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Module Outcomes
1. Describe a flexible learning environment and
the different platforms used for flexible
2. Recognize how innovative teachers use online
resources and educational sites and portals
for online distance learning.
3. Reflect on the use of technology and its
relevance and approaches.
 Distance learning is a form of learning
without face-to-face contact with the
teacher and delivered via
 Distance learning is also called online learning
or e-learning.
1. Identify flexible learning through online
communications (synchronous/asynchronous
2. Describe a flexible learning environment
that enhances collaboration with the use of
technology tools.
 The present generation of learners has access to
information at their fingertips.
 The teacher is no longer seen as basically the
dispenser of knowledge.
 Learning takes place anywhere
 Students can continue to join class sessions even
if they are not physically around.
 The learning space becomes virtual or mediated.
 Southeast Asian Ministers of Education
Innovation in Educational Technology (SEAMEO-
INNOTECH) provides mode of learning on Online
Distance Learning.
• An open software created by Martin Dougiamas
• Stands for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic
Learning Environment.
• A Learning management system (LMS) that
supports teaching and learning.
 is a free web service, developed by Google for
schools, that aims to simplify creating,
distributing, and grading assignments in a
paperless way.
 The primary purpose of Google Classroom is to
streamline the process of sharing files between
teachers and students.
 Created by Nic Borg, Jeff O’ Hara and Crystal
Hutter in 2008.
 It is an educational technology company offering a
communication, collaboration, and coaching
platform to K-12 schools and teachers.
 The Edmodo network enables teachers to share
content, distribute quizzes, assignments, and
manage communication with students, colleagues,
and parents.
 Created by Jeremy Friedman, Ryan Hwan, Tim
Trinidad and Bill Kindler in 2009.
 It is a learning management system (LMS) for K-
12 schools, higher education institutions, and
corporations that allows users to create, manage,
and share content.
 MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Course.
 It is a model for delivering learning content online
to any person who wants to take a course.
 It allows one to pursue learning even outside of
university or higher educational formal structure.
 EDUCAUSE is a non-profit association with the
mission to advance higher education through the
use of information technology.
 An online chat in real-time.
 Course participants meet in a virtual classroom and
discuss a topic in the lesson.
 The teacher called as the online tutor facilitates
the discussion.
 Using Skype in holding live class in an example.
 Examples include: instant messaging, video
conferencing, webcams, chat
 Examples of one-to-one synchronous communication
include: instant messaging.

 This is when questions or tasks are posted and

course participants answer the questions or post
their reply at any time convenient to them.
 The LMS, Blogs, online bulletin board are some of
the examples.
Blended Learning

