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Why Entrepreneurship is part of the curriculum of the

CHED? How important it is in every course in college?

2. What are your realizations as a student, is

entrepreneurship has a big impact in your life? In your
future? Why?
In order to achieve prosperity, one must go
through all these gates of entrepreneurship and
master the ins and outs of their respectively.
Helping transform the country into a “House of
Prosperity“. Prosperity – the state of being
successful usually by making a lot of money.
There is no elevator to success.
You have to take the stairs”.
Is a very important component of a
capitalist economy like the Philippines. It
thrives in economic systems that support
innovation and hard work. When
entrepreneurs become successful, the nation
is immediately benefited.
It is a primary source of job creation,
prosperity, and economic competitiveness.

Change the adds value to peoples’ lives, lies at

the heart of entrepreneurship.

Is popularly understood as the setting up a new

business ventures.
Is central for enhancing the economic opportunity
of nations and organizations.
Defined as the process of making money, earning
profits and increasing the wealth while posing
characteristics such as risk taking, management,
leadership and innovation.
The word entrepreneur has a French origin. It originated during the
Middle Ages when the term entrepreneur was applied to “the man in
charge of the great Architectural works: castles and fortifications, public
buildings, abbeys and cathedrals”. It is derived from the French word,
entreprendre, which means “to undertake”.
In a business context, it means to undertake a business
activity or simply to start a business. The Merriam Webster
Dictionary defines an entrepreneur as “one who organizes,
manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise”.
The concept of entrepreneurship was 1 st established in the
1700s and the meaning has evolved ever since.
Identifies an economic need, considers
offering a business solution, proceeds to
assemble the resources required, and assumes
the risk of either succeeding or failing.
Is an owner of a business who invests
his/her resources to bring an idea to life, setting
the direction that transforms that idea into reality,
thus providing and gaining value that balances
effort, purpose and profit.
Create and exploit change, are innovative and have
the ability to mobilize resources to create value by
invention of, or improvement of exiting products or
Must be able to sustain the drive and energy
required to form something new and to manage the
new enterprise.
Characteristics of an Entrepreneur

• Vision
• Innovation
• Risk bearing
• Organizing

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