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Moral Challenges of
Ruby De Vera
Rosenda Tandoc
Khristina Tadeo
Richard Vertudazo
Heart Papango
Globalization and Ethical Challenges
According to Sarah Oelberg who delivered a sermon
on January 11, 2002, globalization is the name given
the reality that the world is becoming more and more
closely linked by international trade, monetary policy,
investments and high-speed communication. In a
world of limited resource, we are faced with the
competing values of politics, corporate power,
religion and simple humanity.
Globalization and Ethical Challenges
According to Globalization per se is not evil; in fact, it is both
inevitable and desirable. The world is not the same as it was in the
past; we are necessarily part of a world community, and that
community needs to work together to make life better for everyone.
That is the promise of globalization, and that is why many people
support it. In the eyes of its proponents, it is the result of forces
driving a powerful engine of technological innovation and
economic growth that is strengthening human freedom, spreading
democracy, and creating the wealth needed to end poverty and save
the environment throughout the globe- the interdependent web
made manifest.
Globalization and Ethical Challenges
In the same vein, Oscar Arias, President of Costa Rica from 1986 to 1990
discussed about the moral challenges of globalization. He said that there is
economic crisis now with nearly a billion and a half people who have no
access to clean water, and a billion lives in miserably substandard housing, it
is a leadership crisis when we allow wealth to be concentrated in fewer and
fewer hands, so that the world's three richest individuals have assets that
exceed the combined gross domestic product of the poorest 48 countries.
There is spiritual crisis when Gandhi said that many people are so poor that
they can only see God in the form of break, and when other individuals seen
only to have faith in a capricious God whose "invisible hand" guide the free
market. It is a democratic crisis when 1.3 billion people live an income of less
than one dollar a day, and in their unrelenting poverty are totally excluded
from public decision-making.
Human Security
The first step toward global thinking requires that we adopt
a definition of peace that goes beyond the short-sighted
demands of national security. To this end, the United
Nations Human Development Program stresses the need for
us instead to think of peace in terms of human security. This
distinction bears frequent repetition. Human security is not
just a concern with weapons S it is a concern with human
life and dignity. The martyred Salvadoran Archbishop,
Oscar Romero, eloquently expressed this idea. He told his
people that "the only peace that God wants is a peace based
on justice.
Democratic Values

The second step in global thinking is to expand our

understanding of democracy. Too often, democracy is
discussed only in its most formal mode. People are satisfied
that democracy has a place in the constitution of the state
but make no room for democracy in the constitution of their
own soul. They do not let it affect their daily interactions,
their personal relationships, or their professional ambitions
Millennials and Filennials: Ethical
Challenges and Responses
Millennials are roughly defined as those who were born
between 1980 and 2000. They are also known as Generation
Y following Generation X. They are the generational
demographic cohort following Generation X. There are no
precise dates for when this cohort starts or ends;
demographers and researchers typically use the early 1980's
as starting birth years and the mid 1990's to early 2000s as
ending birth years.
Millennials and Filennials: Ethical
Challenges and Responses
Millennials are sometimes referred to as "echo boomers"
due to a major surge in birth rates in the 1980s and 1990s,
and because millennials are often the children of the baby
boomers. The 20th-century trend toward smaller families in
developed countries continued, however, so the relative
impact of the "baby boom echo" was generally less
pronounced than the post-World War II baby boom.
Millennials and Filennials: Ethical
Challenges and Responses
In the Philippines, millenials make up almost one third of
the total population. They are the "youth" marketers,
business leaders, employers and some politicians who try to
provide for their business endeavors. This year, arguably, the
oldest millenials are 36 years old. As millenials enter their
prime years, they are not just defining their community and
workplace. They are starting to take care of a new
generation as the "hope of the fatherland".
Traits/Qualities of Millennials
1. They are confidently independent.
2. Comfort in the flock.
3. Simplicity.
4. They want to experience engaging in business
5. Creatively achievers
6. Uniquely
7. No Brand boundaries
8. Multitaskers
Seven Qualities of Millennials That Can
Make Them Excellent Employees
1. They think of innovation as a science.
2. They believe in the profit motive.
3. They could build a business.
4. They are motivated to accomplish something.
5. They hate bureaucracy more than you do.
6. They will put some muscle into your corporate culture
7. They want to lead, and we all need more leaders.
Best Asian Women Today
"With a safe and sweet voice, a Filipina girl is the model wife for me".
-The Bayside Desk (September 18, 2017)
In Asia because of their natural beauty. Filipino women have many good traits
that make them the best Asian women on the world today. Most of Philippine
girls fall in love with men who are caring, thoughtful, loyal, responsible, and
honest. They pay close attention to the culture and natural traits. One of the
key reasons that Filipino girls are popular. The people in the Philippines are
usually mixed with Chinese and Spanish so they look just wonderful.
Thousands of men who married to Filipino wives admitted that Philippines'
women have the best characteristics that cannot be found in other Asian girls.
There are thousands of Filipino-Western guys who come back to their original
country to get married with these girls and bring them back to the West to live
there. What these men want to find are the traditional traits that these women
in the Philippines carry.
Best Asian Women Today
Filipino-American millennials left their homeland in search of a
greener pasture as well as fortunes away from their motherland.
Some of them are unable to come home because they enjoy the
cultural environment of America. Some of them were naturalized
as Filipino Americans. A few of them have already their
respective families. They only visit the Philippines as tourists
during important event or when the need arises. They have
already acquired the beliefs, values, and other cultural traits of the
American nation. Sometimes, they send balikbayan boxes to their
families in the Philippines, but some boxes that were delivered in
the Philippines were either lost, damaged, stolen, or in good
Difference Between Ethics and Religion
Ethics is a code of conduct, or in a more
verbose definition, moral principles that
govern a person's behavior or the conducting
of an activity.

