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Method of Tanning

• Vegetable tanning

• Chrome tanning
Vegetable tanning
This is considered the earliest
method in tanning leather.
Uses tannic acid, which
extracted from the tree bark.
 The bark of trees, leaves, and
sometimes wood are used and
this is called “bark tannage”.
This is very slow process for it
requires several months to
Vegetable tanning

 Technique involves using natural

vegetable tannins to alter the protein
structure of the hide.
 Tannins are have 3 functions ,
preserving, strengthening and
giving color to the hide.
 Used on shoe soles, luggage belts,
and some upholstery.

 Vegetable tanning produces stiffer

Process of vegetable tanning

cure the hide by soaking it in a salt brine.

To preserve the hide from decaying.
Step 1 : liming/dehairing

soak the hide in lime. This

chemically dissolves the hair
removes unwanted proteins and
opens up the fiber structure.
Step 2: fleshing

 To removed unwanted fleshy

matter regularizes leather
Step 3: trimming

 to cut away useless or

unwanted material from the
edges of raw hides to give
them a better shape or trim
Step 4: tanning
 The hides are immersed in the hides in a
tannin solution for several weeks,
allowing the tannins to bind with the
collagen fibers in the hide, giving it
strength and flexibility.
Step 5: neutralization

 The hides are treated with a solution

to neutralization to neutralize any
remaining tannins and adjust the pH
Step 6: fat liquoring

 Oils or fats are added to the hides to

lubricate and soften them.
Step 7: dyeing (optional)

 If desired, the hides can be dyed to

achieve a specific color
Step 8: finishing
 The hides are stretched, dried and
finished with coatings or treatments
to enhance their appearance and
 Through the process, the hides are
carefully monitored and treated to
ensure they meet quality standards. The
vegetable tanning process is known for
producing high-quality leather with a
natural appearance.
Chrome tanning process
chrome tanning process

 This process, also known as mineral

tanning, is widely used method for
leather production.
 Preparation of hides: similar to
vegetable tanning, the hides are first
soaked in water to remove dirt and
soften them.
 Most upholstery , shoes, garments
and bags.

 Chrome tanning produces softer

Step 1: Pickling
 The hide are soaked in a solution
containing chromium salts, usually
chromium sulfate. This step helps to
lower the pH of a hides and prepare
them for tanning process.
Step 2: tanning
 The hides are immersed in a solution
containing chromium sulfate or chromium
chloride. The chromium ions penetrate the
collagen fibers of the hides, cross-linking
them and stabilizing the structure.
Step 3: fleshing
Step 4: splitting

 The hide cut horizontally

 The upper layer called the to grain

 the lower layer called the split

Step 5: Basification

 After tanning the hides are treated

with a basic solution to raise the pH
and neutralize any remaining acidic
Step 6: neutralization

 The hides are then rinsed to

remove excess chromium and other
chemicals, and the pH is adjusted
to neutral level
Step 6: re-tanning an dyeing

 Additional chemicals may be added to the

hides to further enhance their properties,
such as softness, color, or water
resistance. Dyeing can also be done at this
stage to achieve the desired color.
Step 7: Fat liquoring

 Similar to vegetable tanning, oils or

fats are added to the hides to
lubricate and soften them.
Step 8: finishing
 The hides undergo various finishing
processes, such as drying, stretching,
buffing , and applying coatings or
treatments to enhance their appearance
and durability.
 This process is known for its efficiency, as it can
produce leather with consistent quality in a
shorter time compared to vegetable tanning.
However, its important to note that chrome
tanning produces leather with different
characteristics than vegetable-tanned leather,
such as greater resistance to water and heat but
less breathability.
Advantages and disadvantages
Advantages of vegetable tanning

 Environmental friendliness

 Natural appearance

 Biodegradability

 breathability
 Produces “one of a kind leather” and

 High quality, can last a lifetime.

 Will have a rich patina that gets
better with time and use.
Disadvantages of vegetable tanning

 Longer tanning process

 Limited color options

 Less water resistance

 Higer cost
advantages of chrome tanning
 Faster tanning process

 Water resistance

 Wide range of colors

 softness and suppleness

Disadvantages of chrome tanning

 Environmental concerns

 Limited biodegradability

 Lack of natural appearance

 Health risk for workers

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