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The Sprint


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Sprint Basics

At the heart of Scrum is the Sprint

Consistent iteration Timebox duration is

of time (timebox) consistent from Each Sprint can be Each Sprint builds
where the team sprint to sprint. thought of as a incrementally on the
completes a Timeboxes vary project. Like work of prior
specific group of from team to team projects, Sprints are Sprints.
tasks from start to between 2 to 4 used to accomplish
finish. weeks. something.
Elements of a Sprint
We review the
work. We plan the
Sprint Planning
3 4 1 work. 01 We plan the work.
the work.
The Work
02 We do the work.

2 Daily Scrum
03 We coordinate the work.

We do the
work. Sprint Review &
04 Retrospective
We review the work.

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Changes during the sprint
Quality goals do

No changes are
02 not decrease

made that would

endanger the 01 Scope may be

sprint goal clarified and
renegotiated as more
is learned

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Overview: Starting a
Sprint Create a Sprint Backlog
When planning a Sprint, you will:
Break user stories into
specific tasks
Choose the user stories that 4
support those goals
Establish the goals 3
for your sprint

04 Steps
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Short, time-boxed period when a scrum team works to complete a set of amount of work.
Series of iterations to build product.
It helps team to follow the agile principles like
◦ Delivery of working software frequently
◦ Responding to change over following a plan

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Sprints Planning
It is a collaborative event where the team answers two basic questions: What work can get
done in this sprint and how will the chosen work get done?
The purpose of sprint planning is to define what can be delivered in the sprint and how that
work will be achieved. Sprint planning is done in collaboration with the whole scrum team.
The What – The product owner describes the objective(or goal) of the sprint and what backlog
items contribute to that goal. The scrum team decides what can be done in the coming sprint
and what they will do during the sprint to make that happen.
The How – The development team plans the work necessary to deliver the sprint goal.
Ultimately, the resulting sprint plan is a negotiation between the development team and
product owner based on value and effort.

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The Who – You cannot do sprint planning without the product owner or the development
team. The product owner defines the goal based on the value that they seek. The development
team needs to understand how they can or cannot deliver that goal. If either is missing from this
event it makes planning the sprint almost impossible.
The Inputs – A great starting point for the sprint plan is the product backlog as it provides a list
of ‘stuff’ that could potentially be part of the current sprint. The team should also look at the
existing work done in the increment and have a view to capacity.
The Outputs – The most important outcome for the sprint planning meeting is that the team
can describe the goal of the sprint and how it will start working toward that goal. This is made
visible in the sprint backlog.

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Doing the Work through the Sprint Backlog

Once a story starts, work should

continue until the story meets
Additional work for the sprint
the sprint definition of done Scrum Master is
can emerge from existing responsible for the
stories in the sprint resolution of

The team wins and

Any team member can loses together
add, delete, or change
the sprint backlog
Sprint Backlog
Individuals sign up for work of their own choosing
Work is never assigned

Estimated work remaining is updated daily

Any team member can add, delete change sprint backlog
Work for the sprint emerges
If work is unclear, define a sprint backlog item with a larger amount of time and break it down
Update work remaining as more becomes known

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Sample Sprint backlog
Tasks Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Code the user interface 8 4 8
Code the middle tier 16 12 10 4
Test the middle tier 8 16 16 11 8
Write online help 12
Write the few class 8 8 8 8 8
Add error logging 8 4

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Sample Sprint Backlog
Sprint Burndown Chart
A display of what work has been completed
and what is left to complete
◦ one for each developer or work item
◦ updated every day
◦ (make best guess about hours/points completed each day)

variation: Release burndown chart

◦ shows overall progress
◦ updated at end of each sprint

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Sample Burndown Chart


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Tasks Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Code the user interface 8 4 8
Code the middle tier 16 12 10 7
Test the middle tier 8 16 16 11 8
Write online help 12


Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

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Burndown Example 1
No work being performed
Sprint 1 Burndown



Hours remaining




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Days in Sprint
Burndown Example 2
Work being performed, but not fast enough
Sprint 1 Burndown




Hours remaining






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Days in Sprint
Burndown Example 3
Work being performed, but too fast!
Sprint 1 Burndown



Hours remaining




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Days in Sprint
The Sprint Review
Team presents what it accomplished during the sprint
Typically takes the form of a demo of new features or underlying architecture
2-hour prep time rule
No slides

Whole team participates

Invite the world

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Typical individual team is 7 ± 2 people
◦ Scalability comes from teams of teams

Factors in scaling
◦ Type of application
◦ Team size
◦ Team dispersion
◦ Project duration

Scrum has been used on multiple 500+ person projects

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Scrum vs. Other Models

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