Religion is a way of life: "He drank coffee

for breakfast religiously."
Abhyuday Singh (December 20, 2015)
differentiate ethics and religion like this:
1. Religion is an organized collection of beliefs,
cultural systems, and world views that relates
humanity to an order of existence.

2. Ethics (also moral philosophy) is the branch of

philosophy that involves systematizing, defending,
and recommending concepts of right and wrong
Abhyuday Singh (December 20, 2015)
differentiate ethics and religion like this:
3. Religion can provide you with the knowledge of the self,
God, world and customs related to it. It purifies the inner
being through loving, devotion and service to God. Inner
purification leads to receiving the never- ending grace of
God, his limitless love, his endless goodness and his
measureless mercy. Religion in forms like Varna Ashram
Dharma tells how we can achieve our material goals and
spiritual liberation. Truth, Justice, Love, and Good deeds are
the pillars of religion.
Abhyuday Singh (December 20, 2015)
differentiate ethics and religion like this:
4. Ethics would teach you what is right and what is wrong
in a certain action, speech, or thought, the sense of right
and/or wrong. If the action, speech, or thought promotes sins
then it is wrong, if it promotes well-being of all with justice
to all, it is correct. On a personal level action, speech or
thought for self defense, self maintenance by right way i.e.
right livelihood, service in a long devoted manner and
guidance for betterment of the individual of humanity
without involving sin is correct.
The Role of Religion in a Globalized
Advances in technology, communication systems, and
trade have led to unprecedented developments
globally. Despite these advancements, there has been
limited improvement in the quality of life for many
people. Existing problems faced by humanity persist,
while new issues have emerged. Futurologists struggle
to predict the future outcomes, which may be more
risky and problematic than the present.
The Role of Religion in a Globalized
Modern communication techniques facilitate
missionary activities for all religions. TV
evangelists can reach a global audience,
influencing people worldwide. Large-scale
meetings offer emotional satisfaction over
genuine spiritual transformation. Missionaries
often associate belief with prosperity, linking
riches to God's blessing.
What is Globalization?
Recently an international forum on globalization
stated that:
"It is not the latest phase of human progress but
rather an ideology imposed on the world by
transnational corporations and their followers in
governments and universities" (Jay Walljasper,
What is Globalization?
• Globalization has deep historical roots, it is
closely tied to capitalist modernity and the
expansion of the capitalist system.
• For many third-world countries, globalization
represents a modern version of colonization.
• Cultural homogeneity emerges as global
consumer culture spreads.
What is Globalization?
• These corporations wield power surpassing
historical empires (Greek, Roman, French,
• National governments struggle to control them
individually or collectively.
• Their reach extends beyond borders, shaping
global norms.
What is Globalization?
• Corporate powers dictate not only microchips
and millet but also information, entertainment,
culture, and ideals of the good life.
• Their blessings impact security, prosperity, and
satisfaction across communities.
What is Globalization?
• The divisions among human
1. "the haves”
2. “the have-nots"
Dani Rodrik
• A professor of International Political
Economy at Harvard
• BOOK: Has Globalization Gone Too Far?
Dani Rodrik
“Globalization is exposing social fissures
between those with education, skills,and
mobility to flourish in an unfettered world
market -- the apparent 'winners' and those
without. These apparent 'losers' are
increasingly anxious about their standards of
living and their precarious place in an
integrated world economy."

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