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Artificial Intelligence(AI)

Week -4
Department of Computer Science & IT
Credit Hours: 3 - 1

BSSoftwareEngineering/ComputerScience Sarhad University of Science and Information Technology,
Lecture 5: Domains ofArtificialIntelligence
Domains of Artificial
In a broad sense, we categorized the methods in the
following categories
 Machine Learning
 Deep Learning
 Natural Language Processing
 Robotics
 Expert Systems/ Rule-Based Systems
 Fuzzy Logic
Domains of Artificial Intelligence
1. Machine Learning:
“The science of programming computers so they learn from
“ Machine Learning is the field of study that gives computers
the ability to learn without explicitly programmed”
Domains of AI – Machine Learning(cont..)
Domains of AI – Machine Learning(cont..)
Types of Machine Learning Algorithms
Based on learning style:
 Supervised Learning
 Unsupervised Learning
 Semi-supervised Learning
 Reinforcement Learning
Domains of AI – Machine Learning(cont..)
Types of Machine Learning Algorithms
Based on functionality:
 Classification
 Regression
 Decision Tree
 Clustering, etc
Domains of AI – Deep Learning
2. Deep Learning:
Domains of AI – Deep Learning (cont..)

“ Deep Learning is a sub-field of Machine Learning where concerned

algorithms are inspired by the structure and function of the brain
called Artificial Neural networks”
 It uses multiple layers to progressively extract higher-level features
from the raw input data
Domains of AI – Deep Learning &
Artificial neural network
Domains of AI – Deep Learning(cont..)
Applications of Machine Learning & Deep Learning
 Computer Vision
 Facial recognition & attendance mark
 Object Detection
 Object Tracking
 Medical diagnosis:
Medical diagnosis of cancer tumors
Anomaly identification of any chronic disease
Domains of AI – Natural Language Processing
3. Natural Language Processing:
“It is the branch of Artificial Intelligence that deals with interaction
between computers and humans using natural language”
Domains of AI – Natural Language Processing
Domains of AI – Natural Language Processing (cont..)
Applications of Natural Language Processing(NLP):
 Google Translator
 Word Processor such as Microsoft Word
 Personal Assistance Applications
• Google Assistant
• Siri, Alexa , etc.
Domains of AI – Robotics
4. Robotics:
A robot is a machine that perform their tasks by using machine
learning, which is a part of AI
 Robots are aimed at manipulating the objects by perceiving ,
picking, moving, modifying the physical properties of object.
Robots are artificial agents which act in real world environment.
They are made to free human power from doing repetitive functions.
Domains of AI – Robotics (cont..)
 A robot contains some level of computer program that determines
What, When and How a robot execute something.

Robots working as mechanics to build cars.
Domains of AI – Expert Systems
5. Expert System:

The expert systems are the computer applications developed to

solve complex problems in a particular domain, at the level of extra-
ordinary human intelligence and expertise.
“Tutorial’s point”
Domains of AI – Expert Systems (cont..)
 Eliza
Key points:
1. Emulate decision of an expert
2. A set of facts
3. A set of rules
4. Need to handle special cases
5. Deterministic in nature
6. Quicker but can become bulky
Domains of AI – Fuzzy logic
6. Fuzzy Logic :
Fuzzy Logic (FL) is a method of reasoning that resembles human
reasoning. The approach of FL imitates the way of decision making in
humans that involves all intermediate possibilities between digital
values YES and NO.
“Tutorial’s point”
Domains of AI – Fuzzy logic (cont..)
 Automatic Brake system
Domains of AI – Fuzzy logic (cont..)

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