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Lichen planus vs pemphigus vs


Dr Juhayer Rabbi
BDS,FCPS(part II trainee)
Oral & maxillofacial surgery
Dhaka Dental Hospital
Previous session analysis:

1. Lichen planus- MS:March 09,10,11,12,16,17

DDS: July 12,15,19

2. Oral lichenoid lesion- FCPS January 08, MS march 13

3. Mucous membrane pemphigoid- DDS July 10,FCPS January 08
Lichen planus Pemphigus vulgaris Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid

Common Rare disease Common

Prevalence: 1-2%

Age : 30-65 years Age: Middle aged & older patients Age: fifth to sixth decades
Gender: slightly female Gender: female predisposition Gender: Twice as common in
predisposition females

Predisposing factors: Predisposing factors: Predisposing factors:

1. Genetic basis 1. Strong genetic background 1. Genetic predisposition
2. Stress 2. Triggered by- 2. Drug & radiation induced(few
3. Lichenoid lesions medication,radiation,surgery case)
4. Drugs & vaccine ,certain food(garlic),stress
Clinical features

Lichen planus Pemphigus vulgaris Mucous membrane pemphigoid

~PV often begins with blister >The oral lesions in pemphigoid

~LP is often asymptomatic formations (bullae) occurring in affect especially the gingiva and
(white lesions) the mouth and on the scalp. palate.

~ soreness from atrophic areas ~The blisters are soft and are > Bullae or vesicles, but not
easily broken. The Nikolsky sign commonly.Blisters if present are
of thin, red mucosa or
(the spreading of a blister by tense, may sometimes be blood-
erosions.Oral discomfort or pressure) is positive. filled and can remain intact for days,
burning sensations are the similar to those of angina bullosa
common complaints in most ~ulcers are very painful erosions haemorrhagica, often on the soft
symptomatic cases. with ragged edges. palate.

> Pressure on the blister may cause

it to spread (Nikolsky sign).
Lichen planus Pemphigus vulgaris Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid

~Lesions are usually bilateral Oral PV main site: > Oral common sites:
~Posterior buccal mucosa most ■ soft palate and posterior hard mucosa,palate,tongue.
frequently affected,tongue is the palate
second most common site. ■ buccal mucosa > Persistent irregular erosions or
■ lips ulcers which result from the blisters
~mostly white ■ gingiva, where lesions usually bursting and typically are covered
comprise severe desquamative or with a yellowish fibrinous slough and
~reticular, but may be papular or erosive gingivitis. have surrounding inflammatory
plaque-like and associated with erythema.
red atrophic areas in the posterior
buccal mucosa bilaterally > thus somewhat resembling
erosive lichen planus, except that
no white lesions are present.
Lichen planus Pemphigus vulgaris Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid

The clinical picture is mainly of Oral lesions in pemphigus > Desquamative gingivitis; this is the
white lesions but is often mixed; vulgaris: most common oral finding
six clinical types of OLP lesions
have been described: ~ may be an early manifestation
~ are vesiculobullous, but readily
■ reticular pattern- network of rupture
raised white striae. ~ form erosions, which are
■ papular, white papules irregular and initially red with a
■ plaque-like, white patches whitish surround,, but later are
simulating leukoplakia yellowish as slough forms
■ red atrophic areas – LP is one
of the most common causes
of desquamative gingivitis
■ Erosive/ulcerative – persistent,
irregular, and painful erosions with
a yellowish slough
■ Bullous (possibly caused by
superficial mucoceles).
Lichen planus Pemphigus vulgaris Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid

■ occasionally on the dorsum of

the tongue: reticular, papular or
plaque-like and associated with
red atrophic or erosive areas.

■ occasionally on the gingiva, as

a white lacework of white striae
and papules, or as ‘desquamative
gingivitis’ (can be the initial or the
only sign of oral involvement)

■ rarely on the lips

■ rarely on the palate

Lichen planus
Pemphigus vulgaris
Mucous membrane
Extraoral Lesions-
Lichen planus Pemphigus vulgaris Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid

Skin: Blister and scabs on the skin and ■ untreated ocular involvement can
also blisters, erosions and ulcers lead to blindness mainly due to
■rash, papules – often crossed by on the mucosae of the: conjunctival scarring.
fine white lines (Wickham
striae) ■ pharynx ■ laryngeal scarring may lead to
■ larynx stenosis
It is most often seen on the: ■ oesophagus
■ front (flexor surface) of the ■ nose ■ nasal lesions may bleed and crust
wrists ■ conjunctiva
■ lower back ■ anogenital region. ■ genital involvement can be a
■ ankles and shins. source of great morbidity

> Ano-genital mucosa ■ skin blisters may rarely be seen

Diagnosis(lichen planus)
Diagnosis (pemphigus)

1. Oral & maxillofacial medicine by Crispian Scully (Third edition)

2. Cawson’s Essential of Oral pathology & oral medicine (9th edition)
3. Clinical oral medicine & pathology (2nd edition)
Thank You

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