 3



3. “Kuufama jijjiiramoota xixiqqoo”
3.“Accumulation of small improvements”
• KAAYIZAN bu’aa battalaa fiduu osoo
hintaane kuufa jijjiiramoota
xixiqqootiin bu’aa adeemsa keessa
dhufuu dha.
• KAIZEN does not aim to attain
significant result, but accumulation of
small improvement leading to
significant result.
4. “Jijjiirama baasii olaanaan ala ta’e”
4.“Improvement without a large amount of money”
• Qisaasama balleessuun baasii xiqqaa yookaan
kan hin gaafannee dha.
• Waste elimination may not require investment or
little investment
• Jalqabbiin 5s akka ka’uumsa KAAYIZAN tti
baasii xiqqaa qofa kan barbaaduu ta’a.
• Introduction of 5S for a starter of KAIZEN may
need only a little investment
Haaldureewwan KAAYZAN
Prerequisites of KAIZEN
1. Beekumsa hubannoo KAAYIZAN fi teeknooloojii isaa
(K nowledge of KAIZEN concept and KAIZEN technology)
2.Yaada gaarii ta’e qabaachuu
(A ttitude with positive thinking)
3. Hirmaannaa hooggansa ol’aanaa irraa hanga raawwattootaa
(hojjattotaa) jidduu jiru
(I nvolvement or participation from top management to workers)
4. Gargaarsa Kaayizanii kuteenya qabu
(Z ealous support for KAIZEN)
5. Barumsa KAAYIZAN fi teeknooloojii isaa
(E ducation on KAIZEN and KAIZEN technology )
6. Raawwii hojii KAAYIZAN dhuma hin qabne
(N ever-ending KAIZEN activity)
1. Beekumsa hubannoo KAAYIZAN fi teeknooloojii isaa
“Knowledge of KAIZEN concept and KAIZEN technology”

• Aadaan KAAYIZAN kan raawwatamu hubannoo fi

teeknooloojii isaa raawwachuudhani
(KAIZEN culture is promoted by dissemination of KAIZEN
concept and technologies)
• KAAYIZAN Hubachuudhaaf hin ulfaatu
(KAIZEN concept is not so difficult to understand)
• Teeknooloojiin KAAYIZAN maloota salphaa hanga ulfaataatti
kan hammatee dha.
(KAIZEN technologies include easy to difficult techniques
• KAAYIZAN teeknooloojiiwwan sasalphaa 5s fi QC7 tools
jedhamaniin eegaluu tu isa irra jira.
(KAIZEN should be started by use of easy technologies such
as 5S and QC7 tools.)
2. “Yaada gaarii ta’e qabaachuu”
“Attitude with positive thinking”
• Hubannoo fi teeknooloojiiwwan KAAYIZAN
yaada gaarii ta’e ni ijaaru.
• KAIZEN concept and technologies can build
positive attitude.
• Aadaan KAAYIZAN namootaa fi jaarmiyaa yaada
gaarii qabaniin kan milkaa’uu dha.
• KAIZEN culture is promoted by people and
organization with positive attitude to KAIZEN.

3.”Hirmaannaa hooggansa ol’aanaa hanga
raawwattoota(hojjattootaa) jidduu jiru.
“Involvement or participation
from top management to workers”

• Hooggansi ol’aanaan KAAYIZAN irratti

xiyyeeffate milkaa’inaaf barbaachisaa dha.
• The top management who focuses interest on
KAIZEN is crucial success factor.
• Hirmaannaan hojjattoota (raawwattoota) hojimaata
KAAYIZAN milkeessuu fi itti fufsiisuuf kan
barbaachisuu dha.
• Participation from workers related to KAIZEN is
essential for success and continuity. 36
4. “Gargaarsa KAAYIZAN kuteenya qabu”
“Zealous support for KAIZEN”
• KAAYIZAN kan milkaa’u yaada guutuu
ta’ee fi deeggarsa kuteenya qabuuni.
• KAIZEN can be promoted with paying
zealous attention to it.
• Deeggarsa tapha kubbaa miilaa kan humna
garee ta’eef kennuu fakkaata.
• It looks like support for soccer which is the
source of power for the team.
5.”Barumsa KAAYIZAN fi Teeknooloojii isaa
“Education on KAIZEN and KAIZEN technology ”

• KAAYIZAN kan hojii irra oolu humna namaa tiini.

