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Gupco Rehabilitation Project

Offshore safety
Offshore Safety
 Purpose
 The purpose of this presentation is to
establish instructional procedures to be
followed and adhered to all site personnel
working on the construction at supervision
of offshore facilities.
 Scope
 The scope of this instruction applies to all
site construction personnel traveling to and
from Offshore facilities by Helicopter
and/or support vessel and/or working on
board Offshore facilities such as platforms
and barges
Offshore Safety

 Definitions
 Dispatcher
 The person responsible for the safe loading
and unloading of personnel at the Heli-Pad
and Heli-Deck and for ensuring that they
are wearing a life jacket and are securely
strapped into their seats before take-off.
 Heli-Pad
 The Onshore Helicopter base from where
Helicopters operate.
 Heli-Deck
 The Offshore Helicopter landing area
on platforms and barges.
Offshore Safety

 Tail-Rotor
 The vertical propeller at the rear of a
Helicopter which is at a height where it
can inflict fatal injuries to anyone walking
into it.
 Life Jacket
 The life saving equipment which you place
your head through and tie tightly round
your waist with tie straps attached. Used
only in an emergency or when transferring
from ship to platform or vice versa.
Offshore Safety

 Life Vest
 The 3 piece-foam filled life saving equipment,
which fits over the shoulders and fastens at
the chest with 2 metal hooks. Used only
for safety when working in exposed areas.
 Muster Station
 Area of platform at the life rafts where you
gather together to await instruction in
 Tailing Rope
 light rope attached to a load being moved by
crane operator which allows the swing and
orientation to be controlled.
Offshore Safety
 Live Platform
 An operational platform where there is gas
and hydrocarbons present.
 Gamma Ray Source
 An ionizing source, which produces Gamma
Rays, used in radiography.
 Sea-Anchor
 conical shaped piece of canvas equipment
supplied in the life rafts attached to a line
when launched provides a drag, which
keeps the raft from drifting away.
Offshore Safety
 Responsibilities
 Dispatcher
 He shall be responsible for ensuring that only

authorized persons board the Helicopter and that they

are wearing their life jackets and are securely
strapped into their seats before closing the door.
 He shall be responsible for physically ensuring that

persons do not approach the tail rotor of the


 Enppi Site Mgr
 He shall be responsible for ensuring that all site

personnel are aware of offshore instruction and that it

has been fully implemented
Offshore Safety
 Traveling To/From Offshore
 Traveling by Helicopter
 All persons required to travel to platforms, barges or to
other facilities by Helicopter shall strictly adhere to the
following instructions without question or variance.
 Boarding The Helicopter (On shore or Offshore)
 Do not approach the helicopter until instructed to
do so by the dispatcher.
 Remove all headwear, caps, safety hats etc.
before approaching the helicopter and extinguish
 Approach the helicopter from a forward direction.

 Never approach a helicopter from the rear.

 Never duck under the tail of a helicopter.

 The dispatcher will be in position at the cargo

Offshore Safety
 Never go beyond his position. beware of the tail
rotor and If you have to go, go to the other side of
the helicopter go round the nose of the helicopter
never round the tail.
 on entering the helicopter immediately put on your
life jacket and when properly seated secure your
seat belt.
 you are now in the complete charge of the captain
of the helicopter and you must obey any
instructions he may give during flight.
Offshore Safety

 Leaving The Helicopter

 On landing you must not unfasten your seat belt or life
jacket until the indicator lights have been switched off or
you have been instructed to do so by the captain of the
 On leaving the Helicopter you must never:
 Go round the tail of the helicopter.
 Duck under the tail of the helicopter
 Put on caps, safety hats etc until you have left the heli-
 The dispatcher will be in position at the cargo door, do not
go beyond his position and be ware of the tail rotor.
 If you have to go to the other side of the helicopter go
round the nose of the helicopter never round the tail.
 Leave the heli-deck immediately, do not stand on the heli-
deck talking to others.
 Any person regardless of position who ignores or
regards any of the foregoing instructions shall be barred
from traveling on enppi chartered helicopters and reported
to higher management for disciplinary action.

