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Packaging and Storing Laundry

Directions: TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is
true, write FALSE if otherwise

If the laundry is on-
site at the hotel, the staff
member will deliver the bags
directly to the laundry for
Directions: TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE if the
statement is true, write FALSE if otherwise
_________2. If the laundry is off-
site, the laundry will be
delivered to a central point
within the hotel such as the
linen room or Housekeeping
office to await collection by the
laundry driver.
Directions: TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE if the
statement is true, write FALSE if otherwise

_________3. The staff

member will enter all
guest items on to a
guest docket.
Directions: TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is true, write FALSE if

_________4. The summary

sheet is a record of all
guest names and room
numbers whose laundry
or dry-cleaning has been
received for processing.
Directions: TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE if
the statement is true, write FALSE if
_________5. A copy of
the advice form is given
to the laundry driver
with all the guests’ bags.

Directions: Spot what

form it is! Hint: use to
monitor, control and
charge items laundered.
Directions: Read and analyze
each question carefully. Write
the letter of your answer on the
space provided before each
_____1.What is a list placed in the
room and used by the guest that can
be in duplicate or triplicate
depending on the hotel’s accounting
A. Advice form
B. Guest Docket
C. Summary Sheet
D. Order Slip
_____2. Which of the following sentences is
NOT a procedure in packaging and storing
guest laundry?
A. A copy of this summary sheet is given to the
laundry driver with all the guests‟ bags
B. All the guest bags are placed into a fabric laundry
bag ready for collection
C. The summary sheet is a record of all guest names
and room numbers whose laundry or dry-cleaning
has been received for processing
D. Obtain the keys necessary to open the luggage
and the locks.
_____3. Which of the following statement is TRUE?

A.The staff member will collect the laundry from the

guest room and must check that the summary is
complete with all the guest details. If not, the room
should be noted on the bag.
B.The laundry may still be processed but will not be
unable to be returned to the guest's room.
C.If the laundry is on-site, the staff member will
deliver the bags directly to the company laundry for
D.If the laundry is on-site, the laundry will be delivered
to a central point within the hotel such as the
_____4. Which of the following is
used within the laundry for
summarizing all guest laundry
with the charges?
A. Advice form
B. Guest Docket
C. Summary Sheet
D. Order Slip
_____5. Which of the following is a
note advising the guest of damaged
items received and requesting
permission to proceed?
A.Advice form
B.Guest Docket
C.Summary Sheet
D.Order Slip
Directions: Fill in the blank the
correct answer.
1. If the laundry is _________,
the staff member will
deliver the bags directly to
the laundry for processing.
2. This ________________ may be in duplicate
or triplicate depending on the hotel’s
accounting processes. It will have all the
most common items listed complete with
itemized charges for each and a space for
the guest to complete his name and room
3. A copy of the
_________________ will be
returned with all guest items
later in the day for cross-
checking and a list of charges
for each guest
4. The linen or __________
staff will then return all
cleaned and checked
items to the guest room
neatly packed.
4. The linen or __________
staff will then return all
cleaned and checked
items to the guest room
neatly packed.
Directions: List at least
3 procedures on how to
pack and store Guest
Directions: Arrange the
following procedures in
packaging and storing guest
laundry by numbering them
according to its sequence.
______1. The staff member will collect the laundry from the guest
room and must check that the docket is complete with all the guest
details. If not, the room should be noted on the bag.
______2. This docket may be in duplicate or triplicate depending on
the hotel’s accounting processes. It will have all the most common
items listed complete with itemized charges for each and a space for
the guest to complete his name and room number
______3. When the guest requires this service he should complete the
docket with his name, room number and quantity of items to be
processed on the relevant lines.
______4. The docket is then placed in the bag and the guest may take
it to reception by 9 or 10 a.m. (in smaller hotels) or call housekeeping
or valet service for the laundry to be collected (larger hotels).
______5. The room attendant places laundry bags (either plastic or
fabric) and laundry dockets into the wardrobe or drawer when
cleaning the guest room.
Directions: Match the items in
Column A with the corresponding
items in Column B. Write the letter
of the correct match in the space

_____1. Off-site A. Bags will be deliver directly to the laundry.

B. Can be in duplicate or triplicate copy depending

_____2. Advice form
on hotel’s accounting procedure.

_____3. On-site C. Laundry will be delivered to a central point.

D. Record of all guest names and room numbers

_____4. Docket / Guest
whose laundry or dry cleaning has been received for

_____5. Summary Sheet E. It is a note advising the guest of damaged items.

Thank you and God bless!

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