• KAIZEN is implemented by human resource.
• Barumsi hubannoo KAAYIZAN fi teeknooloojii isaa
barbaachisaa dha.
• Education of KAIZEN concept and technologies is
crucial matter.
• KAAYIZAN guddina humna namaatiin dandeettii gaarii
fiduudhaaf kan hawwuu dha.
• KAIZEN aims to achieve good performance through the
development of human resource. 38
6. “Raawwii hojii KAAYIZAN dhuma hin qabne”
“Never-ending KAIZEN activity”

• Raawwiin KAAYIZAN yaadrimee caalaa

barbaachisaa dha.
• KAIZEN, implementation is far more
important than theory.
• Jijjiirama guddaa milkaa’ina xixiqqaa
KAAYIZAN booda fiduudhaaf yoo yaadde
KAAYIZAN hin xummurin.
• Don’t end KAIZEN if you aim to make great
improvement after small success in KAIZEN. 39

KAIZEN systems
• Mala Oomisha Tooyootaa
(Toyota Production System)
• Suphaa Oomisha Waliigalaa
(Total Productive Maintenance)
• Too’annoo Qulqullinaa Jaarmiyaa guutuu
(Company Wide Quality Control)
• Mala hooggansa qulqullinaa waliigalaa
(Total Quality Management System)
• Marsaawwan too’annoo qulqullinaa
• Mala Yaada kennuu
(Suggestion System)
• Maloota:- Caasaa gamtaa tokko
ta’anii fo wantoota kaayyoo tokkoof
waldeegaranii hojjatanii dha.
• System:- a regularly interacting or
inteerdependent group of items
forming a unified whole.
Bu’uurawwan beekuumsaa KAAYIZAN
KAIZEN knowledge bases
(i) Jalqabbii hubannoo
(Conceptual Foundation)
(ii) Ijaarsa Jaarmiyaa dhuunfaa KAAYIZAN
(KAIZEN Self organizatio)n
(iii) Shaakallii dhuunfaa sochii jaarmiyaa guutuu
(Self-Practicing through Company-wide Movement.)
(iv) Tooftaalee
(Methods )
(v) Meehaalee xiinxallaa
(Analytical Tools )
Iddoo hojiitti KAAYIZAN irratti xiyyeeffachu
Focus on KAIZEN at the workplace

• Jaarmiyoota hojimaata KAAYIZAN

fayyadaman biratti KAAYIZAN
iddoo hojii jalqabbii humna
jijjiiramaa ti.
• KAIZEN at the workplace is the
foundation of improvement efforts at
KAIZEN-practicing companies.
• Milkaa’inni gama KAAYIZAN tiin dhufu
haamilee guddaa iddoo hojiitti kan fiduu fi
guddina itti fufiinsa qabu jaarmiyaatti kan
milkeessuu dha.
• A success in KAIZEN results in higher morale at the
workplace, in general which reinforces the
momentum of KAIZEN activities at the workplace
and in turn makes continued development of
KAIZEN activities at the company all the more likely.
• KAAYIZAN iddoo hojiitti
furtuu seensa shaakallii mataa
ofii raawwii hojii dhuma hin
qabnee ti.
• KAIZEN at the workplace is the key
to the entry to the self-practicing
phase in which the endless revolving
activities of KAIZEN should develop.
• Iddoowwan moodeela ta’aniitti
milkaa’ina ijaaruun fi marsaawwan
too’annoo qulqullinaa isaanii guutuu
jaarmiyaatti KAAYIZAN babal’isuun
ni danda’ama.
• Building on the success in the model
workplaces and their QCCs’
activities, the company shall expand
KAIZEN activities in the company-
wide scale.
• Jaarmiyaan marsaawwan
too’annoo qulqullinaa iddoowwan
hojii mijaa’aatti kan qindeessu
moodeeloota MTQ lamaan bakka
buusuu dhaani.
• The company will organise QCCs in
the relevant workplaces across the
company by replicating the two
model QCCs
• Jaarmiyaan hojimaata KAAYIZAN malaan deeggaruun
raawwachuudhaaf kan fayyadamu
• At the same time, the company needs to institutionalise
the support system of KAIZEN activities.
• This includes
(i) Walgahii gaggeessaa marsaalee too’annoo qulqullinaa
– (i) inter-QCC activities such as QCC leader meetings and
company-wide QCC presentation meetings and

(ii) Karoora waggaa KAAYIZAN kan marsaalee too’annoo

qulquulinaa fi raawwilee hojii KAAYIZAN kan deeggaruu dha.

