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Developing an Automated

Floating Plastic Waste

Collector to Combat Water
Chapter 1
Background of the Study
Water resources are vital for survival on Earth, but plastic and waste pollution in bodies of water are rapidly increasing
and negatively impacting water quality and aquatic ecosystems (Jani, 2021). The ocean is crucial to life on Earth because
it is the largest ecosystem and home to 94% of all species (Fava, 2022)
Marine debris poses a significant threat to the health of coastal areas, oceans, and waterways worldwide. It can injure or
kill marine wildlife and transport species to unfamiliar areas, causing harm to marine ecosystems. (U.S. Department of
the Interior, 2019; Fava, 2022). The increasing number of plastics thrown into the ocean causes the extinction of marine
species, health problems for humans and animals, and the destruction of ecosystems. Bryce (2020) reports that almost 8
million tons of plastics are being disposed of in the ocean annually, equivalent to one truckload. Plastics take hundreds of
years to degrade and may not even fully degrade but become microplastics (Fava, 2022).
Pollution from plastic and garbage is a global issue, with the Asia Pacific Region (APR) being the most affected due to
lack of resources to control the pollution and the demand for sustainable non-plastic packaging options in low-income
areas. The APR communities experience harm and public health problems, which disrupt large companies such as fishing
and tourism. Plastic waste degrades over time, releasing toxic chemicals and microplastics that damage ecosystems and
harm marine life (Kingsolver, 2023). Another information, Sarmiento (2019) stated According to a Journal Science study
in 2015, the Philippines is the third worst ocean plastic polluter in the world. The Tacloban City local government signed
a ban on the usage of plastics as packaging in business establishments to avoid water pollution (Meniano, 2024).
Objective of the Study
 The main objective of the study is developing an automated floating plastic waste
collector to combat water waste.
 Specifically, the study will accomplish this aim by meeting the following objectives:
 1. To determine the process in creating an automated floating plastic waste
collector to combat waste water.
 2. To assess the functionality of an automated floating plastic waste collector in
 of;
 2.1 Movement Measurement
 2.2 Operation in collection of Waste
Statement of the Hypotheses
 H0: The automated floating plastic waste collector is not capable of combating water waste in the
bodies of water.

 H1: The automated floating plastic waste collector is capable of combating water waste
in the bodies of water.
Significance of the Study
The researchers will conduct the study to help combating water waste in any bodies of water. With the help of the
automated floating plastic waste collector, people will not have a struggle in cleaning the water in an innovative way.
The device will provide a much cleaner and safer environment to live in. The following will benefit from the study.
Aquatic Organism. Cleaning bodies of water by collecting floating plastic waste will help the aquatic organism to
survive in their habitat.
Environment. Clear water plays a dominant role in the environment, because it helps to maintain ecological balance,
and this study is helpful in maintaining environmental health.
Bodies of Water. This study will help bodies of water, as collecting floating plastic waste will help to eliminate
water pollution.
Citizens. This study will help the citizens to have a cleaner water environment in their area, which will help them
avoid getting health conditions such as diarrhea and skin diseases because of dirty water.
Fishermen. This study will help the fishermen in their work, cleaner water environment means healthier aquatic
habitats, which can help sustain fish populations and maintain the productivity of fishing grounds helping fisherman
to gain more fishes.
Future Researchers. This study will help the future researchers who would plan to make a study related or similar
to this study. They can use this study as their reference or as a review of related studies enabling them to conduct
studies that contribute new knowledge to other people.
Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The scope of the study is to develop a practical and adaptable automated garbage collector that can

be used in any type of water environment. The goal of the study is to lessen the amount of floating plastic

trash thrown into the bodies of water, which is a major issue in our society. The researchers will conduct

trials in some of the water environments, such as ponds, rivers, and so forth. Additionally, the amount of

trash collected by the automated water garbage collector will be recorded as well to determine how

effective it is in addressing the issue of waste being dumped into the water.

The research study is delimited and will no longer focus on waste that is not plastic and is not

floating in the water, furthermore, the research study will also exclude waste that is present on land.
 Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

