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The Impact of Quality and

Promotional Activities on
Customer Purchasing Behavior
1 2 3 4 5

Introduction Statement of Research Research Participants

the Problem Objective Contribution of the Study


Product quality affects the success of a business and

helps develop its brand reputation and customer
value, which increase costumer satisfaction and
experience. In addition, promotions is also one of
the most important factors, as it can help
businesses attract new customer, boost loyalty and
repeat purchases and get insights into customer
1 2 3 4 5

Introduction Statement of Research Research Participants

the Problem Objective Contribution of the Study

Statement of the Problem

With many business offering similar products, it
is more difficult for entrepreneurs to know how
to stand out from the competitions.

This research will study the impact of product

quality on customer satisfaction and various
forms of promotion that effect customer
purchasing behaviors.
1 2 3 4 5

Introduction Statement of Research Research Participants

the Problem Objective Contribution of the Study

Research Objective
1. To study the impact of product quality on
customer satisfaction

Why is product quality important?

Quality management helps companies improve

their products' reliability, durability and
performance. These factors help differentiate a
business from its competitors. Better products
equal happier customers and higher revenue.

Research Objective
1. To study the impact of product quality on
customer satisfaction
What is customer satisfaction in quality of products?

consumer satisfaction is the feeling of disappointment or

pleasure for each individual after comparing the
performance of the product that is thought of according to
the expected product performance. Customer satisfaction
is the goal of every company for the survival of every

Research Objective
2. To various forms of promotion that affect
customer purchasing behavior

How does promotion affect consumer behavior?

The purpose of promotion is to reach the

targeted consumers and persuade them to buy.

Research Objective
3. To analyze the impact of customer satisfaction
on customer loyalty and repeat purchases

How does product quality affect customer loyalty?

To obtain customer satisfaction, product quality must

meet or exceed customer expectations. To understand
consumer expectations is very important in marketing
strategy. If the service quality is higher than expectations,
consumers will deem the provided services are satisfying
and pleasant.

Research Objective
3. To analyze the impact of customer satisfaction
on customer loyalty and repeat purchases

Why is Customer Loyalty Important?

Loyal customers are the most valuable asset for any brand
to hold onto. Repeat customers typically spend more and
generate larger transactions.

bringing in new customers can cost anywhere from five to

25 times more than selling to your current customers.
1 2 3 4 5

Introduction Statement of Research Research Participants

the Problem Objective Contribution of the Study

Research Contribution

This research would be useful for business

owners. By understanding the impact of
product quality and promotional activities,
business may be able to improve the
quality of the product and design effective
promotion methods in the future
1 2 3 4 5

Introduction Statement of Research Research Participants

the Problem Objective Contribution of the Study

Participants of the Study

The researchers will select 50 participants from the
student of Our Lady of the Pillar Catholic School. The
researchers will give sets of survey questionnaires to
the respondents being assessed. The data will be
collected through a paper survey with 50 respondents.

The researcher study will conducted during the school

year 2023-2024. Participants are highly needed to
complete the study and to determine the impact of
product quality and promotional activities on customer
purchasing behavior.
Denise Violeta

Assistant Leader:
Raizel sese
The Impact of Quality and
Promotional Activities on
Members: Customer Purchasing Behavior
Ken Empleo
Pierce Hernandez
Margareth Perez

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