– (ii) the company’s annual KAIZEN action plan which may

include various events to promote QCC and other KAIZEN
KAAYIZAN jijiirama ajaa’ibsiissaati
moo jijiirama adeemsaan dabalaa
deemuu dha?
Is KAIZEN radical or incremental?

Jijjiirama adeemsaan kuufama

milkaa’ina xixiqqaatiin dabalaa
deemuu dha.
Meeshaalee Kaayizan
Kaizen Tools
Ogummaawwan KAAYIZAN hojiirra olchuuf fayyadan
Techiques to implement Kaizen
1. s 5 (5s)
2. Garee Misoomaa KAAYIZAN (KPT)
3. Qisaasama adda baasuun balleessuu (Muda –
4. Meeshaalee too’annoo qulqullinaa 7’n (7QC tools)
5.Jidookaa (Jidhoka-Autonomation)
6.Yerootti (Just-in-time)
7.Kaanbaan (Kanban)
8. pookaa-Yookee (Poka-yoke)
9.Hojimaata sadarkaa isaa eege (Standard Operation)
10.Oomisha tasgabbaa’e (Leveled Produiction)
Seerota Warqii Sadan
Three Golden Rules
Seera Lakk. 1: Yeroo hojiidhaaf kaatetti kan jalqabaa sirriitti hojjadhu
akkassumas yeroo hundaa aadeeffadhu.

Rule Number 1: Do it right the first time and

every time.
Seera lakk.2: Yeroo hundaa karaan fooyya’aan hojii itti raawwannu ni jira.

Rule Number 2:There is always a better way of doing things.

Seera Lakk. 3: Seerota Lakk.1 fi Lakk. 2 gookumaa hin dagatin.

Rule Number 3 : Don't forget Rule

Number 1 & 2.
M sadan/The Three M’s
Gosoota hojii kanneen ittisuu qabnu
Avoid these types of work Too Much
Hojii Madaalaan ala ta’e
Hojii/Oomisha humnaa ol ta’e
Excessive (Muri)
Qisaasama/Wanta hin barbaachifne
Garaagartee facaatii hojii fi dandeettii oomishaa
maashinaa jidduu jiru.
• Variation in work distribution, production capacity
of machinery, and material specifications
• Mura’n rakkoo dha, sababni isaas qulquulina
hojii ssadarkeessuu, oomisha yookaan
jijjirama itti fufiinsa qabuuf gahee hin qabu.
• Is a problem because it does not lend
itself to quality, standardization of work,
productivity, or continuous improvement.
The Three M’s (Cntd)
Hojii humnaa ol ta’e qaamaa fi sammuuf
akkasumas maashina oomishaatiif saaxiluu
• Mental and physical overburden on operators,
and overburden on production machinery
……The Three M’s…
* Oomisha hojii gatii dabalu yookaan
wanta hinbarbaachifne.
• Production factors that increase cost, in
other words, all unnecessary things
Gosoota hojii sadan
The three categories of Operations
(1) Hojii Qulqulluu (Sona Dabaluu)
Net Operation(value adding)
(2) Hojii Sona hindabalanne
Non-Value adding Operations
(3) Qisaasama/Muda

Sona jechuun Maali?

But what is value?
• Oomisha/Tajaajila maamilaaf yerootti fi
gatii madaawaadhaan dhiyaatuu dha.
• It is capability provided to the customer at the right
time at an appropriate price.
• Maamilaan kan hiika itti kennamuu dha,
• It is defined by the ultimate end customer
• Akkasumas oomisha irratti murtaa’a.
– It is also product-specific
(1) Hojii Qulqulluu
Net Operation
• Gosa hojii oomishuudhaaf sona dabaluu

