Understanding The 4W'S

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By- Dhwani Jain and Pritha

1. Problem Scoping
​2. Data Acquisition
3. Data Exploration
4. Data Modelling
5. Evaluation

Computer Labs nowadays are a basic need in a schools in order to really help the
students reach their maximum potential. They are an essential part of modern
education, offering students and teachers access to powerful technology and
resources. They can support learning, collaboration, creativity, and innovation in
education. Computer labs can provide a safe and secure environment for students to
learn about technology, without the distractions that come with personal devices. It is
important to note that computer labs require proper maintenance and management to
ensure that they remain functional and up-to-date. In conclusion, computer labs are
still relevant in modern education, providing students with access to technology and
resources that they may not have at home, and a safe and secure environment to learn
about technology.

‘identifying WHERE the problem is arising’
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• Many problems can occur in the installation process of a Computer Lab like-

1. COST- The cost of setting up a computer lab can be high, and schools may not have the budget to cover the expenses.

2. MAINTAINANCE- Computer labs require regular maintenance to ensure that they remain functional and up-to-date. This can be
time-consuming and expensive

3. SECURITY- Computer labs can be vulnerable to security threats such as hacking, viruses, and malware. Schools need to ensure that
they have proper security measures in place to protect their computer labs.
‘Identifying WHAT the problem is’
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1. COST-

In the aspect of cost, several problems can arise as we move along

forward and dive into the depth of it. There can be issues with the
budget not settling, the expenses might not fit into the budget causing a
blunder with the whole installation. As the expenses would be
handled by the school authority there is no guessing to what the budget
might be and it would create a handful of problems if the budget is not
enough for all the machines, furniture, electricity, etc.
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• The maintenance of a newly made lab can be headache for
the school faculty as they need to be careful about its
cleanliness, hygiene, condition of the machines and much
more. Every small thing needs to be looked over to maintain
the lab in a good condition. They need to look over if there is
no spilling or damaging of the machines or anything that
would affect the condition of the new lab and add up to a new
expense because we also as discussed just now keep in mind
that every expense is paid from the school budget which
needs to watched over and scarcely used to save for
emergencies. It is also the duty of the students to respect the
decorum of the computer lab and use it in an appropriate
manner and make sure to not damage or waste any resources
that they’re provided with.
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• Security is one of the biggest concerns nowadays as due to so
much exposure of internet has lead to misuse of applications
and ai. As we all have heard of Cyber Security, it is very
important for us to be careful and vigilant with what we do on
the internet and this is also one of the biggest concerns of the
school during the installation of the Computer Lab. The
teachers need to make sure that no student is affected by
hackers, viruses and malware. They also need to make sure that
no student misuses the access to a computer with internet by
downloading games or any inappropriate irrelevant applications
which might lead to a virus or risk of being hacked or an kind
of nuisance. As students ourselves we should be honest and
follow the rules of the Computer Lab and only indulge in
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‘identifying WHY the problem needs to be addressed’
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• Looking over the budget and • Maintaining the Computer • Addressing the problem of
expenses is the first aspect that Lab in a good condition is security in a Computer lab is
needs to looked over and taken very important as it will help very important as if not
care of as if the budget is used in the long run and save us given attention to it can turn
in an ill manner it can lead to from any extra expenses that into a huge problem. If not
shortage of money and we might come our way. looked over the systems
might end up not having the Maintaining the condition of might catch a virus or get
appropriate instruments to work the lab also creates a hacked. It can also lead to a
with. It can also cause a hygienic and positive student misusing the
problem for any future environment to work in. machines in an unethical
emergency. manner
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‘identifying WHOM the problem is affecting’
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• These problems affect both the school, the teachers,
administrators as well as the students. For instance, the
teachers might get affected by the constant need to look
over the system activities and the students to prevent any
kind of cyber trouble that might be coming our way. The
Administrators may face challenges maintaining the
infrastructure and the overall condition of the lab. The
students may face issues with the restrictions that are put
in order to prevent any kind of virus or hacker. The
school authority would also be constantly troubled with
the budget steadying and the added expenses that keep
coming their way.
. .

Any problem can be solved if we have the will to solve it. By just using
the right methods and data with a little research and analyzing we can
solve any problem in our way. The 4Ws method helps us to easily identify
and get to the bottom of the problem and helps us understand it in depth.
It is the best statistical way to deal with any problem that comes our way
in an appropriate manner with little effort. This shows how much
Artificial Intelligence can help us in our daily life in every aspect. It helps
us identify and solve complex problems and make sure they don’t occur

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