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Dr. Shanthi Venkatesh

At the end of the discussion you should be able to:

Learning 1. Explain why proper problem definition is

important in research
Objectives 2. Identify the components of a properly
defined research problem
3. Develop a Research Question / Problem
A problem well defined is half solved

“The formulation of the problem is

often more essential than its solution.”
IMPORTAN (Albert Einstein)
CE OF How the problem is framed determines
PROBLEM what solution is obtained
N The research problem drives
subsequent stages of the research
Proper problem definition ensures that
the research results will meet decision
maker’s objectives
Defining A research problem can be defined as a
gap or uncertainty in the decision makers’

the existing body of knowledge which

hinders efficient decision making. The
gap could be academic & theoretical
research (basic) or real time and action oriented
Problem identification
process Management Decision Problem

Discussions Review of Organization Qualitative

with subject existing Analysis analysis
experts literature

Management Research Problem / Question

Research framework / Analytical model

Statement of Research Objectives

Formulation of Research Hypothesis

Management decision problem: the
issue/decision that needs to be resolved
through research

Discussion with experts: to get the

right perspective on the issue,
Problem discussion/dialogue is held with
subject/industry expert.
Review of literature: the most valuable
process source of framing the research question
is to review the past work done on
related topic(s).
Qualitative surveys: primary
exploratory loosely structured surveys
to attain the environmental context.
Elements of a research
■ Unit of analysis

■ Variables

■ Research Question(s)
Determine Unit of Analysis

■ Unit of Analysis – The target population from

whom data needs to be collected to serve the
research objectives
■ These could be:
– Individuals (maybe even further classified by
demographics, geographic location, etc)
– Households
– Organizational customers (e.g. retailers, wholesalers)
– Competitors
– Others
■ Sometimes a single research problem may require
investigation at one or more levels of analysis
Determine Relevant Variables

■ Variable - Anything that may assume different values

among members of the target population, e.g. age,
level of satisfaction, etc

■ Variable classifications have implications for

■ Classification:
– Dependent Variable
■ Examples: Customer satisfaction, Consumer perceptions, consumer
expectations, consumer preferences, brand awareness, brand loyalty etc
Independent Variable
■ Examples: Age, Income, qualification, occupation, economic status, purchase
experience, influencers etc
State Research Questions

■ Research questions could be in the form of a question or a statement

■ Research Questions
– Questions for which the research is designed to provide answers
– The researcher’s translation of the managerial problem into a
specific inquiry
– Provides direction to the entire activity.

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