– Part of the operation that adds value to make

parts and products
(2) Hojii sona hindabalanne
Non-Value adding Operations
* Hojii sona hindabalanne garuu
balleessuun hin danda’amnee
–Operation that adds no value but
cannot be avoided
(3) Qisaasama/Muda
* Muda’n jecha jaappaan ta’ee hojii
hinbarbaachifne/Qisaasama jechuu dha.
– Muda is a Japanese word meaning Wasteful
• Muda’n hojii keessatti wanta kamuu faayidaa
hin qabnee dha.
– Is anything unnecessary in operation.
• Battalatti gatuu/balleessuun ni danda’ama.
– Can be eliminated immediately
* Muda’n gatii oomishaa dabala.
– It increases Production cost
* Muda’n qulqullina oomishaa fi yeroo
dhiyeessii/dabarsa kan miidhuu dha.
– Muda affects the quality of the product
and also delivery time
• Fakkeenya hojii salphaa
• Iddoo hojii mijaa’aa hin taanetti waraqaa lama
isteeppilaaraan walitti qabsiisuu,
• Operation to staple two papers using a stapler when work
place is disorganized
Wantoota Barbachisan
• Waraqaa lama
• Isteeppilaara
• Lilmoo Isteeppilaaraa
• Materials and tools
– Two pieces of paper
– Stapler
– Staples
Bu’aa Hojii salphaa /very
Gosa Hojii Raawwatamu Yeroo Gosa Tarkaanfii Akkamitti
Simple Drill
hojichaa (Haala)
1 Isteeppilaara soquu 35 Muda Balleessu S 5 Tartiibaan
Sec kaa’uu
2 Lilmoo isteeppilaaraa 30 Muda Eliminate 5S(Set-in order)
soquu Sec
3 Lilmoo isteeppilaaraa 8 Sec Hojii Hir’iisuu Dursatti lilmoo
isteeppilaara keessatti sona isteeppilaaraa
galchuu hin galchuun
daballe qophaa’uu
4 Waraqaa lamaan walitti 3 Sec Hojii
fiduu sona - -

5 Waraqaa isteeppilaaraan 2 sec Hojii

walitti rukutuu qulqull - -
Result in a disorganized environment
N0. Activities Time Type of Measure How
1 Searching 35 Muda Eliminat 5S(Set-
for Stapler Sec e in-order)
2 Searching 30 Muda Eliminat 5S(Set-in
for Staples Sec e order)
3 Putting the 8 Non-Value Minimiz Load
Staples into Sec adding e staples
the stapler ahead

4 Putting the 3 Non-Value

two papers Sec adding - -
5 Staple the 2 sec Net
Barannoo fakkeenya hojii salphaa
Lessons from the drill

• Ida’ama yeroo hojiichi fudhatee-= Sakandii 78

• Total time of operation=78 Sec
Hojii Qulqulluu (Hojii Sona dabale)=Saka. 2(2.6%)
Net Operation(Value adding)=2 Sec(2.6%)
Hojii sona hindabalanne= Sakandii 11 (14.1%)
Non-Value adding operation=11 Sec(14.1%)
Qisaasama/hojii hinbarbaachifne= Sakandii
Muda(Unnecessary operation)=65Sec(83.3%)
Gosoota Muda/Qisaasama Torban
The Seven Wastes
1) Muda hojii oomisha barbaachisu ol omishuu
“Muda” of Overproduction
2) Muda Meeshaalee kuufamoo
“Muda” of Inventory
3) Muda Eegumsaa
“Muda” of Waiting
4) Muda Geejjibaa
“Muda” in Transporting
5) Muda hoji rakkoo qabuu
“Muda” of Defect-making
6) Musa Sochii
“Muda” of Motion
7) Muda Adeemsa hojii
“Muda” in Processing
1) Muda hojii humnaa olii
“Muda” of Overproduction

Oomisha barbaachisuu ol haala yeroo fi gosaa

walqabatee uumammuu dha. Gosa muudaa
badaa kan ta’e jedhama, sababni isaas
qisaasamoota biroo kan dhoksuu dha.
To produce things more than necessary in
terms of type, time, and volume. It is called
“the worst kind of Muda” since it hides all the
other wastes.
1)“Muda” of Overproduction
[Cause] [Effect ]
Excessive work Disturbance of flow
force and facilities Increase in inventory
Big lot production Outbreak of defects
Big and fast Deterioration of turn-
production machine over ratio of funds
Lack of customer Advanced preparation of
focus materials and parts
Consumes resources
Needless wear on
1) Qisaasama Oomisha barbaachisu ol oomishuu
[Rakkoo mudatu ]
[Sababa] Adeemsi oomishaa
 Humnu omishtummaa
namaa fi maashinaa
Karoorri oomishaa
walmadaaluu dhabuu.
 Oomisha barbaachisuu tasgabbaa’uu dhabuu.
ol oomishuu(oomisha Omishni badu
fedhii maamilaa irratti baay’achuu.
hin hundoofne) Kasaaraa,
 Mala oomishaa duubatti
2) “Muda” of Inventory
Qisaasama meeshaalee kuufamoo
Haala meeshaaleen kan akka meeshaalee dheedhii fi
meeshaalee dhumaa hin sochoonee fi sona
dabalataan ala ta’an jiranii fi kan mana kuusaa fi
iddoo oomishaa keessatti argamani dha.
The situation where items such as raw materials,parts,
and finished goods are stagnant or which are not
having value added to them. Some are located in the
warehouses, and others are in-process inventory.
2) “Muda” of Inventory
[Cause] [Effect ]
 Weak consciousness  Lengthened delivery time
 Weak consciousness to
for inventory
control inventory
 Bad facility layout  Waste of space
 Big lot production  Needs for inspection, and
 Bottle-neck transportation
processing stage  Expansion of working fund
 Shelf life may expire
 Advanced Production  It ties up cash
 Speculative production  Makes FIFO inventory
 Not leveled management more difficult
Production schedule
 Unreliable suppliers
Qisaasama meeshaalee kuufamoo

