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Critical Design and Thinking

Roll No. PRN No. Name

222004 22111276 Aishwary Dandale
222008 22111007 Prathamesh Basagare
222020 22111183 Sanchit Dhale
222024 22110075 Yash Gavit

Topic : Mental Stress among students

Students of the modern era are living in a highly competitive world
which exerts lots of stress on students to survive in this era. Stress is an
unavoidable phenomenon in all aspects of human life. Stress is an
emotional imbalance which may occur due to various reasons such as
tests, papers and projects, competitive nature within one’s chosen field,
financial worries about school and future employment prospects (Ross
et al., 1999). Stress can be negative or positive to an individual,
depending on the strength and persistence of the stress, the individual’s
personality, cognitive appraisal of the stress, and social support. Stress
affects students academically, socially, physically and emotionally.
Ways of Research
We circulated a google form among our fellow
batch mates, to students in our college and friends.
Google form link :

We analyzed some research papers and reached

suitable conclusion.
Empathy Map
Top 3 problems Identified
Career Decision
Financial Condition
1) Loneliness : 2) Career Decision

o Finding like minded people to talk o Set a goal and work hard to achieve it.
o volunteer activities: can u help u make o we can help students to find their interest so
friends and connect with others and makes that they can decide their goal by conducting
one happier person camps or small one day events or through online
o Keeping yourself engaged in some hobby . sessions of experts
o Going out and playing sports with friends o Identifying your own interests and fields you
o Travelling want to work in.
o Listen to music o Gaining as much knowledge as possible to
o Contributing your time and energy, working have a clear view about all career paths
alongside others for a good cause o First , find in which field your interest is &
o Use phone , laptop for limited time of period then choose best option in which you find
because excess usage of it increases happiness & passion
depression & creates loneliness . o Always consult about your field & view with
your seniors or teachers or friends , siblings who
o Join a club or group of people to make new have prior knowledge in it
o Avoid comparing yourself to others
3.Financial Condition
o Education loan- suggesting websites to get education
loan at minimum Interest .
o Analyzing how much do you spend and try reducing the
excessive(unnecessary) expenses.
o If you have skills then applying for scholarships my
o Focus on your studies along with enjoying other things
o Do savings and spend wisely
Story Telling to improve critical thinking skills

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