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Department of Education

English 1 Week 4 / 4th Quarter

1 Sort and Classify familiar words into basic

categories (colors, shapes, foods, etc) EN1V-IVa-e-3
In your previous lesson, you learned about
Describing words . Describing words are words that
describe people, things, objects and places.
These words describe color, shape, size,
height, weight, length, distance, and more
They usually come before
the words they describe.
Identify the describing words in the sentences.
1. Our teacher is wonderful.
2. I like to study in a quiet library.
3. Anne saw red roses in the vase.
4. My friend gave me a triangle hat.
5. He surprised me with a colorful gift
In this lesson, you are
expected to sort and classify
familiar words into basic
Supply another word that
completes the group of word.
1. chalk, ______, board, desk
2. elephant, monkey, ____, tiger
3. ________, chico, papaya, watermelon
4. doll, yoyo, lego,_____
5. pencil,______ , crayon, paper
Sorting words is an activity that builds
your skills in grouping words. It involves
your thinking ability. It helps you
understand the category of different
words. Sorting and classifying things are
done almost every day.
Identify the object that does
not belong to the group.
Let’s try it!
Fill in the blanks with correct
words to complete
the sentence.
We can sort and classify familiar
words into basic categories such
__________________, etc.
Great Job!
To classify words, we sort or arrange
:them according to their kind or group.
We can classify words according to
basic categories like colors, shapes,
food, and many more.
Get your
notebook and
answer the
Directions: Sort the words into categories
Department of Education

English 1 Week 4 / 4th Quarter

2 Sort and Classify familiar words into basic

categories (colors, shapes, foods, etc) EN1V-
Directions: Circle what
belongs on a beach. Draw a
X over what does not belong.
Great Job!
In this lesson, you are
expected to sort and
classify familiar words
into basic categories.
Listen to the
Recess Time
It is a Monday morning and the class of Grade
One –Green is having their recess time. Each
student has different snacks. Mateo has two
slices of pizza, Gabriel has two doughnuts,
Jessica has one apple, Nathan has two boiled
eggs, but Isabel doesn’t have snack for recess.
Mateo goes to Isabel and gives
one slice of his pizza to her.
When Gabriel has seen them, he
also gives his one piece of
doughnut. Isabel says thank you
to her classmates and she feels so
happy as they eat their snacks.
A. What is the title of the story?
B. What is the grade and section of the
C. What is the snack of Mateo?
D. What is the snack of Gabriel?
E. What is the snack of Jessica?
F. What is the snack of Mateo?
G. What is the snack of Nathan?
H. Who has no snack during recess time?
I. What did Mateo and Gabriel do when they
saw that Isabel did not have snack?
J. What did Isabel say when the two little boys
gave her food?

K. Are you going to do the same thing?

L. Are the snacks of Mateo and Gabriel?
healthy? Why?
M. Whose snacks are good for our body?
Let’s try it!
Let’s sort or arrange the following
objects inside the circle. Draw the
objects that go together in every
Guided Practice!
Guided Practice!
1. How do you sort and
classify things

2. Give at least four

categories of classifying
Great Job!
To classify words, we sort or arrange
:them according to their kind or group.
We can classify words according to
basic categories like
colors, shapes, food, and many more.
Get your
notebook and
answer the
Directions: Sort the words into categories.
Department of Education

English 1 Week 4 / 4th Quarter

3 Sort and Classify familiar words into basic

categories (colors, shapes, foods, etc) EN1V-
Circle what belongs in a
schoolbag. Draw a X over
what does not belong.
Great Job!
In this lesson, you are
expected to sort and
classify familiar words into
basic categories.
In each group of pictures,
Identify the one that is
different from the rest.
Sorting is grouping objects
according to shapes, size,
color, texture, etc.
examples: red, green, blue - These are colors / small,
medium, large - these are sizes
Classifying is naming the
group of objects where they
examples: Fruits- mango, orange, apple
Transportation – bus, jeepney, airplane
A describing word tells something about
a noun or pronoun. It is a word that
gives more information about the noun
that goes with it. Nouns are words that
name a place, a person, a thing, or an
Group Work
Guided Practice!
Group 1
Draw the object under the correct heading
Guided Practice!
Group 2
Write the words under the correct categories.
eyes book elephant grapes shoulder cake bag
carabao strawberry ice cream
Guided Practice!
Group 2
Write the words under the correct categories.
eyes book elephant grapes shoulder cake bag
carabao strawberry ice cream
Great Job!
Fill in the blanks with
correct words to
the sentence.
We can sort and classify
familiar words into basic
categories such as
_____________, etc
:To classify words, we sort or arrange
them according to their kind or
group. We can classify words
according to basic categories like
colors, shapes, food, and many more.
Get your
notebook and
answer the
Directions: Draw lines to connect and sort each animal
according to their number of legs
Department of Education

English 1 Week 4 / 4th Quarter

4 Sort and Classify familiar words into basic

categories (colors, shapes, foods, etc) EN1V-
Directions: Circle the hard objects.
Draw X’s over soft objects.
Great Job!
In this lesson, you are
expected to sort and classify
familiar words into basic
Listen to the story.
One Saturday morning, father and Arlene
went to the farm. Arlene was very happy
while feeding the chickens, ducks and pigs.
After feeding them, they went to the garden
and gathered okra, ampalaya, eggplant and
Listen to the story.
While Arlene was going around the farm,
something caught her attention for they
were very beautiful and colorful. She went
near them and picked some roses,
sunflowers and gumamelas

1. What animals did Arlene feed?

a. chickens, ducks, pigs
b. chickens, ducks, horses
c. chickens, goats, pigs
d. ducks, horses, goats
2. What vegetables did they gather?
a. okra, ampalaya, eggplant and pechay
b. okra, ampalaya, pechay and stringbeans
c. okra, ampalaya, eggplant and
d. okra, ampalaya, beans and squash

3. What flowers did Arlene pick?

a. daisies, santans, gumamelas
b. roses, sunflowers, gumamelas
c. roses, orchids, gumamelas
d. rosal, sunflowers, gumamelas
4. Chickens, ducks and pigs are classified
as _____.
a. plants
b. food
c. flowers
d. animals
5. How about okra, ampalaya, eggplant and
a. animals
b. flowers
c. fruits
d. vegetables
Let’s try it!
Get your drill boards
Guided Practice!
Match the group of words
in column A to its basic
category in column B.
Guided Practice!
Great Job!
1. How do you sort and classify
2. Give at least four categories
of classifying things.
To classify words, we sort or
:arrange them according to their
kind or group. We can classify
words according to basic categories
likecolors, shapes, food, and many
Get your
notebook and
answer the
Directions: Sorting cut & paste. Cut out the
objects on page 2 and put them in the right
Department of Education

English 1 Week 4 / 4th Quarter

5 Sort and Classify familiar words into basic

categories (colors, shapes, foods, etc) EN1V-
2nd Summative
Test in English I
Great Job!
End of week 4…

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