[Sababa] * [Rakkoolee
Rakkoolee kuufama mudatan] *
meeshaalee irraa maddauuf Qisaasama iddoo fida.
hubannaa laafaa ta’e
• Geejjibaa hojiileen sakk
* Haala teessumaa hin • atta’iinsaa baay’achuu
mijoofne, • Hojiilee jijiiramaa itti
• Hudhaalee adeemsa hojii aanu laafisuu,
keessatti mudatan • Rakkoolee biroo
• Omisha beekumsaan alaa dhoksuu.
fi tilmaama irratti hundaa’e
3) “Muda” of Waiting

3) Qisaasama Eegumsaa
Qisaasamnii kum qisaasama yeroo hojii fi omishaa kan hammatee yoo
ta’u kunis;-
- Maashinni hanga adeemsa omishaa xummurutti
- Adeemsa hojii yeroo dheeraa qabu
- Meeshaalee dheedhii fiduudhaaf yeroo ffudhatu
This includes all kinds of waste of time such as
workers or parts waiting: -for an upstream process
to deliver,
-for a machine to finish processing,
-for incoming parts or materials,
-for process that has a long wait time
Qisaasama Eegumsaa
[Sababa] [Rakkoolee mudatan]
• Qisaasama yeroo, humna
• Hudhaalee jiraachuu
namaa fi maashinootaa
• Ijaarsa maashinootaa • Adeemsa oomishaa
sirrii hintaanee, keessatti kuufamni
• Hanqinaa fi dhiyeessii jiraachuu,
abdii hin qabne, • Beellama yeroo kenniinsaa
• Rakkoo dandeettii eeguu dhabuu,
• Karoora omishaa bu’aa • Yaa’iinsa hojii laafaa ta’e
4) “Muda” in Transporting
4) Qisaasama Geejjibaa
Qisaasamni kun sochii jidduu meeshaalee fi
adeemsa hojii jiru ta’ee ka’umsi isaas fageenya
geejjiba hinbarbaachifnee,kuusaa yeroo fi jijjiiraa
iddoo haaraa irraa kan maduu dha.
It is Unnecessary movement of parts
between processes caused by unnecessary
transportation distance, temporary storage,
relocations or re-piling up.
4) “Muda” in Transporting
[Cause] [Effect ]

 Bad facility layout  Waste of space

 Production deterioration
 Big lot production
 Expansion of transportation
 Single-skilled facilities
workers  Occurrence of scratches
 Sedentary operation  Increase production time
 Low morale  wastes time and energy
Qisaasama Geejjibaa
[Sababa] [Rakkoolee mudatan]

• Ijaarsa Maashinaa dirrii • Qisaasama yeroo, humna

namaa fi maashinootaa
• Oomisha hir’ate
• Kaka’umsa laafaa ta’e
• Meeshaalee irratti badii
• Rakkoo ilaalchaa fi
uumuu(defect making)
• Wantoota geejjibuuf
• Baay’inaan oomishuu oolan baay’een jiraachuu,
• Yeroo oomishaa
5) “Muda” of Defect-Making

Qisaasama Badii uumuu

This includes defects, inspections for
defects in-process, and claims,
rescheduling, and resource loss.
Qisaasama Badii Uumuu
[Sababa] [Rakkoolee mudatan]
• Sadarkaa ka’umsa • Gatii oomishaa dabaluu
sakkatta’iinsaa • Oomishatummaa hir’ate
qulqullinaa hanquu ta’e • Adeemsa
• Qulqullina barbaadamuu sakkatta’iinsaa fi
ol oomishuu, sakkattaatotaa dabaluu
• Raawwii sadarkaa isaa • Badii fi komiinn
hin eegne, baay’achuu,
• Ka’umsi hojii • Gatii hojii dabalataan
dhabamuu. fiduu.
6) “Muda” of Motion