 Figure 1 shows the Input-Process-Output (IPO) Model is a systematic framework used in the
research process. It consists of four phases: Input, Process, Output, and Feedback. In the Input
Phase, the raw materials for developing the prototype are identified. The Process Phase involves
recording the procedures for prototype development. The Output Phase showcases the potential
outcomes after completing the process. Finally, the Feedback Phase involves recording feedback
on the prototype to ensure it meets the desired outcome. Feedback is incorporated into the
Definition of Terms
The following terms are conceptually and operationally defined for a clearer understanding of the study.
 Arduino UNO is a budget-friendly, flexible, and easy-to-use programmable microcontroller board
based on the ATmega328P.
 Aquatic habitats can be categorized as non-moving (pools, ponds, lakes), slowly flowing (canals,
flooded areas), or flowing (streams, rivers).
 Marine debris refers to persistent solid materials disposed of or released into the marine
environment or Great Lakes.
 Marine ecosystems include deep-sea ocean, open ocean, and coastal marine ecosystems with unique
biological and physical traits.
 Microplastics are small plastic pieces produced during commercial product production and can be
harmful to animals and the environment.
 Plastic waste refers to any waste made of plant-based or synthetic plastics, whether organic or
 Prototype. Is the term that describes the researcher’s invention.
 Water Waste used water, including food scraps oil , soap, chemicals, and human waste, may come
from various household sources such as toilets, washing machine, dishwashers, showers, and sinks
Chapter 2 Review Related Literature
Foreign Literature
According to a study by Othman et al. (2020), approximately 2 million tons of plastic waste
end up in bodies of water each year and are carried out to the ocean, causing harm to marine
animals. Plastic pollution has a negative impact on the environment and society. This paper will
discuss methods of waste cleaning and steps taken to address this issue.
A study by Nurlansa et al. (2014) aims to create an Automated Garbage Collector robot that
uses rotors to collect waste from rivers. The approach involves needs analysis, component
analysis, engineering, developing, and testing for both software and hardware.
The article discusses the construction of a Water Trash Collector (WTC) robot designed to
collect floating debris on the surface of water. The robot's design considers cost effectiveness
and durability, with a car-like structure that is both sturdy and user-friendly. Automated vessels
have been developed by various nations to make the process of collecting trash easier, reducing
waste and the amount of labor required. The goal of the project is to create a high-stability
WTC model primarily made of stainless steel to improve water quality (Abidin et al., 2020).
Local Literature
 Entrino (2023), stated that, SEAGOP was developed to address the increasing issue of floating marine
debris in the seawater of Magapo-3. Researchers created a model called the Sea Garbage Obtaining
Pump-bin, which is a version of Seabin V5. The device is powered by batteries and uses a pump to
collect garbage. It is made with durable materials to balance on the water’s surface. This device is
crucial in controlling the accumulation of floating marine waste .

Foreign Studies
A recent study described a water garbage collector prototype that can collect garbage from the water's
surface and partially submerged areas. Researchers used a smartphone app to remotely control the
collector's movements, including forward, backward, and left and right turns. The study found that the
device is effective in collecting water waste. (Kamarudin et al., 2021)
This study covers the approach, categorization of waste disposal systems, and initiatives to address the
issue. Static and dynamic systems have been classified to differentiate their efficacy. A dynamic,
autonomous system with various sensor types will be the focus of the suggested design. The study
highlights the innovation and distinction of the suggested design in terms of architecture and functionality.
(Caesarendra et al., 2020)
Local Studies
Bagalay et al. (2022) developed a portable water waste collector that uses a whirlpool system to consume
floating garbage in bodies of water. The device also has a filter to store garbage and a pump to release waste-
free water back into the water body. The device's power source is either batteries or solar panels. The design
was based on data gathered from the internet .
The study aims to develop a solid waste collector to minimize water pollution caused by throwing waste into
water streams. The prototype's effectiveness and acceptability will be evaluated based on accuracy, weight
load, workability, usefulness, safety measures, maintenance, and volume of waste collected. The machine runs
in three cycles of five minutes each with a three-hour interval, within nine hours. (Masikip, 2017)
The project aims to create a waste collecting and compacting machine to prevent floods and preserve
cleanliness. The machine will reduce manual cleaning and unsafe practices for workers. The proponents have
determined the best features and design option. (Cruz et al.,2023).
Chapter 3
The following are the materials and equipment that have been used in the study
Materials and Equipment
Table 1. Materials of the Study
Materials Procedure
Arduino nano v3 This served as the controller of the prototype.

HC-O5 Bluetooth Module This is connected to the Arduino Nano.

Mudguard This holds the DC motors and served a passage way of

the floating plastic waste.

L298N Motor Driver This holds the conveyor belt.

PVC This served as the body of the prototype, and this helped
the prototype to float in the water.

PCA9685 16 channel 12-bit PWM servo This connected to the DC motors.

12 volts battery This is will provide power to the prototype.

Bread Broad This is where the arduino is connected.

Jumper Wires This was used to connect the breed board into the

Styrofoam This was used for the body of the prototype.

