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Assembly Speech


us of our valiant freedom fighters who fought selflessly
and even sacrificed their lives for our country to attain
freedom from colonial rule.Just like this day marks the end
of british rule in 1947 , similarly there is a need to end
racism and casteism from today’s world.Even our Indian
constitution bans discrimination on the basis of caste, the
social, religious and cultural practice of “untouchability”
continues unabated. In India, Dalits in rural villages are
forbidden near Hindu temples Mob violence is committed
against them with impunity,Mahatma Gandhi who played a
pivotal role in securing India’s sovereignty,believed that
standing at the heart of the inherited Hindu tradition,
including its caste system, it was possible to overcome
untouchability. On the other hand, Dr. B.R Ambedkar
advocated the necessicity of self- help, self-elevation and
self- respect. It hence becomes our moral and ethical duty
as citizens of this country to avert ourselves from indulging
in any misdeed that could hurt someone’s sentiments and
to stop those who do so.

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