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A crime management system with modules for
registering and storing data on criminals could be
really helpful for law enforcement. It would allow
authorities to keep track of known criminals and
could potentially help them solve cases.
Document Conventions
System = Criminal Management System.
GUI = Graphical User Interface.
Product Scope
It would allow authorities to keep track of known
criminals and could potentially help them solve
cases. The system could include features like facial
recognition and fingerprint analysis to help identify
suspects. It could also have a database of known
criminal activity and patterns that could help
authorities predict and prevent future crimes.
Overall, a crime management system with
registration and data storage modules could be a
valuable tool for law enforcement to keep
communities safe.
Intended Audience
This document should be readied by the instructor, developers,
project managers, Clint, users, testers, and documentation writers.

Product Perspective
A crime management system is a software platform that law
enforcement agencies use to manage criminal data. The
system can be used to register criminals, store their data,
and keep track of criminal activity over time. Additionally,
the system can be used to search for and retrieve criminal
data quickly and easily. The goal of a crime management
system is to help law enforcement agencies solve crimes and
prevent future criminal activity.
Product Functions
1. Add Criminal Data 2. Delete Criminal Data
3. Update Criminal Data 4. View Criminal Data
User Classes and Characteristics

The users of a crime management system are typically law

enforcement agencies, such as police departments and
detective bureaus. These agencies use the system to manage
criminal data and track criminal activity over time. The
system can help authorities solve crimes and prevent future
criminal activity
Operating Environment:
A computer with window 7 and upper windows and
with processing of more than 2000 power availabilities
will be required. With 2gb of ram and 2gb of storage.
Design and Implementation Constraints
There should be cell no choosing option available for
the criminal. The system should response fast and
perform accurate efficient response.
Assumptions and Dependencies
Criminal data entry is mandatory to register new
criminal in the system.
User Interfaces
The design of the user interface should be attractive and elegant. The
login page should represent this system belongs to a bus ticket
management, and the colour scheme should be simple, elegant, and
should be relaxing so the employees feel relaxed during working
Hardware Interfaces
A computer with 2gb or higher of RAM and minimum 2gb of storage
availability will be required with minimum OS of window 7.
Communications Interfaces
After new data entry of a criminal whole server of the police record
should be updated instantly and it should send an update details of
criminal to all the system.
 Login
 Logout
 Forget Password

Record Management
 Add Criminal Data
 Delete Criminal Data
 Update Criminal Data
 View Criminal Data
Functional requirements for criminal management system are include.

The system should be able to register new criminals and store their data.
 The system should allow authorities to search for and retrieve criminal
data quickly and easily.
 The system should be user-friendly and easy for authorities to navigate.
 The system should be secure and protect against cyber-attacks.
 The system should allow for the addition of notes and comments to a
criminal's file.
 The system should be able to track criminal activity over time.
The system should have a facial recognition module to help identify
 The system should have a predictive analytics module to help authorities
predict and prevent future crimes.
 The system should be reliable and available 24/7.
 The system should be scalable and able to handle a
large amount of criminal data.
 The system should be easy to integrate with other law
enforcement systems.
 The system should be compliant with local and national
laws and regulations.
 The system should be easy to maintain and update.
 The system should be able to provide reports and
analytics on criminal activity.
 The system should be able to handle multiple users
 The system should not allow unauthorized access to
criminal data.
 The system should prevent unauthorized modifications
to criminal records.
 The system should avoid slowing down or becoming
unresponsive when handling large amounts of data.
 The system should not compromise user data privacy
during searches and retrievals.
 The system should avoid inaccurate identification of
suspects through the facial recognition module.
 The system should prevent false predictions from the
predictive analytics module.

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