 Table 2. Equipment of the study
Equipment Procedure

Super Glue Was used to glue the Styrofoam

Steel pipe Was used for conveyor assembly

Cost Analysis
The following shows the quantity and value of the materials that have been used in the study.
Table 3. Materials Expenses

Materials/Equipment Quantity Unit price Total

Arduino nano v3 1 piece Php398.00 Php398.00
HC-05 Bluetooth Module 1 piece Php288.00 Php288.00
Mudguard 36x36 Php230.00 Php230.00
L298N Motor Driver 2 pieces Php158.00 Php316.00
PCA9685 16 channel 12-bit PWM 1 piece Php374.00 Php374.00
Super Glue 1 piece Php290.00 Php290.00
Breed Board 1 piece Php230.00 Php230.00
Super Glue 1 piece Php290.00 Php290.00
Jumper Wire 15 pieces Php8.00 Php120.00
TOTAL Php2,536.00
Treatment and Variables
The independent Variable is the variable that can stand alone and this variable is the one that the
researcher manipulates in able to directly impact the dependent variable. The variable that the
researcher will modify is the automated floating plastic waste collector, and this will be the
independent variable of the study.
The performance of the automated floating plastic waste collector will be the researcher’s dependent
variable. The control variable of the study are the floating plastic wastes.
Table 4. The Variables of the Study





The experimenters provided three (3) different treatment of the study. The experimenters prepared
three (3) different kinds samples for each treatment, and each of the treatments were conducted at the
same place and with a same kind of water bodies.The first treatment tests on what kinds of floating
plastic waste will the prototype can carry, the second treatment tests the movement measurements of
the prototype, and the last treatments tests on how much the prototype can collect.
Table 5. First treatment of the study

Trial Type of testing Expected Result


1 Plastic bags The prototype can collect the The prototype can collect the
floating waste floating waste

2 Plastic wrappers The prototype can collect the The prototype can collect the
floating waste floating waste

3 Plastic bottles The prototype can collect the

floating waste The prototype can only collect

lighter plastic
Table 6. Second treatment of the study
Trial Type of testing Expected Result


1 Can travel 1 meter Can travel 1 meter Can travel 1 meter

2 Can travel 2 meters Can travel 2 meters Can travel 2 meters
3 Can travel 3 meters Can travel 3 meters Can travel 3 meters

 Table 7. Third treatment of the study

Trial Type of testing Type of plastic Expected Result


1 Can hold Plastic bags Can hold 5pcs of plastic bags Can hold 5pcs of plastic bags

2 Can hold Plastic wrappers Can hold 5pcs of plastic Can hold 5pcs of plastic cup

5pcs wrappers
3 Can hold Plastic bottles Can hold 5pcs of plastics Can’t hold 5pcs of plastics

5pcs bottles bottles

Flow Chart Procedure
Figure 2. Flowchart of the procedure


Gathering of


Developing of


Testing of prototype
General Procedure
A. Planning
1.Plan on when will the developing of prototype will start.
2.Talks about how much are the possible cost of the prototype.
3.Talks on when and where to conduct the testing of the prototype.
B. Gathering of materials
4. Goes to the different stores to find the materials needed.
C. Developing of prototype
5. Use all the gathered materials and creating it into a prototype.
D. Testing of prototype
6. Place the prototype into the water with a different kinds of floating plastic wastes.
7. Observe if the prototype will be able to collect the floating plastic wastes.
8. Observe the measurement of the prototype’s movement.
9. Observe the amount that the prototype can hold.
10. After testing the prototype, remove it from the water and place it into a nice and safe
container to avoid damaging the prototype.
General Safety Measures and Precautions
The study contains various of safety guidelines that is implemented and followed in the study in able to
avoid accidents or injuries of the researchers, and to ensure the safety of the researchers and experimental
data. The following are the general safety measures and precautions:
A. Before the Experiment
Implements guideline to follow, Check the weather forecast and bring some adult that will supervise
• Before the conduct of experiment the leader must implement guidelines to follow by
everyone on order to avoid accidents and injuries.
• Check the weather forecast before the conduct of experiment in order to avoid going to
the location and being caught by a flood or typhoon in the middle of the experiment.
• Bring some adults that will going to supervise and rescue in case of emergency.
When conducting experiment, it is a must to have safety precautions to follow and have an adult
with you to prevent getting injured.
• Wear some gloves to avoid and face mask to avoid getting sick with the germs and bacteria that is
present in the wastes
• Wear a footwear to avoid stepping sharp things and having a laceration.
• Wear some cap or bring umbrella to avoid getting heat stroke because of the intense heat.
C. After the Experiment
Even after the experiment, there must still be a safety precautions that need to follow in order to keep the
safety of the experimenters and the gathered data.
• Remove your gloves and face mask and dispose it properly into the right bin.
• Wash your hands and feet in order to avoid getting diseases.
• Dispose properly all the collected wastes into the right bin, in order to avoid spreading trash.
• Clean the prototype and store it into a right container to avoid ruining the prototype

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