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3.1. Introduction
This chapter is exclusively on the various media of
Verbal communication (oral and written) and non-
verbal communication will be discussed here.
Role of visual and audio-visual communication in
administration has also been considered.
3.2 Medium of Transmission
Medium of transmission is a means of carrying an
encoded/programmed message from a source or a sender
to a receiver.
In order to reach the right receiver with the intended
message, the sender has to select the appropriate medium.
Oral/spoken and written communications together have
been called as verbal communication by some scholars.
Stanley E Jones and Curtis D Lebanon mentioned that
‘During everyday communication, especially face-to-face
interaction, vocal and visible/observable behaviors are
typically coordinated in ways that provide for their
mutual performance.

When people talk, they also locate their bodies, assume

various postures, direct their eyes, and maybe move
their hands, altogether behaving in ways that constitute
an interactive/communicating event’.
Medium of Communication classified as follows:

3.2.1 Verbal communication(Speech)

Verbal communication is the written or oral use of words to


In addition to writing letters, sending circulars, issuing

memorandums/memos and signing agreements, many
administrators hold meetings, discuss on telephone and give

The choice between oral and written communication channels

 Background of the audience/listeners’ such as education, sex, age,
experience, etc.
 Availability and cost of the channel
 Nature of the message such as confidentiality, length, etc.

Verbal communication is two types.

1. Oral communication and

2. Written communication

1. Oral Communication
Oral communication involves the use of words, but non-paper. It is
exchanging of messages that are spoken.
It occurs in situations like face-to-face discussions, telephone calls,
speeches, video conferencing, meetings, conferences,group
discussions, interviews, presentations,..etc
What are the advantages of oral communication?

2. Written Communication
Written communication is the other side of the coin in verbal
communication. It goes hand in hand with oral communication.
One cannot be whole without the other.
Written communication enriches a speech by using different words
and phrases.
Written communication covers letters, electronic mail,
memorandums, announcements/bulletins, notices,
websites, reports, government orders, budget documents
and policy documents.
In many cases, substantial time and effort are spent in
preparing written communication.
What are the advantages of written communication over
oral communication?
3.2.2. Non- Verbal Communication
“Actions speak louder than words”

Non-verbal Communication: is the process of

communication without words.
On few cases, communication takes place even without
exchange of words, oral or written.
People use non-verbal signals or facial expressions and
gestures/signs, touch, eye contacts and body language to
support and clarify verbal communication/communicate.
Many times, face-to-face communication is accompanied
by facial expressions and gestures. They help to make the
communication very effective.
Facial expressions and eye contact, other body movements
and gestures, clothing and personal appearance, distance
and personal space, physical environment and time are
some of the non-verbal communication methods used in
various organizations.
It has been suggested that knowledge of non-verbal
communication can be an extremely useful tool in
However, it has to be used carefully since serious
misunderstandings are possible in case of wrong use.
Hence it has been advised that one has to be careful
in the interpretations of others’ non-verbal behaviors.
Emotions/feelings are generally expressed through nonverbal

Surprise, nervousness, anger/irritation/frustration, fear,

disgust, determination/devotion, horror/shock, sympathy (a
feeling of sorrow for the misfortunes/bud lucks of others),
pity/shame, resentment/bitterness and happiness/pleasure
can be expressed through the body language.

Sometimes, in public meetings or in the classes, if somebody

raises his/her hand it shows that he/she is to express his/her
Face is the most expressive part of the body and one of
the most important focal points for non-verbal
It is claimed that human face is capable of over
250,000 different expressions and that the face is
responsible for most of the meanings in nonverbal
Surprise is communicated by a face with widened eyes,
head tilted up, raised brow and open mouth.
Eye contact and gaze are also important methods of
non-verbal communication.
In some cultures, a person with too little eye contact is
considered to be insincere, or disinterested, lack
confidence or trying to avoid contact or lying.
Eyes are also used to express emotions.
People use eyes and eyebrows to display some common emotions.

Feelings about others are also communicated by eye contacts.

If you perceive a person as being of significantly lower status than you are, the
tendency will be for you to maintain considerable eye contact.

Communicators might tend to look much less at high-status people.

It is said that during public speaking or interview situations, speakers and

interviewees should maintain eye contact 50 to 70 percent of the time.