6) Qisaasama sochii
Kun sochii sona hindabalannee fi sochii
hojjattootaa, meeshaalee fi maashinotaa
hinbarbaachifnee dha.
These are non-value adding movements or
more than necessary movements of
workers, equipment, and machines, such
as looking for goods, bending, stretching,
walking, lifting, and reaching etc.
6)“Muda” of Motion
[Cause] [Effect ]
 Isolated operation  Increase in
 No education or manpower and
training processing
 No standard  Unstable operation
operating  Increases
procedure production time
 Bad facility lay  Can cause injury
Qisaasama Sochii
[Sababa] [Rakkoolee mudatan]
• Raawwii hojii baay’ee • Yeroo humna namaa fi
duubatti hafe, hojii dabaluu
• Barumsi yookaan leenjiin
• Sochii hinbarbaachifne
jiraachuu dhabuu,
• Taa’umsa maashinootaa
gaarii hintaanee, • Yeroo oomishaa
• Haala teessumaa ogeessaa dheeressuu
sirrii hintaanee, • Miidhama qaamaa
• Haala hojii sadarkaa isaa ogeessa irrattii fiduu.
hin eegnee.
7) “Muda” in Processing

Qisaasama adeemsa hojii keessatti mudatu

Kun Adeemsa hojii fi raawwii hinbarbaachifne kan
hammatee dha. Adeemsa Oomishaa sadarkaa
maamilaatin barbaadamuun ala oomishuu dha.

This consists of processing and operations

primarily unnecessary. It is processing beyond
the standard required by the customer.
7)“Muda” in Processing
[Cause] [Effect ]
 Lack of analysis of the  Unnecessary processes
contents of operation or operation
 Improper tools and  Increase in manpower
their use and man-hour
 Insufficient  Lower workability
standardization  Increase in defects
 Attitude - ‘Always  Can reduce life of
done it like this’. components
Qisaasama Adeemsa hojii
[Sababa] [Rakkoolee mudatan]
• Tartiiba adeemsa hojii • Adeemsa(raawwii)
haalaan beekuu dhabuu hinbarbaachifne
• Meeshaalee fi itti • Yeroo hojii dheeressuu,
fayyadama sirrii • Badii (defect)
hintaane, baay’isuu,
• Ilaalcha (adeemsa hojii • Bara tajaajilaa
kana malee hinn jiru maashinaa gabaabsuu,
jechuun yaaduu) • Milkaa’uu dhabuu
Iddoowwan Qisaasamnii itti argamu

• Humna Namaa(Man)
• Galtee Oomishaa(Material)
• Maashina(Machine)
• Maloota Hojii(Method)
Humna Namaa
• Qaawwa muuxannoo hojii, beekumsa fi
dandeettiin xiqqaachuu
• Ogummaa fi ogeessi walmadaaluu
• Miirri abbummaa jiraachuu dhiisuu,
• Leenjiin ogummaa jiraachuun dhabuu fi
k.k.f qisaasama kan uumanii dha.
Meeshaalee Dheedhii(Material)

