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WHILE Loop Tasks

105. Create a program that:

• Asks the user to input a password.
• If password is correct, display correct password.
• If password is incorrect, display incorrect password.
• The program will repeatedly ask the same question until the correct answer is entered.
• Assume the correct password is: “csgo1234”
Paste your code below:

Clue under here!
105. Create a program that:
• Asks the user to input a password.
• If password is correct, display correct password.
• If password is incorrect, display incorrect password.
• The program will repeatedly ask the same question until the correct answer is entered.
• Assume the correct password is: “csgo1234”
Paste your code below:
password = input("Enter a password")
while password != "csgo1234":
print("Incorrect password")
password = input("Enter a password")
print("Correct password")
106. Create a program that:
• Asks the user to enter 2 numbers that are the equal to each other.
• Display the first number multiplied by the second number if they are both the same.
• The program will repeatedly ask the user for 2 numbers until both numbers are equal
to each other.
Paste your code on the next slide:

Clue under here!
106. Create a program that:
• Asks the user to enter 2 numbers that are the equal to each other.
• Display the first number multiplied by the second number if they are both the same.
• The program will repeatedly ask the user for 2 numbers until both numbers are equal
to each other.
Paste your code on the next slide:
number1 = int(input("Enter a number"))
number2 = int(input("Enter another number"))
while number1 != number2:
number1 = int(input("Enter a number"))
number2 = int(input("Enter another number"))
print(number1 * number2)
107. Use a while loop to create the 2 times table up to 100. Display “You have finished”
when you get to the number 100.
Paste your code below:

Clue under here!
107. Use a while loop to create the 2 times table up to 100. Display “You have finished”
when you get to the number 100.
Paste your code below:
number = 0
while number < 101:
number = number + 2
print("You have finished")
108. Display “Hey” and “Bye” on separate lines 1000 times using a while loop.
Paste your code below:

Clue under here!
108. Display “Hey” and “Bye” on separate lines 1000 times using a while loop.
Paste your code below:
number = 0
while number < 1000:
number = number + 1
109. Create a program that:
• Asks the user to input 4 names.
• Displays “You have entered 4 names” when all 4 names has been entered.
• Use a while loop to repeat the question 4 times to enter 4 names in total.
Paste your code below:

Clue under here!
109. Create a program that:
• Asks the user to input 4 names.
• Displays “You have entered 4 names” when all 4 names has been entered.
• Use a while loop to repeat the question 4 times to enter 4 names in total.
Paste your code below:
number = 0
while number < 4:
name = input("Enter a new name")
number = number + 1
print("You have entered 4 names")
110) Create a program that:
• Asks the user to enter a number.
• Adds that number to a total which starts from 0.
• Displays the total.
• The program repeats until the total is over 50.
Paste your code below:

Clue under here!
110) Create a program that:
• Asks the user to enter a number.
• Adds that number to a total which starts from 0.
• Displays the total.
• The program repeats until the total is over 50.
Paste your code below:
total = 0
while total < 51:
number = int(input("Enter a number"))
total = total+number
111. Code the following flowchart in python:

Clue under here!
Paste your code below:
111. Code the following flowchart in python:
Paste your code below:

firstname = input("Enter your firstname")

surname = input("Enter your surname")
while firstname != "Michael" and surname != "Jackson":
firstname = input("Enter your firstname")
surname = input("Enter your surname")
112. Create a program that:
• Asks the user for a username.
• If the username is less than 8 characters long, display “username is invalid” and repeat
the question until a valid username is entered.
• Asks the user for a password.
• If the password is less than 8 characters long OR greater than 15 characters, display
“Password is invalid” and repeat the question until a valid password is entered.
Paste your code below:

Clue under here!
112. Create a program that:
• Asks the user for a username.
• If the username is less than 8 characters long, display “username is invalid” and repeat
the question until a valid username is entered.
• Asks the user for a password.
• If the password is less than 8 characters long OR greater than 15 characters, display
“Password is invalid” and repeat the question until a valid password is entered.
Paste your code below:
username = input("Enter username")
while len(username) < 8:
print("username is invalid")
username = input("enter another username")
print("Your username has been accepted")
password = input("Enter a password")
while len(password) < 8 or len(password) > 15:
print("Password is invalid")
password = input("enter another password")
print("Your password has been accepted")
113. Create a program that:
• Asks the user to input a password.
• If password is correct, display correct password.
• If password is incorrect, display incorrect password.
• Repeat the question until the user enters the correct password or reaches 4 attempts.
After 4 incorrect attempts, display "Locked"
• Assume the password is: "Rashford"
Paste your code below:

Clue under here!
113. Create a program that:
• Asks the user to input a password.
• If password is correct, display correct password.
• If password is incorrect, display incorrect password.
• Repeat the question until the user enters the correct password or reaches 4 attempts.
After 4 incorrect attempts, display "Locked"
• Assume the password is: "Rashford"
Paste your code below:
attempts = 0
while attempts != 4:
password = input("Enter password")
if password == "Rashford":
attempts = 4
attempts = attempts + 1
if attempts ==4:
114. Borednite is a new game. When a character takes damage in the game, their health bar goes down.
The health bar starts to increase (regenerate) 5 seconds from the last time a player was hit and by 15%
per second. At 100%, the health bar has 500 health points.
Create an algorithm that:
• Asks the user how many health points they were on since the last time they got attacked.
• Calculates and display how many seconds it will take before the user reaches 100% health (500
points) from the last time they got attacked.
Hint: Use a while loop.
Paste your code below:

Clue under here!
114. Borednite is a new game. When a character takes damage in the game, their health bar goes down.
The health bar starts to increase (regenerate) 5 seconds from the last time a player was hit and by 15%
per second. At 100%, the health bar has 500 health points.
Create an algorithm that:
• Asks the user how many health points they were on since the last time they got attacked.
• Calculates and display how many seconds it will take before the user reaches 100% health (500
points) from the last time they got attacked.
Hint: Use a while loop.
Paste your code below:
health = int(input("What is your health points when you got attacked?"))
seconds = 5
while health < 500:
health = health+ (500*0.15)
seconds = seconds+1
print("It will take",seconds,"before you reach 100% health")

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