Polygraph Examination Room

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Examination Room

1. Determine the specifications of an ideal

polygraph examination room;
2. Illustrate or sketch an ideal polygraph
examination room.
3. Explain the characteristics of an ideal
polygraph examination room.
Characteristics/ Description
 Ideal size- 15 ft x 15 ft with a 9 feet ceiling height.
 2.If possible, without a window.
If cannot be avoided- simple design
If bars are required- bars should be of inconspicuous design does
not attract attention.
3. Preferably with only one door leading into the polygraph room
-plain structure
reduce external noise to a minimum

4. Location- section of a building where there is little or no
activity to have a minimal amount of interference.
- the far end of a corridor or hallway.
-In a multistory building without an elevator: ground floor
stair climbing will affect the BP of the subject, and a prolonged
rest will be needed before conducting a lie detection test.
- Avoid above garages and below areas of a heavy workroom.
Materials which is not obvious to the subject that
special preparation has been made

Ifthere is an observation room: one way mirror

with an additional pane of glass and an amplifier.

Airconditioning unit that is noiseless in

The temperature should be maintained at
comfortable levels.

Indirect illumination and incandescent

light fixtures shall be used because there
are subject of high skin resistance.
 Desk modified to receive a polygraph
 Swivel chair for the examiner
 Armchair with wide arms for the subject
 To break the monotony of a bare room, use a small file with a lock
 Do not display guns, knives, shackles, or circulars and notices.
 No telephone to prevent phone interruptions or the subject asking
the use of it while undertaking an examination.

Simple without patterns or designs

Pastel shades.

Preferably wood/concrete/ ceramic tile or

concrete with rubber tile.
If the chair is metal: placed a mat of press
wood to eliminate grounding with carpet.
 Desk: double typewriter desk which can be modified.
 Chair-subjects feet on the floor and his back supported to give him
relaxing posture.
- Stoelting Subject’s Chair is considered is ideal since it has an armrest
to fit all types of individuals.
 Observation room: adjoined with a one-way mirror
 Microphone with an amplifier to an observation room
Stoelting chair
One-way mirror
Tape recorder for recording information
Sign outside the door to indicate when a test or interrogation
is in progress and that no one is to enter.
Lock on the door secure and inconspicuous.
Push-button call switch to signal officers to be at the door for
messages or as witness
File with a lock to keep record and data
Date and time stamp

- is a scientific instrument that

simultaneously records the changes in
physiological processes of the human
 Subject- Refers to the person to be examined,
usually a suspected criminal.
 Examiner- it refers to an expert in polygraph
science who uses polygraph instrument to verify
truthfulness of a subjects statement or testimony.
 Requesting party- refers to the person or persons
who ask for the services of the examiner to help
verify the truthfulness of a subject`s statement or
 Polygraph examination-
 is a form of PVE which involves the examination of the
subject using the polygraph instrument that officially
covers the moment the subject enters the polygraph suite
until he leaves.
 Polygraph Test- is specific part of the polygraph
examination that transpires from the moment the chart
drive (kymograph) is turned on until it is turn off. It is the
actual test whereby the reactions of the subject on a
specific stimulus are being recorded using a polygraph
Pre-test Interview- is the first official stage
of polygraph examination whereby the
subject is informed about the nature of the
examination including his rights in relation to
the examination and conditioned to take the
 Instrumentation- the stage of polygraph examination
whereby polygraph instrument is actually used while asking
questions to the subject. It encompasses chart collection and
chart analysis.
 Post-test questioning- refers to the questioning that
concludes the examination, either in the form of post test
interview or post test interrogation.
What are the objectives of polygraph services.
 1. To ascertain if a person (witness/ suspect) is telling the truth.
 2. To locate the fruit/s and or instruments of the crime under investigation.
 3. To obtain additional investigative leads to the facts of the case/offense.
 4. To locate the whereabouts of the suspects and wanted persons.
 5. To identify suspects, witnesses and or victims involved in the criminal/civil
 6. To recover valuable information from reluctant witnesses.
 7. To eliminate innocent suspect.
What are the principal uses of polygraph
1. Aid in investigation of criminal and civil cases
2. Speeds up investigation process
3. Eliminate innocent suspects
4. Pre-employment screening
5. Personnel test for honesty
What are the limitations of the polygraph
 1. Invaluable investigative aid but never substitute for an investigation
 2. Not a lie detector, it is only a scientific diagnostic instrument.
 3.not capable of determining facts, it only records responses of the
 4.not 100% accurate or 100% reliable, its accuracy depends on the
examiner competency.

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