• Gosa,hammaaa fi qqulqullinni
meeshaa dheedhii gargar ta’uu
• Qisaasama
• Qisaasama itti fayyadama
meeshaalee dhumaa fi k.k.f
Maashina (Machine)
• Maashinootni hojiin ala ta’uu,
• Ariitiin hojii hir’achuu,
• Meeshaaleen itti fayyadamnu fi maashinootaa
rakkoo qulqullina hojii qabaachuu,
• Sakkatta’iinsa haala meeshaalee itti
fayyadamnuu fi maashinaa,
• Suphaa meeshaalee itti fayydamnuu fi
• Rakkoo haala ijaarsa(taa’umsa) maashinaa.
Haala Hojii(Method)
• Sadarkaa hojii qophaa’e jiraachuu dhabuu,
• Sadarkaan hojii fooyya’uu dhabuu,
• Rakkoon qabiinsaa Meeshaalee itti fayyadamnu fi
maashinaa biratti jiraachuu,
• Haala iddoo hojii (hoo’insa, qabbana, jiidhina, ifa fi k.k.f)
• Jaarmiyaa Aadaa hojii rakkoo qabu(Iftoomina,Itti
gaafatamummaa, miira itti gaafatamummaa) fi k.k.f irratti
xiyyeeffannoo gochuudhaan sababoota qisaasama iddoo
hojii keenyaatti argaman adda baasuun nidanda’ama.
Qisaasama Adda Baasuu fi
1. Qisaasamni ifatti akka mul’atu gochuu,
2. Yeroo hundaa qisaasama dammaqinaan
3. Qisaasama uumamuuf itti
gaafatamummaa fudhachuu,
4. Qisaasama Safaruu
5. Qisaasama hir’isuu(balleessuu)
1.Qisaasamni ifattti akka mul’atu gochuu
1.1 Xiinxala haala yeroo
- Yaa’iinsa hojii jiruu fi haalota fakkii
kaasuudhaan sirriitti xiinxaluu,
- Lakkofsaa fi sochii hojjatootaa,tartiiba
hojii,gosoota hojii fi k.k.f adda baasuun
ilaaluuf gabatee yaa’iinsa hojii
- Gabatee adeemsa hojii jaarmiyichaa
mirkanaa’e qopheessuu.
1.2 Karaa Gabaabaa fayyadamu
• Qisaasamootni guyyaa guyyaadhaan iddoo
hojii hundatti kan mul’atanii fi raawwilee hojii
guyyaa guyyaa keenya waliin walitti
hidhamiinsa kan qana yoo ta’u adda baasuu fi
ifatti ilaaluudhaaf sirriitti kan rakkisanii dha.
• Kanaafuu,qisaasamoota adda baasuu yoo
dadhabne wantoota qisaasama hintaane adda
baasuudhaan kan hafe akka qisaasamaatti
fudhachuun ni danda’ama. Tooftaan Kun karaa
gabaabaa fayydamuu jedhama.
3.Qisaasama mudatuuf itti
gaafatamummaam fudhachuu
• Namni tokko qisaasama mul’atuuf itti
gaafatamummaa yoo hinfudhanne qisaasama
balleessuun hindanda’amu.
4. Qisaasama Safaruu
- Tartiiba oomisha waliigalaa safaruu
- Karoora oomisha baratamaa, gabtee yeroo fi
saffisa safaruu,
…….Qisaasama safaruu.
- Tokkoon tokkoo hojii yeroo fudhatu safaruu,
- Fageenya fi deddeebii safaruu,
- Komii maamilaa gaafachuu fi galmeessuu,
- Oomishoota tarreessuu,yoom akka oomishaman
akkasumas eenyu akka itti fayydamu, mana kuusaa
keessatti kan jiranis tarreesuun qabachuu.
5. Qisaasama Hir’isuu(Balleessuu)
- Addemsa hojii fi oomisha kamuu keessatti gosoota
qisaasamaa kamuu hangaa wanti barbaachisuu fi
faayidaa qabu qofti hafutti balleessuu qabnaa.
Meeshaalee Qisaasamoota ittiin
safarruu fi balleessinu
1. Adeemsa hojii fi iddoo hojii sadarkeessuu,
2. Meehshaalee suuraa fi sagaleen deeggaraman
3. Yeroo shan maaliif? Dhuma irrattis akkamitti
(The 5Why? and 1How sheet) jechuun
4. Mala Rakkoo itti hiikuu
5. Haala teessuma maashinootaa fi adeemsa hojii
Waa’ee s5
Introduction to 5S
S5 Maalii?
What is 5S ?
What is 5S ?

1. Gulaaluu/ Sort
Tartiibaan Kaa’uu /Set-In-Order
3. Qulqulleessuu/Shine
4. Sarkeessuu/Standardize
5. Itti fufsiisuu/Sustain
1. Gulaaluu/Sort
 Wantoota hojii yerootiif hin barbaachifne balleessuu,
 Remove all items from the workplace that are
not needed for current production or
administrative operation.
 Wanta barbaachisu hanga barbaachisuu fi yeroo
barbadame qofa dalaguu.
 Keep“only what is needed, only in the
amount needed, and only when it is
2. Tartiibaan Kaa’uu/Set-In-Order

Wantoota barbaadaman bifa itti fayyadamaaf

salphaa ta’een tartiibessuu fi waa’ee ibsa
wantalee irratti maxxansuu.

Arranging needed items in the way easy to

use and labeling them so that easy to find
and put away(visual management)
Bu’aawwan tartiibaan kaa’uu/Set in order
- Yeroo Soqiinsaaf gubatu hir’;isa
- Qisaasama(Muda) Sochii hir’isa
- Wanta iddoo isaatti kaa’uuf gargaara,
- Meeshaa baay’ee humnaan ol ta’e balleessa,
- Badii xiqqaasssa,
- Mijaa’insa fidaa.