The important point is that people give considerable weight to eye behavior
and eye contact, as they believe that the eyes are indeed the ‘windows of the

Eye contact is a useful tool in situations like classrooms, seminars, meetings

Consider this situation:-

A speaker stands facing the left side of the audience with

his / her back slightly toward the right side of the group.

He / she will usually get comments / response only from

those on the left.

If the speaker turns and faces those on the right side of
the room, those who have eye contacts with the speaker
will begin to respond.
Body movements and gestures may be given specific meaning
by others regardless of your intentions.

Poor posture during an interview might be interpreted as

disrespect, lack of enthusiasm or an indication of poor work

In some situations leaning forward indicates a positive feeling or

respect toward others, and leaning backward a negative feeling.

Even weak or overly strong handshakes will be given some

significance by many people.
One can improve the communication with others by monitoring
the conscious and unconscious body movements and gestures.

Asking colleagues, friends and family members for feedback

and a review of a videotape yourself which was taped during a
meeting, interview or oral presentation would be helpful to
improve one’s non- verbal communication.

Silence is also a good way of communicating. Disapproval,

anger, resentment, lack of interest, acceptance, respect and
fear can be expressed through silence.
Silence can be effectively used while speaking. A slight/minor
pause/silence before or after making an important point during a
speech will make it effective.

This pause before an important point creates suspense and raises

a sense of anticipation. Hence the audience listens to the next
point more attentively.

A slight pause after making an important point indicates that

something very important has been said.

The speaker may desire the audience to assimilate it and realize its
significance before passing on to the next point.
Clothing and personal appearance also communicate non-verbal
Your clothing and appearance help others to determine your status,
creditability and persuasiveness/influence.
There are dress codes for businesses and professions.
You may recollect that the personnel at different petrol pumps in Addis
Ababa use uniforms. Their uniforms display the company logo and
other similar things.
In some places of Addis Ababa, one can see the employees of the city
administration collecting the parking fees.
They are also wearing uniforms during the working hours. It is reported
that there are 'image consultants' who help many companies to select
the most appropriate clothing or uniform for their employees.
One may recollect that in public sector, armed forces and police
personnel are wearing uniforms in almost all the countries. They are
used to denote the rank of the officials also.
Physical environment also plays a role in non-verbal
communication. Some rooms have been termed as
'attractive' a few others as 'ugly'.

Many researchers have found out the effects of rooms on

the performance of various tasks.

When working in attractive rooms the employees

experience the feelings of pleasure, comfort, enjoyment,
energy and desire to continue the activities they are
People working in rooms termed ugly had experienced fatigue,
headache, discontent/dissatisfaction, sleep, irritability and

Color of the walls in a room, size of a room and odor prevailing

therein can also affect the communication in different ways.

Time is another nonverbal communication factor in an

organization. Consider the following situations:-

 There is an appointment for you at 10.00 AM in one office.

 If you reach late by 15 minutes, what message would be

In case you arrive at the right time but were asked to
wait for 30 minutes in that office before the actual
meeting, what message you might get about that
particular office?

Anyone who is consistent in maintaining the timings is

always regarded very highly.

On the other hand, anyone who is consistently late for

appointments or in completing the work assignments is
3.2.3. Visual/Graphic and Audio-Visual/Non-graphic

Printed pictures, posters, slides, films, documentaries and

videos fall under visual and audio-visual communication.

It can be used to transmit elementary and simple ideas,

orders, information and warnings.

In many parts of the city we see no parking signs. In

addition to boards written in the appropriate language,
signs are also displayed.
In petrol pumps one would have seen many signs indicating
‘a no-smoking area, put off your engines and cell phones’.

They are more effective in pictures than other media of


Presentations made using overhead projectors and LCD

projectors contain substantial amount of visual
communication methods.

Different types of charts such as pie charts, bars and

In many of the training programs and board meetings audio-
visual communication is effectively used.
In developing countries like Ethiopia where there are large
number of illiterate people, there is a need to use audio-
visual communication methods to a large extent.
In mass publicity, propaganda and education, audio-visual
communication will be more relevant.
Governments throughout the world resort to the use of
electronic media such as radio and television for
communicating with the citizens living in far flung areas.
They are useful in situations like events of national
importance like elections, informing the citizens about the
new policies, dissemination of new agriculture practices and

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