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ANC dan

Kepaniteraan Klinik Obstetri dan
Ginekologi Fakultas Kedokteran UNS
Apa itu Antenatal Care (ANC)?

Pemeriksaan Antenatal Care (ANC) menurut

Kemenkes (2018) adalah pemeriksaan kehamilan
yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesehatan fisik
dan mental pada ibu hamil secara optimal, sehingga
mampu menghadapi masa persalinan, nifas,
pemberian ASI secara eksklusif, serta kembalinya
alat kesehatan reproduksi dengan wajar.
Tujuan ANC
1. Memantau kemajuan proses kehamilan demi memastikan kesehatan pada ibu serta tumbuh kembang
janin yang ada di dalamnya.
2. Mengetahui apabila adanya komplikasi kehamilan yang mungkin saja terjadi saat kehamilan sejak
dini, termasuk adanya riwayat penyakit dan tindak pembedahan.
3. Mempersiapkan proses persalinan sehingga dapat melahirkan bayi dengan selamat serta
meminimalkan trauma yang dimungkinkan terjadi pada masa persalinan.
4. Meningkatkan serta mempertahankan kesehatan ibu dan bayi.
5. Menurunkan jumlah kematian dan kesakitan pada bayi
6. Mempersiapkan peran ibu dan keluarga untuk menerima kelahiran anak agar mengalami tumbuh
kembang dengan normal.
7. Mempersiapkan ibu untuk melewati masa nifas dengan baik serta dapat memberikan ASI Eksklusif
pada bayinya.
Ibu dianjurkan untuk membaca buku KIA (buku
pink) secara mandiri untuk:
1. Mengenali tanda bahaya kehamilan
2. Memeriksa kondisi dirinya dan gerakan janin
3. Menjaga kesehatan
4. Meminum Tablet Tambah Darah (TTD) sesuai
Kapan melakukan ANC?
Menurut Kementrian Kesehatan RI 2021,
pelayanan antenatal harus dilakukan minimal 6 kali
sesuai standar, diantaranya:
• 1 kali pada trimester pertama (kehamilan
hingga 12 minggu)
• 2 kali pada trimester kedua (kehamilan di atas
12 minggu-24 minggu)
• 3 kali pada trimester ketiga (kehamilan di atas
24 minggu-40 minggu)
Standar Pelayanan Terpadu Minimal
Timbang berat badan dan Nilai status gizi (ukur lingkar
Ukur tekanan darah
ukur tinggi badan lengan atas/LILA)

Skrining status imunisasi

Tentukan presentasi janin
Ukur tinggi puncak rahim tetanus dan berikan imunisasi
dan denyut jantung janin
(TFU) tetanus difteri (Td) bila

Pemberian Tablet Tambah Darah

(TTD) minimal 90 tablet selama
masa kehamilan
Standar Pelayanan Terpadu Minimal
Tes laboratorium:
• tes kehamilan
• kadar hemoglobin darah Tata laksana/penanganan kasus
• golongan darah sesuai kewenangan
• tes triple eliminasi (HIV, Sifilis dan Hepatitis B) dan
malaria pada daerah endemis.
• Tes lainnya dapat dilakukan sesuai indikasi seperti:
gluko-protein urin, gula darah sewaktu, sputum Basil Temu wicara/konseling
Tahan Asam (BTA), kusta, malaria daerah non
endemis, pemeriksaan feses untuk kecacingan,
pemeriksaan darah lengkap untuk deteksi dini
thalasemia dan pemeriksaan lainnya.
Daftar Pustaka
• Kementrian Kesehatan RI. (2020). Pedoman Pelayanan ANC Terpadu.
• Who recommendations on Antenatal Care for a positive pregnancy experience [Internet]. World Health
Organization; [cited 2024 May 2]. Available from:

Our center
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“This is a quote, words full of
wisdom that someone important
said and can make the reader get
—Someone Famous
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This is the number of patients we

5,000 had last month

This is the number of deliveries in

the last month 50,000
This is the number of total
visitors we had last month
Venus has a nice name and is the second
Vision planet from the Sun. It’s terribly hot, even
hotter than Mercury

Mercury is the smallest planet in the Solar

System. This planet's name has nothing to
do with the liquid metal
Our statistics
Venus has a beautiful name

Mercury is the smallest planet

Earth is where we all live

Mars is full of iron oxide dust

Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Milestones reached

2003 2015 2018 2021

Mercury is the Despite being red, Jupiter is a gas The Sun is the star
closest planet to Mars is actually a giant and the at the center of the
the Sun. It’s a very cold place biggest planet of Solar System
small planet them all
Our process
01 Venus has a beautiful name and is the
second planet from the Sun

02 Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun
and the smallest one

03 Despite being red, Mars is actually a cold
place. It’s full of iron oxide dust
Areas we cover

Gynecological Postpartum care

Despite being red, Mars is Venus is the second planet
actually a cold place from the Sun

Pregnancy Education
Mercury is the smallest Jupiter is the biggest planet
planet of them all of them all
Patient satisfaction


Jupiter is a gas giant and

the biggest planet in the
Solar System
Key accomplishments

Mercury Venus Mars

Mercury is the closest Venus is the second planet Despite being red, Mars is
planet to the Sun from the Sun actually a cold place
Equipment 1 Equipment 3
Pluto is now a Mercury is the
dwarf planet smallest planet

Equipment 2 Equipment 4
Earth is where we Ceres is in an
all live asteroid belt

01 02 03 04
Venus has a beautiful Mars is full of iron Saturn is a gas giant Neptune is far
name oxide dust with rings away from us
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Quality improvement measures

Rooms Staff

Venus is the second planet from Ceres is located in the main

Improvement 1
the Sun asteroid belt

Mercury is the smallest planet of Despite being red, Mars is

Improvement 2
them all actually a cold place

Neptune is the farthest planet Jupiter is a gas giant and the

Improvement 3
from the Sun biggest planet

Jenna Doe Laura Jimmy

“Mercury is the closest “Venus has a beautiful
planet to the Sun and the name and is the second
smallest one” planet from the Sun”

Mercury Venus Mars Saturn

Mercury is the Venus has a nice It's full of iron oxide Saturn is composed
closest planet to the name and is the dust, which gives the of hydrogen and it is
Sun and the smallest second planet from planet its reddish cast a gas giant
one the Sun
Patient care
Venus has a beautiful name and is
the second planet from the Sun.
It’s terribly hot
Our team
Jenna Patt
You can speak a bit about
this person here

Tom Doe
You can speak a bit about
this person here

Susan Bones
You can speak a bit about
this person here
Do you have any questions?
+91 620 421 838

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by

Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and infographics
& images by Freepik

Please keep this slide for attribution

Maternity icon pack
Alternative resources
Here’s an assortment of alternative resources whose style fits the
one of this template:

• Hand drawn flat design childbirth scenes
• Hand drawn flat design childbirth scenes
• Hand drawn flat design fetal development inf

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