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English Project Presentation

Roll No : 2044
Legal Ethics
in Literature
and Real Life
What is an ethical dilemma ?
An ethical dilemma occurs
when you have to choose
between two morally
conflicting options, both with
significant consequences.

For example, deciding

whether to report a friend's
cheating on a test, risking
your friendship, or staying
silent and compromising
honesty academic integrity.
A few more interesting examples
 Whistleblowing: An employee discovers that their company is engaging
in illegal or unethical practices. They face a dilemma between staying
silent (loyalty to the company, avoiding personal risk) and speaking out
(upholding honesty and integrity, preventing harm to others).
 Euthanasia: A family member is terminally ill and suffering greatly. The
medical team offers the option of euthanasia or assisted suicide to end
their suffering, raising a conflict between the sanctity of life and the relief
of suffering.
 Animal Testing: A pharmaceutical company needs to test a new drug to
save human lives, but it involves animal testing, raising a conflict between
the value of human life and the rights and well-being of animals.
 Capital Punishment: A society grapples with the decision to impose the
death penalty on convicted criminals. This raises a conflict between
justice for victims and the sanctity of human life, as well as concerns
about the potential for wrongful convictions.
Ethical dilemma in the legal life
Legal professionals worldwide face tough
moral choices which vary based on cultural
and legal differences. In India, these
dilemmas stem from the country's legal
system and cultural norms. Globally, lawyers
tackle issues like corporate wrongdoing and
human rights abuses, violations etc...
For example, Imagine a lawyer finds out
evidence that can prove someone innocent,
but it was obtained illegally. They have to
decide whether to use it, knowing it's against
the rules, or not, even though it could help
their client.
Mindboggling choices...
Confidentiality vs. Reporting a Crime: Imagine you're
a lawyer, and your client admits to committing a crime.
You're torn between keeping their confession
confidential, which is a fundamental rule of being a
lawyer, and feeling the moral obligation to report the
crime to the authorities to prevent harm to others.
Choosing Between Clients: Let's say you're a lawyer
representing two clients who are suing each other. One
client offers you a lot of money to prioritize their case
over the other. You're stuck between your duty to
represent each client fairly and the temptation of
financial gain.
Ethical dilemma in Literature
The Indian literature has provided rich narratives that
provides insights into the ethical dilemmas especially in
the context of India’s cultural and societal structure
Two such examples that reflect ethical dilemmas are :

The Guide by R.K.Narayan

The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga
The Guide by R.K.Narayan
The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga
In essence....
 The ethical dilemma in these novels arises from the characters'
choices between right and wrong, and the consequences of
those choices. Characters like Raju and Balram grapple with
moral ambiguity as they navigate complex societal norms and
personal desires. They face dilemmas such as whether to
pursue wealth and status at the expense of others, or to
prioritize honesty and integrity. Additionally, their actions
prompt readers to question broader ethical issues, such as
societal injustices and the pursuit of individual success at any
cost. Thus, the ethical dilemma lies in the characters' internal
struggles and the ethical implications of their decisions within
the context of their respective societies.
The Real – Life Ethical Dilemmas
Real-life legal cases in India provide clear examples of
the ethical challenges that lawyers face.
Two cases are dealt here :
The Bhopal Gas Tragedy
 One of the world’s worst industrial
disasters, where thousands lost their
lives due to a gas leak at a Union
Carbide pesticide plant in 1984
 The legal battle for justice spanned
decades with lawyers facing ethical
dilemmas related to advocacy,
accountability, and corporate
 The case underscored the
challenges of seeking justice in the
face of powerful corporate interests
and government bureaucracy.
The Nirbhaya Case
 A landmark legal battle for justice
following a brutal gang rape and
murder of a young woman in Delhi
in 2012.
 Lawyers representing the accused
faced ethical dilemmas regarding
their professional duty to provide
zealous defense while upholding the
principles of justice and human
rights, the case sparked nationwide
outrage and led to calls for legal
reforms to address gender – based
violence and improve access to
justice for victims.
Other examples also include:
 Gujarat Riots
9/11 attack.
Lawyers face tough ethical challenges, like
balancing national security with individual
rights after events like 9/11, or deciding how to
handle cases involving big companies accused
of wrongdoing worldwide. They have to
navigate complex legal and moral issues while
sticking to ethical standards and ensuring justice
for affected communities.
Ethical considerations:
 Ethical considerations are a societal responsibility: They're not just
about following rules but about contributing positively to society.
 Integrity and trustworthiness: Ethics uphold the integrity and
trustworthiness of professions, which are essential for society to rely on
 Guiding principles: Ethics serve as guiding principles for decision-
making, especially in complex situations where there's no clear right or
 Examples across professions: Lawyers, accountants, and physicians
all face ethical dilemmas in their work, such as representing
controversial clients or balancing patient autonomy with medical
 Navigating dilemmas with integrity: Professionals stand out by
navigating ethical dilemmas with integrity, balancing conflicting
interests while upholding their professional values.
 Contributing to societal norms: Ethical decisions made by
professionals contribute to shaping societal norms and expectations,
reflecting broader community values.
 Alignment with legal standards and moral acceptability: Ethical
decision-making aligns with both legal standards and moral acceptability
within the larger community, recognizing that ethical norms may vary
across different contexts.
 Complex interplay: Ethical decision-making involves a complex
interplay of individual judgment, professional standards, societal
expectations, and legal frameworks.
 Impact on stakeholders: Professionals must consider the potential
impact of their decisions on stakeholders and society as a whole.
 Embodying values: Ethical decision-making embodies values such as
integrity, honesty, and accountability, which are fundamental to
 Upholding trust and confidence: By embracing ethical considerations,
professionals maintain the trust and confidence of the communities they
serve, fostering a culture of integrity and excellence in their fields.
Ethical Frameworks:
 Ethical guidelines for legal practitioners in India: The
Bar Council of India sets the standards through the
Advocates Act and the Rules of Professional Conduct and
 Professional responsibility, confidentiality, and
integrity: These guidelines emphasize maintaining the
highest standards of conduct, including advocating for
clients' interests within the law and upholding honesty,
fairness, and impartiality.
 Confidentiality: Lawyers must protect privileged
communications and information from clients, even in
challenging situations, to maintain trust and privacy.
 International ethical frameworks: Legal ethics globally are guided
by frameworks like the American Bar Association’s Model Rules of
Professional Conduct and the International Bar Association’s
International Principles on Conduct for the Legal Profession.
 Principles of integrity, competence, and respect for the rule of law:
Legal professionals must uphold honesty, transparency, and
accountability, possess the necessary skills, and promote justice,
fairness, and equality before the law.
 Promoting access to justice: Lawyers have a duty to ensure access to
justice for all members of society, regardless of background or status.
 Upholding democracy and human rights: By adhering to ethical
standards, legal professionals contribute to upholding democracy,
safeguarding human rights, and promoting the rule of law both
nationally and internationally.
The End...!

In conclusion, ethical dilemmas in legal practice, literature,
and real-life scenarios underscore the complexity of
decision-making in navigating conflicting interests and
moral obligations. Whether portrayed in literature or faced
in the courtroom, these dilemmas challenge individuals to
uphold integrity, respect for the law, and the well-being of
all stakeholders. By recognizing the nuances of ethical
considerations and embracing principles of honesty,
fairness, and accountability, we can strive to navigate these
dilemmas with integrity and contribute positively to the
fabric of society.
Thank You!

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