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1. Rp. 50
Dibaca : fifty rupiahs
2. Rp. 700
Dibaca : seven hundred rupiahs
3. Rp. 2.000
Dibaca : two thousand rupiahs
4. Rp. 7.500
Dibaca : seven thousand and five hundred rupiahs
5. Rp. 60.000
Dibaca : sixty thousand rupiahs
6. Rp. 95.000
Dibaca : ninetyfive thousand rupiahs
7. Rp.125.000
Dibaca : One hundred and twenty five thousand rupiahs
8. Rp. 5.000.000
Dibaca : five million rupiahs
9. Rp.37.000.000
Dibaca : thirtyseven million rupiahs
10. Rp. 100.000.000
Dibaca : one hundred million rupiahs
(Bacalah harga berikut!)
1. Rp.29.000 = ...
2. Rp.54.000 = ...
3. Rp.79.000 = ...
4. Rp. 174.000 = ...
5. Rp. 6.400 = ...
1. What is the price of _____ ?
Contoh :
A :"What is the price of the television?"
(Berapa harga TV?)
B : "It is three million rupiahs."
(Harganya tiga juta rupiah.)

2. How much is this_____ ?

Contoh :
A : "How much is this bag?"
(Berapa harga tas ini?")
B : "It is fifty thousand rupiahs."
(Harganya lima puluh ribu rupiah.)

3. How much does ____ cost? (jika tunggal)

How much do these ____ cost? (jika jamak)
Contoh :
A : "How much does this book cost?"
(Berapa harga buku ini?)
B : "It costs twenty thousand rupiahs."
(Harganya dua puluh ribu rupiah.)
1. cashier (...) a. kereta dorong
2. hat (...) b. kaca mata
3. t-shirt (...) c. kaos kaki
4. bag (...) d. kasir
5. tie (...) e. dasi
6. shoes (...) f. topi
7. trolley (...) g. sepatu
8. shopping list (...) h. tas
9. glasses (...) i. daftar belanja
10. socks (...) j. kaos
Read the text carefully!
(Baca teks berikut dengan teliti!)

Today, Mrs.Julie asks her daughter, Firya to go for shopping to

the supermarket. She asks her to buy their daily needs. There
are many things that Mrs.Julie has to buy and Mrs.Julie writes a
shopping list.

Firya chooses "Murah dan Bagus" supermarket as a place for

shopping. After arriving at the daily stall, she chooses the things
mentioned in the shopping list. Then, she pays them at the

Answer the questions bellow!

(Jawablah pertanyaan berikut!)
1. What does Mrs.Julie ask Firya to?
2. What does Firya have to buy?
3. Does Mrs.Julie write a shopping list for Firya?
4. Which supermarket does Firya choose?
5. Where does Firya pay the goods?

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