Set-in-order is important because it eliminates;

 Time spent searching for an item
 Motion wests
 Difficulty returning item to its original place
 Excess inventory
 Reduce damage
 safety
3. Qulqulleessuu/Shine
Qulqulleessuun Maali?/What is Shine
 Qulqulleessuun wanta hunda qulqullinaan qabuu
jechuu dha.
 Shine means keep everything swept and clean.
 Qulqulleessun
tooftaa wanta tokko itti
fayyadamuudhaaf qophaa’aa taasisnuu dha.
 Shine is a way to keep everything in top condition so, when
someone needs to use something, it is ready to be used.
 Yeroo tooftaa kanatti fayyadamnu too’annoonis waliin
kan raawwatuu dha.
 When Shine, we can’t avoid inspecting the item at the same
time. Therefore Shine and Inspect come together.
Faayidaa QUlquleessuu
Benefits from Shine

 Iddoo hojii mijaa’aa fi qulquullina qabu uumuu,

 Clean and comfortable workplace.
 Iddoo rakkoon jiru akka mul’atu ni taasisa
 Increase visibility to defects when it occurs.
 Iddoo hojii mijaa’aa gochuuf gargara,
 Helps to maintain safer workplace.
 Iddoo hojii gaariin haamilee ni guddisa.
 Good working environment increase morale.
4. Sadarkeessuu/Standardize
Sadarkeessuun maalii?/ What is Standardize

 Sadakeesssuun tooftaa utubaalee sadan (Gulaaluu,

Tartiibeessuu fi Qulqulleessuu) itti fufsiisnuu dha.
 Standardize is the method you use to maintain the first three pillars
(Sort, Set in order and Shine)
 Hojiikenname toko akkaataa barbaadameen seera itti
raawwanuu dha.
 Make it a rule to perform given work in the given manner.
Bu’aawwan Sadarkeessuu
Benefits from Standardize
 Qisaasama/Muda Balleessuu,
 Qulqullina dabaluu
 Gatii fooyyeessuu,
 Yeroo dhiyeessii fooyyeessuu
 Adeemsa hojii fooyyeessuu

 Muda elimination
 Quality improvements
 Cost improvements
 Delivery time improvements
 Process improvements
5. Itti Fufsiissuu/Sustain
Jechuun adeemsa hojii sirrii ta’e aadeeffachuudhaan itti
fufiinsaan itti raawwannuu dha.

Means making a habit of properly maintaining correct

Bu’aawwan s5
5S Benefits to YOU
• Iddoo hojii keenya mijaa’aa, qulqulluu fi baay’ee hawwataa taasisa,
– It will make your workplace a safer, cleaner and more pleasant place to
• Hojii keenya baay’ee si’eessa,
– Make your job more satisfying.
• Dadhabinaa fi Baraaxa’ina balleesa
– Eliminate overburdens and disappointments.
• Namoota waliin hojjannu jidduu karaa salphaan akka waliigallu ni
– Make it easier to communicate with everyone you work with
• Iddoon hojii keenya akka mijaa’uuf carraa kalqa galteetiif ni kenna.
– Gives you an opportunity to give creative input how your work place
should be
Kaayyoo S5
Iddoo hojii Si’ataa uumuu
Iddoo hojii Mijaa’aa uumuu
Iddoo hojii gahuumsa qabu uumuu

Objectives of 5S
Create a safe workplace
Create a comfortable workplace
Create an efficient workplace
Iddoowwan hojii sadan
The Three Different Types of Workplace

A. Iddoo hojii 3ffaa

A 3rd class workplace:

Namoota Qisaasama uuman kan qabuu fi namuu kan hin qulqulleessine.
• has people who make a mess and no one cleans up.

Iddoo hojii Kutaa 2ffaa

A 2nd class workplace:
– Namoota Qisaasama uuman kan qabuu fi garee ququlleessan
kan qabu.
• has people who make a mess and another group of people cleans up.

Iddoo hojii kutaa 1ffaa

A 1st class workplace:
– Namootni jiran Qisaasama kan hin uumnee fi martuu kan
qulqulleessanii dha.
– has people who don’t make a mess and yet everyone cleans up.
Fageenya hangamii deemuu

Ga l

Imala Gaarii 115

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