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Employee Relations Management Plan

Objective: Promoting productivity, retaining talented employees/reducing turnover,

mitigating Legal and compliance risks and building a foundation/structure for a healthy

Plan overview: Addressing conflicts and Grievances, training needs, enhance company
culture and employee engagement and satisfaction.

Strategy: Strengthening employee engagement and satisfaction through effective conflict

resolution, fostering a positive work environment, providing opportunities for growth and
establishing policies, processes and deploying initiatives to become employer of choice.

Initiatives/Tactics: Chat Bot, employee engagement initiatives

KPIs (what does success look like): Improved employees satisfaction rates, retention
rates, employee engagement levels, grievance resolution time, training & development Effective
participation. Employee
communicatio Conflict Policy
n Resolution Fostering a Adherence
Process monitoring /continuous improvement: Regularly assess initiatives through A structured Ensuring consistent
employee feedback surveys, performance metrics, and HR analytics. Adjust strategies and Open, transparent, positive and
approach to inclusive application of
processes as needed to address emerging issues. & regular
addressing workplace where policies and fair
communication is
conflicts and employees feel treatment of
essential for
disputes helps to valued and employees creates
building trust
Data gathering: Historical data (HR analytics) , policies and processes, Skills gaps, past maintain a engaged is crucial a sense of equity
between employees
employee surveys, turnover, etc. harmonious work for motivation and and reliability in
and the
environment. productivity. the workplace.
Roles & Responsibilities:
Human Resources Department: Responsible for overseeing employee relations, implementing policies and procedures, conducting investigations, and providing guidance to
managers and employees.

Managers and Supervisors: Responsible for promoting positive employee relations within their teams, addressing employee concerns, providing feedback and coaching and escalating
issues to HR when necessary.

Employees: Expected to adhere to company policies, communicate openly and respectfully and seek assistance from HR or management when facing challenges or conflicts.
Conflict Management & Training plan
• Establish a formal grievance procedure outlining the steps
Grievance employees should take to address concerns or complaints.
• Provide clear guidelines for documenting grievances, conducting
Management investigations, and communicating outcomes to employees.

Investigations • Develop standardized protocols for conducting investigations into

allegations of misconduct, harassment, discrimination, or other
Process workplace issues.

Compliance • Provide regular training sessions on company policies, procedures,

and relevant employment laws to ensure employees understand
training their rights and obligations.

• Develop a training curriculum for managers and supervisors

Managerial focused on effective employee relations management,
including performance management, disciplinary actions,
training on ER and employee engagement.
• Provide guidance on recognizing and addressing early signs
of conflict or dissatisfaction among team members
Employee Development & Engagement initiatives

Employee Training
Recognition Programs &
Program workshops

Employee Tuition
Assistance Work-Life Assistance &
and Coaching
Program Balance Reimbursemen
(EAP): t programs

Employee Employee
Engagement Development

Team-Building Wellness Leadership

Job Rotation
Activities Initiatives Programs

Employee planning &
satisfaction internal
survey promotion
Key Employee Relations Policies review &
 Investigation policy
 Progressive discipline policy
 Code of conduct
 Grievance policy
 Performance management review policy
 Code of conduct
 Employee handbook
Employee Value Preposition (EVP) – WIIFM (What’s In It For

Compensation Benefits Career Work Culture

Salary satisfaction Time off Ability and chance to Environment Understanding of firm’s
Compensation system Holidays progress and develop Recognition goals and plans
satisfaction Insurance Stability Autonomy Colleagues
Raises and promotions Satisfaction with the Training and education Personal achievements Leaders and managers
Timelines system at work Support
Work-life balance
Fairness Retirement Career development Collaboration and team
Evaluation system Education College education spirit
Understanding of one’s
Flexibility Consultation role and responsibility Social responsibility
Family Evaluation and feedback Trust
Plan for first 30, 60, 90 days
30 days 60 days 90 days
Meet and Greet sessions: Conflict resolution training & grievance Training and Development programs:
Organize meetings to build rapport and understand management: Develop a plan based on organizational needs and
perspective and concerns Develop and conduct training sessions for skills gap.
employees and managers to equip them with skills Offer opportunities for professional development
to resolve conflicts and maintain a positive working (internal or external), skill enhancement, career
environment advancement (promotions, transfers, rotation
programs, mentoring programs)
Policy Audit: Employee feedback mechanism: Employee engagement initiatives:
Review existing HR policies, identify any gaps, Establish a formal & informal mechanism to gather Team-building activities, wellness programs, social
update as required & develop new policies. employee feedback, such as employee satisfaction events, company events, social responsibility and
Key ER policies: Investigation policy, Progressive surveys, suggestion boxes, feedback sessions, open community engagement.
discipline policy, code of conduct, Grievances door policy
policy, performance management review policy and
code of conduct
Orientation/Onboarding program review Employee relations manual: Performance management review:
program: Evaluate current programs, Incorporate Create a manual outlining organization’s policies & Evaluate current system and process, Provide
mandatory trainings about code of conduct, cultural guidelines for addressing employee relations issues, regular feedback and recognizing achievements,
sensitivity, diversity and inclusion, employee that is easily accessible develop performance tied incentives

Understanding organization’s mission, vision, Employee total rewards program: Employee recognition programs:
values and culture to assess current needs, Review current compensation and benefits structure, Launch programs to acknowledge and reward
potential opportunities for improvement and rewards programs, improve and develop additional outstanding performance, achievement and
future plan for where the organization will be in programs to enhance employee satisfaction and contribution, to boost morale, motivation and
2025 attraction. engagement

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