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1. The class will divided in to four groups.

2. Each group will be asked form a circle.

3. Each group will be given a set of a puzzle to arrange to form an
4. Each set has an extra pieces which serve a challenge for the
5. First to form the intended image will be winner.
1. Have you enjoyed the activity?
2. What have you noticed about the images? It portrays what?
3. Are bridge important? What is the main purpose of building a bridge?
4. What do you think will happen if there are no a bridges?
5. In English grammar what do you call to words that function like a
Cohesive devices
-sometimes called as linking
words, linkers, connectors,
discourse markers or transitional
-are words or phrases that show
the relationship between or
sections of a text or speech.
What Cohesive
Devices do?
They join ideas meaningfully.
They link sentences and paragraphs together
They lead to make certain connections or
assumptions about the areas you are
They lead readers to forward and imply the
"building" of an idea or thought.
There are many examples of
cohesive devices. They can be
grouped according to their
Samples Sentences:
Before I begin, I'd like to thank all the line of men
and women in uniform for putting me up as a guest
speaker in this event.
First, I got out of bed and took a shower like I
always do
Samples Sentences:
She was a woman of extraordinary musical
skill, as well as a talented photographer.
I enjoy playing soccer, but besides that, I also
like to go
Samples Sentences:
He appeared relaxed, despite the danger.
Some people have this perception in life
however, let me emphasize that in today’s
generation men and woman are equal in
different aspects of life.
Samples Sentences:
I have a dream of giving my parent a good
life, because I want them to be happy.
I want to attend the concert, yet I have a
project submission the next day.
Sample Sentences:
He was caught cheating. As a result, he
was expelled from school.
She studied hard and therefore she passed
the exam.
Sample Sentences:
Love your enemy, Later, he will learn to
love you.
I love playing with my toys, meanwhile
my sister likes reading books
Sample sentences:
Some plants, such as snake plants and
aloe vera, prefer more direct sunlight.
Fruits are healthy snacks, for example,
apples and bananas.
Cohesive Dev ic es ar e esse ntia l to diff er en t ty pe s fo r th e fo llo w in g

a. tell the reader w ha t w e ar e do in g in a se nten ce an d gu id e th em

through writing.
b. signal to th e re ad er w ha t th e re la tio ns hi ps ar e be tw ee n th e
diffe re nt cl au se s, se nt en ce s an d pa ra gr ap hs .
c. provide a smooth flow of ideas
The common different types of
speech :
Informative Speech is one in which the
speaker relays knowledge to an audience
on a specific topic
Persuasive Speech is a specific
type of a speech in which the
speaker has a goal of
convincing the audience to
accept his or her point of view.
Demonstrative Speech is twofold: to inform and to
illustrate. By combining verbal explanations with
visual aids and live demonstration to educate the

Narrative Speech or essay is used to tell a

story, often one that is based on personal
1. All chairs must be on the side and put only four chairs in front.
2. Each group (remain group) have 5 balloons and every balloons
consist of cohesive devices that you need to use in filling the text.
3. You must pop your balloon as quickly as possible through backwards.
4. After you popping all the balloons, you will need to complete the
paragraph with appropriate cohesive devices you've got.
5. Choose one presentative to your group to present your task in front of
the class.
6. The first group who finish their task will claps their hands and receive
a prize.
Wheel of Cohesive Devices

We have here randomizer wheel that
contains words and phrases. Create
your own examples using these words.
All your names are in the box, I will
pick or call your names to create
sample sentences using cohesive
On a whole sheet of paper, write a
speech with the theme, "The Need for
Family Solidarity during Difficult
Times." Use appropriate cohesive
devices and use the rubric as your guide
in writing.

Content -50 %
Cohesive devises used (Appropriate use
of transitional words, synonyms,
pronouns/determiners, repetition of
words/key terms) -25%
Correct usage -25%
Total: 100 %

Complete each sentence by choosing the appropriate cohesive device inside the
parenthesis. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1.Educational assistance and scholarship grants are given for deserving students;
(however, moreover), they should pass the interview and examination.
2.Livelihood trainings help provide additional income to every family; (as a result,
people can buy their basic needs.
3. We should extend our helping hands to help others. (For example, Hence), we can
lessen the problem of poverty.
4. Green brigade was formed to take charge in maintaining the cleanliness of the streets
and waterways. (However, In addition) it helped the farmers to irrigate their farm.
5.Trees greatly contribute to preserving the soil. They also help in reducing erosion. (In
spite of, Furthermore), they help to prevent landslides and floods

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