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How to be an

Impactful Manager
Prepared by: Darryl Sheen J. Sanchez
Examples of Weaknesses for a Manager

 Good managers understand that teamwork is critical to the

successful implementation and realization of mision tone goal
and if eat I a horation positive effects such as boosting
productivity in work groups.

 A manager has much to offer teams, in the way of experience,

direction, goal-setting, clear communication, and many other
much-needed skills a team needs to be successful in carrying out
daily functions.
Goals and Guidelines
 A manager can offer teams goals and guidelines so a team
is confident about what is expected of them, and so that
each member of a team can take responsibility for the role
they have on a team.
 Managers can provide clear guidelines about a project and
define what each team member should be responsible for
while serving on the team. This eliminates any confusion
as to a team member's role and responsibility while on a
z Delegation
 Managers also headed in the right direction when trying to
accomplish a certain task, or when trying to meet certain goals, a
manager can steer the team back in the right direction.

 A manager can also delegate tasks to individuals on the team with

the appropriate skills, tasks, and experience to carry out those
tasks in the most efficient manner possible.

 A manager has the ability to empower team members to carry out

projects with direction and oversight without micromanaging
tasks and job duties.

 This is an encouraging way to boost a team's morale.


 It is also important for managers to communicate with teams on a

regular basis.

 Some prefer daily communication, while others have weekly team


 These meetings provide opportunities for employees to voice their

concerns, impressions, and any suggestions.
Offer Rewards
 Managers also have the ability to offer goals and project
 This cense ave ositivivation for team members to work
together in a positive and productive manner.
 Managers can work with team members in works best
to motivate each me what type of reward works best to
motivate each member of the team the most when
deciding on a team incentive.

 Good examples may include gift certificates, a lunch to a

favorite restaurant, a day off for employees on the team, a
small bonus, or other incentives that team members agree on.
It may be possible for team members to select their own
bonus depending on company policies. Good managers know
that morale boosting efforts will help empower teams to do
their best and work toward encouraging retention within the

 As the job title suggests, an assistant manager helps to keep a store,

department or team running smoothly by performing some
managerial tasks, such as scheduling work times and evaluating
employee performance.

 Depending on the industry, she might aiso be responsible for

handling escalated customer quenes, since assistant managers often
work in a customer-facing role.

 One of the main tasks is to step into the manager's shoes in the
manager's absence.

 The role is often seen as a steppingstone for those who wish to work
their way up to a management position.
Character Formation 2: Leadership, Decision
Making, Management and Administration

 supervise manager, rather that organizations, it's the

get tant and manages employees manager, to
supervises organizing the telyseh Day-to-day, his
mentinclude ding stall queries aschedule, authoriting
mations, hstant staff queries and taking disciplining
Assistant managers are also responsible for raluating
e development proste and arranging star ratining and
development programs to plug any skil gaps.

 Help Unhappy Custamers; In the retail and hospitality industries,

an assistant manager will be the first senior person to help an
unhappy customer to their overal satisfaction, such as organizing
refunds and returns.

 The assistant manager will also be the first escalation point for
customer complaints.

 To successfully perform these duties, an assistant manager

needs to have strong interpersonal and communication skills and
the ability to stay calm and polite under pressure.
Stand in for Management

 Assistant managers work side-by-side with a general manager

and must be capable of "acting up" in the general manager's

 This means she must be familiar with the main aspects of the
manager's job and be ready to perform those duties when
needed without burdening upper management.

 As an assistant manager, you are next in line for a promotion to

general management. Stepping up to the role, albeit temporarily,
is a good way to showcase your abilities.
Handle Employee Complaints

 Most businesses have process for employees to report

problems, whether those problems concern a
scheduling conflict, pay discrepancy or an issue with
one of their co-workers. Often, the process starts by
reporting the matter to the assistant manager.
 To succeed in this role, you should be comfortable is in
su grievances and understand the proper channels for
getting them resolved quickly and professionally.
Successfully Complete Projects

 Assistant managers will often lead teams on various

department-specific initiatives, acting as the project manager
to ensure the successful completion of the project.

 This role involves sub-tasks such as defining the scope of the

project, organizing human and other resources, developing
schedules, managing budgets and preparing reports Team
leadership is key to an assistant managers duties.

 You often will be responsible for keeping open communication,

so everyone understands their objectives and goals.


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