 is a combination of learning activities wherein a

part of the lesson is delivered online while the
other part is handled in actual physical setting of a
Kinds of Blended Learning
 Model 1: Face-to-Face Driver
The teacher delivers curricula most of the time and
utilizes online learning at certain with the purpose to
augment or provide an alternative experience.
 Model 2: Rotation
Students rotate on a fixed schedule between learning
online in a one-to-one self-paced learning environment
and being inside the classroom with a face-to-face
 Model 1: Face-to-Face Driver
The teacher delivers curricula most of the time and
utilizes online learning at certain with the purpose to
augment or provide an alternative experience.
 Model 2: Rotation
Students rotate on a fixed schedule between learning
online in a one-to-one self-paced learning environment
and being inside the classroom with a face-to-face
 Model 3: Flex
This model uses an online platform that delivers most
of the course. Learning support is provided as needed
through on-site support or an online tutor facilitating
the tutorial or small group sessions.
 Model 4: Online Lab
It uses an online platform to deliver the course but it
is located in a physical classroom or computer
 Model 3: Flex
This model uses an online platform that delivers most
of the course. Learning support is provided as needed
through on-site support or an online tutor facilitating
the tutorial or small group sessions.
 Model 4: Online Lab
It uses an online platform to deliver the course but it
is located in a physical classroom or computer
 Model 5: Self-Blend
A system provided by the school where the students
can choose courses they would like to have in addition
to their typical brick-and-mortar classroom classes.
 Model 6: Online Driver
Utilizes a platform and a teacher that delivers all
curricula. Students remotely work on their program
most of the time.
Online Communities of Learning/Social Networking
 If in the teaching and learning situation, your work
on information, data, and collaboration with
classmates, friends, teachers, and other members
of society, then social networking can also be
appropriately employed as an education tool.
What is networking?
 A network is defined as a group of individuals who
communicate and connect on a regular basis.
Social Networking Platform
 The biggest social networking sited founded in
2004 based in Menlo Park, California.
 Most popular social network
 It allows users to post their profile, blogs,
pictures, and videos.
 It does not only provide social networking service
but it also gives online news.
 It is a site where users post and interact with
messages called “tweets”, restricted only to 140
 Founded in 2006, based in San Francisco, United
 Another social networking website for work.
 It lets one upload his educational qualifications,
skills, work history, and relevant experiences.
 It lets one upload his educational qualifications,
skills, work history, and relevant experiences.
 Launched in 2003, popular social site in the
professional world.
 Designed to be a total communication social
 Launched in 2011, Google is its parents and it is
more advantageous if it kept as a browser for
users are connected even if they are outside
Google+ site.
 Is an American video-sharing website where users
can upload, view, and even share video clips or
multimedia productions.
 It is owned by Google.
 Is another social media tool that like Youtube, is
often thought of as otherwise.
 Designed as a catalogue of ideas or project ideas
by its founder Ben Sillberman.
 This is an excellent choice for those who have
passion for creativity.
 A platform where users visual stories.
 This system allows users to post photos with
captions allowing followers to like or comment on
one’s post.
 It is best social networking site for photography.
 It was acquired by Specific Media in 2011 and is
based in Beverly Hills California.
 Myspace had its dose of critics but came back
stronger and rebranded to focus on music.
 It is a networking site that combines social media
and blogging.
 This is a social media that makes it very easy an
straightforward to search about anything.
 It is a networking site that combines social media
and blogging.
 This is a social media that makes it very easy an
straightforward to search about anything.
 It is an image and video hosting website that was
created by Ludicorp in 2004 ad acquired by Yahoo.
 It offers massive online photo storage.
 A social networking website with the backronym
“Blog Early, Blog Often”.
 Was invented to answer the question what the
name meant.
The Benefits of Using Social Networking Sites
 Getting connected to family and friends
 Provides opportunities for making friends with
others who share similar interest
 It provides information
 News and views of others around the world
 Getting connected to family and friends.
 Provides opportunities for making friends with
others who share similar interests.
 Support learning or augment educational activities.
The Dangers of Using Social Networking Sites
 Teachers as well as parents are wary of youngsters
using social networking sites due to many negative
publicity and real incidents connected to the wrong
use of social networking websites.
 Making friends with strangers may actually be a
predator or cyberbully.
 There are trolls who actually instigate conflict,
misunderstanding or emotional response by eliciting
anger or ill feelings from other users.
Users may learn to ignore real
Their ability to incapacitated as
they devote hours and day on
gaming or using computer
manifesting abuse to themselves.
Safeguarding Oneself when Engaging in Social
Networking Sites
1. A social networking account has password
and log-in details
2. Log out every time you use public
3. Regularly check privacy setting of social
networking website.
4. Online posts are saved and may become
permanent part of their online
5. Do not accept invites from contacts unless you
know them personally or you are sure of their
6. Seriously consider the effect of possible posts on
others before deciding to do so.
7. Using appropriate language is essential.
8. Better be safe than sorry.
9. When there is an indication of harassment or
abuse, it is advised that you report this by clicking
the report button of abuse.
10. When cyberbullying happens, you can:
a. Ignore the behavior by not
responding at all.
b. Block the person.
c. Click the report button of abuse.
d. Talk to a trustworthy adult about it.
1. What is the right mindset in using the digital
2. Identify educational sites and portals suitable to
the subject area.
3. What are the Eight M’s of Teaching?
4. Identify learning principles and theories that are
applied in technology-driven teaching-learning

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