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Android Game Development in Unity 3D

Elective 2
Why Game Development?
• Game development is getting a huge attention from the people.
• It is estimated to grow 295B USD Industry by 2026.
• Perfect job or money making skill.
• Android being best and easy platform.
• Tools and ready made templates.
• Start at 0$ cost.
We will need the following tools
• Game Engine e.g Unity.
• Android Studio, Visual Studio, and Java.
• Basic Knowledge of C#.
What is Game Engine?
• Game Engine is an IDE like many
other programming tools, which
help developer to develop games
and bring game character into life.
• Ready made scenes, graphics.,
characters, sounds and assets etc.
• Examples are Unity, Unreal
Engine, Amazon Lumberyard etc.
• More than 50% of all new mobile games are created in Unity.
• Multi Platform iOS, Windows and Android.
• Free even for Commercial use until revenue 100k USD.
• Assets store for images, music, characters.
• We will use free versions.
Unity 3D System Requirements
Requirements: • 20GB free hard disk space
• OS: Windows 8, 10, 11 ; macOS 10.2+ (only
x64 bit) • HDD or SDD (SDD is
• Core i3 or greater Processor. recommended.)
• Minimum of 8GB of RAM (16 GB
• Graphics card with DX10 Capabilities – Intel
or Radeon or Nvidea or GeForce (2GB or
• Android SDK.
Unity Editor
• Unity Editor provides a wide range of functions and features to aid in the
development of games and applications.
• Depending on your project's needs, you may explore additional features
and functionalities to optimize your workflow and enhance your game
development experience.
Unity Editor Tabs/Menus
• In Unity's Editor interface, along the top, you'll typically find several tabs or menus, each
providing access to different functionalities and tools. Here's an overview of the commonly
found tabs and their purposes:
1. File Menu: The "File" menu typically contains options related to project management, such as creating
new projects, opening existing projects, saving scenes, building your project for different platforms, and
accessing project settings.
2. Edit Menu: The "Edit" menu contains options for editing GameObjects, components, and assets within
your project. It includes actions such as undoing and redoing changes, copying and pasting components,
grouping GameObjects, and finding references.
3. Assets Menu: The "Assets" menu provides options for managing assets within your project. You can
create new assets, import assets from external sources, organize assets into folders, and modify asset
settings. This menu also includes options for working with asset packages and the Asset Store.
Unity Editor Tabs/Menus
4. GameObject Menu: The "GameObject" menu offers options for creating, duplicating, and manipulating
GameObjects within your scenes. You can create new empty GameObjects, as well as add predefined
GameObjects such as cameras, lights, particles systems, and UI elements.
5. Component Menu: The "Component" menu allows you to add components to selected GameObjects in your
scene. It provides a list of built-in components that you can attach to GameObjects to give them specific
behaviors and functionality, such as physics, rendering, audio, and scripting.
6. Window Menu: The "Window" menu contains options for opening and closing various editor windows and
panels. It provides access to commonly used windows such as the Scene view, Game view, Inspector, Project
window, and Console. You can also customize your layout and workspace preferences from this menu.
7. Help Menu: The "Help" menu includes options for accessing Unity documentation, tutorials, forums, and
support resources. You can find links to official Unity documentation, community forums, release notes, and
additional learning resources to help you with your Unity projects.
Unity Editor Functions and Features
1. Scene View: The Scene View allows you to visually compose your game scenes by
arranging GameObjects, adjusting their positions, rotations, and scales, and setting up
lighting and camera angles.
2. Game View: The Game View displays a preview of your game as it will appear to players,
allowing you to test and interact with your game in real-time.
3. Hierarchy Window: The Hierarchy Window lists all GameObjects in the current scene and
allows you to organize them hierarchically. You can parent and nest GameObjects to create
complex relationships and structures.
4. Project Window: The Project Window displays all assets (such as scripts, textures, models,
and prefabs) in your project folder structure. You can organize, import, and manage assets
Unity Editor Functions and Features
5. Inspector Window: The Inspector Window provides detailed information and controls for
selected GameObjects and assets. You can view and modify properties, components, and
scripts associated with the selected object.
6. Toolbar: The Toolbar contains various tools and shortcuts for common actions such as
selecting, moving, rotating, scaling GameObjects, navigating the scene, and controlling
7. Console Window: The Console Window displays log messages, warnings, and errors
generated by Unity during runtime. It helps you debug and troubleshoot issues in your game.
8. Animation Window: The Animation Window allows you to create and edit animations for
GameObjects using Unity's animation system. You can keyframe properties, create
animation clips, and manage animation curves.
Unity Editor Functions and Features
9. Lighting Window: The Lighting Window provides tools for configuring and baking lighting in your scenes. You
can adjust light settings, set up lightmaps, and perform lighting calculations.
10. Physics Settings: Unity Editor includes settings for configuring physics properties such as gravity, collision
detection, and physics materials.
11. Player Settings: Player Settings allow you to configure various properties related to your target platform, such as
resolution, graphics quality, input settings, and platform-specific options.
12. Build Settings: Build Settings allow you to configure build options for different target platforms, including
standalone, mobile, and web. You can specify build configurations, scenes to include, and player settings for each
13. Scripts: Scripts are written in programming languages like C# or UnityScript (JavaScript) and contain the logic and
behavior of GameObjects in your Unity project. They can control movement, interaction, gameplay mechanics, and
more. Scripts are typically stored in the "Assets" folder of your project, often within a dedicated "Scripts" subfolder.
Unity Editor Functions and Features
14. Textures: Textures are 2D images used to decorate and add visual detail to GameObjects, surfaces, and UI elements in your
game. They can include images for characters, environments, user interfaces, and special effects. Textures can be in formats
such as PNG, JPEG, TIFF, or TGA. In Unity, textures are stored in the "Assets" folder, usually within a "Textures" subfolder.
15. Models: Models are 3D meshes that define the shape and structure of GameObjects in your game world. They can represent
characters, objects, props, buildings, and more. Models are created using 3D modeling software like Blender, Maya, or 3ds
Max and imported into Unity in formats such as FBX, OBJ, or DAE. In Unity, models are stored in the "Assets" folder, often
within a "Models" or "Meshes" subfolder.
16. Prefabs: Prefabs are GameObject templates that can be reused throughout your project. They encapsulate GameObjects
along with their components, properties, and child GameObjects into a single asset. Prefabs are useful for creating reusable
elements such as characters, weapons, items, and interactive objects. Any changes made to a prefab are automatically
applied to all instances of that prefab in your scenes. Prefabs are stored in the "Assets" folder, typically within a "Prefabs"

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