Offshore Safety
Traveling By Supply Boat
 All persons traveling to platforms, barges or other
offshore facilities shall strictly adhere to the following
instructions and other instructions pertaining to the
vessel or as may be advised by the captain
 Boarding the vessel (From the Dockside)
 Boarding the vessel from the dockside is a relative
easy and safe operation since the vessel is moored
against the jetty in calm waters
 Boarding may be simply stepping onto the deck of the
vessel or by walking up a gangway. However, if a
gangway is not provided the vessel must be moored
"Close snubbed" alongside the dock with no space
between ship and jetty where persons may fall in.
 There must be a life jacket aboard the vessel for
every person sailing on the vessel. All persons must
be shown the location of the life jackets.
 All persons, on boarding the vessel, should be advised
as to safety regulations and instructions for
passengers. If this is not done then Enppi personnel
should ascertain for themselves.
i. Emergency procedures, abandon ship etc.
ii. Location of life rafts
Offshore Safety
 Disembarking and embarking (at the platform)
 Weather conditions and the sea state will dictate the
method of disembarkation from the vessel to the platform
and embarkation onto the vessel from the platform.
 In calm seas the vessel shall come along side the boat
landing of the platform and hold station tight against
the fenders.
 All personnel shall wear a life jacket and disembark
onto the boat landing, Platform HSE coordinator or
persons delegated shall stand by on the boat landing
to give assistance as required.
 Embarking from the platform in calm seas will be
done in reverse of steps with blue color.
 When weather does not permit the vessel to come
along side the boat landing, embarkation and
disembarkation shall be by personnel basket and all
persons shall
 Wear a life jacket during this operation.
 WARNING: Never disembark or embark over the
stern of the vessel since should you fall overboard
you will be sucked into the propellers and killed.
Offshore Safety

 Disembarking and embarking at the barge

 The method of disembarkation and embarkation will
depend entirely upon the weather condition and sea
state, however, this must never be attempted without
wearing a life jacket
 This is a very dangerous operation and should anyone
fall between the vessel and the barge and he could be
seriously injured or crushed to death between the two
Offshore Safety

 On the platform
 On arrival at the platform
 On arrival at the platform, site personnel shall report immediately to
Enppi Site Manager/Platform HSE coordinator who will carry out the
following :
 Instruct the arriving site personnel on the emergency procedures
and direct them to their life raft/muster station.
 Familiarize everyone with the escape routes and the location of
the first aid room.
 All site personnel shall sign the log book which will show their
presence on the platform and that they have received HSE
 On leaving the platform, all site personnel
 shall sign off in the logbook.
 The Platform HSE coordinator shall be responsible for the
maintenance and safekeeping of the platform log and for
submitting it daily by 0900/hrs to HSE Site Manager to enable him
to ascertain the number of persons on the platform.
 Enppi Site Manager shall sign the relevant pages to signify that
the procedure is being followed and that he is aware of the
number of persons on board the platform.
Offshore Safety

 The utmost importance in the event of an

emergency, rescue services must
 know how many persons were on the platform,
how many have been accounted for and how
many are still on the platform.
 lives may be lost searching for someone who
has gone onshore but who did not sign off in the
 warning: any person regardless of position who
ignores or disregards any of these instructions
shall be removed from the platform and reported
to higher management for disciplinary action
and he will not be permitted to return to the
Offshore Safety
 Unsafe Conditions
 Handrails removed and open area unprotected.
 Unprotected openings in floors.
 Electric cables without proper plugs.
 Using grinders without guards.
 Welding or burning above cables or equipment without
protecting these from hot metal.
 Damaged welding cables arcing against the deck.
 Leaking gas cylinders, tubes and equipment.
 Many violations which will be instructed to all personnel
in safety induction course .
 General Instructions
 All persons whilst on the platform shall wear their
personnel protective equipment
 safety harness shall be worn as and when required.
Offshore Safety
 Whilst men are working in any position above, the standby
vessel shall be called in to standby close to the work station
 These men shall work in pairs or have someone standing by in
case of work at height
 Transfer of persons to and from a supply vessel and the
platform shall be by personnel basket only. RIDING WITH A
 Smoking is not permitted on a live platform except in specific
areas such as within the accommodation module.
 No matches, cigarette lighters, or smoking requisites are
permitted out with the smoking areas. Any person found in
possession of any of these within a non smoking area shall be
immediately removed from the platform and recommendation
for his dismissal made to higher management.
 Work is not permitted on a live platform without the relevant
hot or cold work permit being in force.
 Gamma Ray sources may not remain permanently on the
platform and It must be removed as soon as possible after use.
Offshore Safety
 Emergency Evacuation
 An emergency evacuation is a situation where there is imminent
danger to life and damage to the platform. This could be caused
by a fire getting out of control, an explosion or a wellhead blow
out where everyone must evacuate the platform as quickly as
 As the loudspeaker system is operating the following instructions
will be given in Arabic and English.
 Go to your muster station.
 Launch life rafts.
 Take to the rafts.
 There must be a responsible person nominated to be in charge of
each life raft who shall activate these instructions. He will be in
command of the raft and personnel until rescued.
 Where the loudspeaker system is not operational and only the
abandon ship signal is given everyone will go to their muster
station and the person in charge of the life raft will be responsible
for getting his crew off the platform.
 When everyone is on board the life raft the rope attaching it to
the platform must be cut to allow the raft to drift free.
 Once the raft is clear of danger from the platform the sea anchor
that must be launched, which will keep the raft on station till help

Best Regards

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